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    A planet under siege! Separatist forces mercilessly batter the beautiful and elegant world of Christophsis. Unable to defend themselves any longer, the people of Christophsis call on the Jedi for assistance. Hoping to save lives and prevent further destruction, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Sheira plan a daring ambush which could turn the tide in the fight for this crucial star system.

    Christophsis, Outer Rim Territories – Twin Main Towers

    Inside one of the two tall towers of Christophsis, Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi was busy looking through the goggles outside; waiting for the Droid Army to approach as they had been informed.

    Without lowering his goggles, he activated the comlink on his sleeve. “Anakin how are you doing over there?” he asked his former apprentice, who had been assigned duty to the other tower.

    “We’re set. I’ve got some guys here that are anxious to get going”

    “Glad to hear it”

    Obi-wan kept looking outside when the elevator door opened. Into the room walked, Commander Cody, a Clone Trooper and his latest padawan; Sheira.

    The clone troopers stood in attention once they spotted her and Cody since both held the role of Commander while Anakin and Obi-wan held the role of General. Sheira barely paid them attention, knowing by now that Cody preferred to be the one to do it and she did not mind. After all, her focus was on her master and she wasted no time to approach him.

    “We’re back, master,” she said and took a place by his right side.

    They had been together for almost half a year and the amount of missions they covered was a number even Sheira had trouble remembering. When they did not run from one planet to the other to help with the raging war, Obi-wan spent his time learning more about her and training her. Unlike the other masters, he was far more patient and interested in her strengths which often contradicting the usual Jedi skills.

    Sheira had found to enjoy his presence, his wisdom but also his sarcastic replies and odd humour. Thanks to him, she also came to meet Anakin and the two of them clicked rather fast; much to Obi-wan’s dismay. Now, the Miraluka had found a place she felt she belonged and under the proper guidance and encouragement of both Obi-wan and Anakin; she had started to grow and mature.

    Of course, being trapped in an endless war where the casualties were high also played a role in her slightly more serious attitude. Unfortunately for the world around her, that attitude was not always present. Especially when certain Jedi were around her.

    “Good. The show is about to begin” he told her.

    “How’s that cannon coming, boys?” Commander Cody asked and looked at some clones that were working on the said weapon.

    “We’ll have this one back in business in no time, sir,” a clone Trooper said as his fellow brothers were repairing it.

    Suddenly, Sheira frowned her eyebrows and took a step closer to the huge glass windows in front of them. “What is it Sheira?” Obi-wan asked, having lowered his goggles to look at her.

    He had come to learn of the unique eyesight and skills his latest padawan possessed, rather quickly. Even quicker he learnt to trust and pay attention, for it had saved their lives on multiple occasions. While droids were not living things, they could still be detected somehow through her special vision. Especially the high number they usually were, which was hard to miss even for someone like her.

    “The droids are advancing” she informed.

    A clone, named Chopper, grabbed his goggles and looked outside. “I’m seeing a full battalion comingright on schedule. Tanks! They brought tanks…A little closer. They’re splitting up”

    “What?” Sheira and Cody asked at the same time, for it made no sense for the army to just split up.

    “Something’s gone wrong. Prepare all troops for”

    Obi-wan never managed to finish his sentence when the sound of the elevator doors opening was heard. Everyone turned towards it, only to see droids just entering the room with their blasters ready.

    In mere seconds, they were under attack.

    “Abort the mission!” Sheira ordered as the soldiers grabbed their blasters and started to fire back.

    At the same time, she and Obi-Wan grabbed their lightsabers, the blue blades smoothly deflecting the blasters back at them. They covered their troops as they regained their stance to shoot back and slowly walked back.

    The Jedi used the force to push 4 droids behind, making them fall on the rest of their group while his Padawan blocked a shot which was aimed at him.

    Some of the clones made their way to the other exit but were forced to take cover as more droids advanced towards them.

    “Our position’s been compromised” Chopper informed.

    “Sheira, go help them” Obi-wan ordered and she gave a nod before making her way towards Chopper and the rest of the clones.

    She used her lightsaber to deflect the shots while also trying to return some at the droids. However, they simply kept coming in high numbers and she knew that they didn’t have much of a time.

    “Obi-Wan, what’s going on?” Anakin asked via the comlink, as he realised that his former master was quiet for far too long.

    “We’re cut off. The droids are onto us” Obi-wan informed while deflecting bolt after bolt.

    Sheira left silent curses as the clones were taken down. Only two managed to hold and along with her were forced to fall back. The wave of droids kept coming but to their rescue came Anakin and his troop.

    Smashing through the window, they came behind the wave of droids and they started to take them out. Since the droids were busy at one target, they didn’t have time to defend themselves and were quickly silenced by Anakin’s lightsaber.

    “This way is clear,” he said as he took another droid.

    Sheira smiled as her Master deflected another blast and looked at Anakin. “How did you get over here?”

    Anakin offered his signature smirk, one both Master and Padawan knew too well. “I improvised,” he said and joined the duo in deflecting the shots of droids.

    Sheira extended her left hand and lifted the heavy cannon before tossing it to some droids. Then, along with the two Jedi, they defended the clones while making their way to the elevator.

    Once safe, she let out a sigh of relief.

    “That was a close one,” she said as they headed up.

    “Do not drop your guard so fast Sheira. We still have to get away from here” her master reminded her, and she gave a nod.

    The elevator doors opened, and they quickly walked on the roof. Being high would make it easier for their ship to pick them up but that also made them an easy target. For that, they had to move fast and they did, with their troops spreading around them in a protective circle formation.

    “Now what?” Anakin asked and Sheira turned her attention to the other elevator.

    Before anyone could question her sudden shift of focus, she spoke up. “We have company,” she said as the doors opened, and more droids just marched out.

    The three of them quickly rushed forward, deflecting their blasts before slicing them down with their lightsabers. The other elevator arrived, and more droids walked out.

    Our heroes and the clones were now trapped as they did their best to defend and keep everyone safe.

    Sheira rushed and jumped into the air before pushing some of the droids back into the elevator.

    Then, she landed and closed the door with the help of the force before damaging the controls with her lightsaber.

    “Sheira watch out!” Obi-wan said as he used the force to push two droids off the rooftop, saving her life.

    “Thank you, Master,” she said as she joined them in taking down the droids.

    Thankfully, their pickup arrived, and everyone slowly retreated towards the ship. Rex stayed behind, taking the head of a tactical droid while Sheira covered him from the blasters. She jumped into the ship last and the doors closed while they took off.

    “Maybe this tactical droid will tell us how they knew our plan” Captain Rex said as he held the head.

    “It’s better. This was not the first time and it gets tiring” the Miraluka commented.

    “Patience young one. This is war after all” Obi-wan said and she held back a remark for being called young.

    She was a year older than Anakin but still a Padawan because she failed two of the trials. Too inexperienced and cocky they had told her. That was when she changed master, being given to Obi-Wan to learn.

    And that because her master had died while she was taking her trials. So far, she still had lots to learn from the wise Jedi but unlike her previous master; she respected him. There was always something about him, something calming but strong.

    She had seen it via her forced sight. He was different from most Masters which is maybe why he was named her Master.

    Christophsis, Outer Rim Territories – Temporary Clone Troop Base of the Republic

    Back at the base, in the control room, Captain Rex connected the head of the Tactical droid to the station. The circuits came to life and a hologram of the towers appeared. Everyone gathered around it, with Sheira being the last to do so. Due to her unique sight, she could not see holograms but that did not mean she could not hear what others were saying and try to imagine it all in her head.

    It was not always easy and it had taken a while to master but after she did, she could participate more actively in the discussion.

    The hologram was quiet, showing only the twin towers the heroes were previously in but then… a voice was heard, of someone passing information to the enemy, “The Republic army is in the north and south towers: level 46.”

    “It just doesn’t make sense,” the Captain said and suddenly the droid’s head started to malfunction before dying. “Blast!”

    Sheira folded her hands in front of her chest. “That would explain the ambush” she commented, for it all made sense.

    They had planned it well and they shouldn’t have ended up in the position they were before, losing so many troopers and having to abandon the towers.

    Anakin seemed to get agitated by the fact that their information was hacked so easily. “How could we have left ourselves so vulnerable to a security breach?”

    Yet, it was his former master that seemed to have a different view of things. “I don’t think we did,” Obi-wan argued.
    “You think someone…infiltrated our defences?”

    “Possibly. It’d have to be someone cunning and resourceful enough to gain access to all our plans”

    Shiera focused on her master and what he was saying. “But that still wouldn’t explain how they got our intel”

    Obi-wan nodded his head in agreement.”You are right Sheira. They wouldn’t act alone. They’d have someone working with them”

    “A spy, sir? But who would want to betray our troops to the Seppies?” Cody asked, realizing where this discussion was leading.

    “Excellent question, Commander. Perhaps it’s time we visited enemy lines. I think we’ll find our answers there”

    “We’ll get right on it,” Rex said.

    “No, Captain. I need you here to find the security breach”

    “You can count on us, sir”

    “One more thing: this mission is extremely confidential. The spy could be anyone. Let no one know of our mission” the wise Jedi said and his padawan ‘looked at him’ with a raised eyebrow.

    She knew that her Master had formed a plan and was already putting it into motion. She suspected what it must have been, but she knew it was not safe to question that until they were out of reach.

    “Understood, sir”

    The trio nodded their heads and made their way to the elevator.

    Christophsis, Outer Rim Territories – Separatist Base

    It did not take long for our heroes to reach the base of the enemy and they had not bumped on any trouble on their way there. Stopping their speeders, Anakin climbed down first and looked around.

    Sheira and Obi-wan shared one, due to the Miraluka’s challenge to drive but none minded for they knew she had different strengths than others. Once they were also down, they joined Anakin and all three took notice of something.

    There was no one there.

    No droids, guards, guns….absolutely nothing. It made one wonder if anyone expected them inside or somehow the enemy base had been deserted. If it was the second option, then the mole idea was becoming more and more certain in their minds.
    “No guards, no barricades, you’d think the Separatist headquarters would be better protected,” Anakin said as they all started to climb the stairs to the main entrance.

    “But clearly, keeping us out is not what they intend” Obi-wan corrected him.

    Suddenly, Sheira came to a stop and that drew the attention of her male companions. She parted her lips faintly and looked ahead, while the hair at the back of her neck stood on end.

    “What is it?” Anakin asked.

    She suppressed a shiver and focused on the present. “There is someone in there… someone dark…and unfortunately, familiar”

    She had encountered Jedi and individuals who had succumbed to the dark side, it didn’t mean that the coldness they emitted was getting any tolerable.

    Obi-Wan and Anakin exchanged a look, wondering who this familiar dark person could be. They had met a few so far and despite the list being small, they were still curious.

    Yet, that did not mean the bearded Jedi would not smirk and choose to throw a joke. “Well then. Shall we go and greet them?”

    Anakin seemed to share his excitement and the mood. “More like they expect to greet us” he corrected, earning an eye-roll from his former master.

    Inside the area was half destroyed and like outside, there was no one there. The presence of the individual became stronger for Sheira once they exited the elevator and were in the main room. It was empty, with fallen chairs, tables and debris everywhere. The place was deserted, destroyed and abandoned for quite a while by the looks of it.

    Anakin and Obi-wan were walking by each side of her, the two men looking around since they could see more details of the dark and destroyed main room.

    “So this is the belly of the beast,” Anakin commented.

    Sheira was about to agree with him when she halted. She looked up towards the grand staircase that was leading to the upper floors and grabbed her lightsaber from her waist, catching off guard her companions. The darkness from before was now stronger and at last, she could see their force signature. A bleeding red with faint traces of lighter red at the edges.

    There was only one individual with that specific aura and she knew immediately who it was.

    “Ventress,” Sheira commented and if she had eyes, she would be glaring at the dark padawan.

    Ventress smiled behind her hood and then chose to lower it, her eyes falling on all three of her guests.

    With slow and confident steps, she started to walk their way; unaffected that she was facing two Jedi and a rather skilled padawan.

    “And here I thought this mission would be unpleasant,” Obi-wan commented.

    “The pleasure’s all mine, my dear Obi-Wan. I’ve missed you” the dark force wielder said with some huskiness and a flirty tone as if those two had some romantic past that ended suddenly. Then Ventress turned her attention to Sheira, who was by her master’s side between the duo. “Pest” she spat.

    The nickname was not a new one for the Miraluka, but rather something she heard often from the dark padawan they were facing. Ventress loved to flirt with Obi-wan and throw her comments, despite knowing the Jedi would never fall for them. However, after Sheira joined the game Obi-Wan’s attention but also focused on her; someone did not take it that well.

    “Aww… still angry at me for stealing the attention of your man?” Sheira joked, her famous smirk on her rosy lips.

    “Please, we both know that he sees nothing in you,” Ventress commented, making the padawan drop the smirk she once had. While she knew those words were meant to annoy her, they still did sting when Sheira considered the rough past she had with her previous masters. “My loyal informant let me know you were coming” she added and drew her two lightsabers, their red blades illuminating partially the room.

    “Well, then, we thank you for your hospitality” Obi-wan replied as they did the same.

    “It is so warm, just like the whole you” Sheira added, earning another glare.

    This was the usual confrontation between the two women and most of the enemies they encountered.

    Even though Sheira had learnt to hold her tongue in most cases, this situation required it.

    The ‘flirting’ Ventress was trying was always too amusing to her. Not to mention that she didn’t like how she eyed her master. Without wanting, she was always overprotective of him whenever she was close; even though she knew better than anyone how capable he was.

    At last, the blades were drawn. Their three blue against her two red quickly clashed in a dangerous dance. Anakin and Sheira were mostly on the offensive, pushing back the enemy while Obi-wan tried to attack her open side.

    The woman though was well trained and quickly evaded or blocked each attack. However, the three of them together were no match for her and forced her to play dirty. She used the force to move a giant armchair towards Sheira but Obi-Wan came in between and slashed the furniture in half.

    She gave a faint nod and quickly joined back in their coordinated attack. Soon, they pushed her further up the stairs and she immediately retreated. The trio went after her, letting her lead them into some sort of office.

    It was also upside down and half-destroyed but the books on the wall seemed intact and so was the bookcase.

    peaking of the books, Ventress summoned some with the force and then sent them flying towards them. Obi-wan stopped them mid-force and then Sheira sent them back, showing the rather good and silent coordination the two of them seemed to have.

    It was not uncommon for Sheira and Obi-wan to fight and cover one another without exchanging a single word.

    omehow, the two complimented each other with their fighting styles or knew what they had to do, even if one thought of the plan at the last second. It was a rather unique sight and proof of how quickly those two had bonded, some might say in more ways than others.

    Ventress snarled faintly but did her best to block the incoming books. The two padawans were now forcing one another, trying to overpower the other via the force. While Ventress was taught in the ways of the dark side, Sheira seemed to match her when it came to the force.

    Seeing that this would take too long, Anakin chose to join and end this. With his interference, Sheira managed to overpower their enemy and force her to lift her hands and merely protect her face from the books heading her way.

    Once that was done, the enemy jumped back to put some distance between them while she was rounded by fallen books. To the surprise of her opponents, Ventress sat on the ground and waited; as if she had given up on the fight already, which was unlike her.

    This made Sheira lift an eyebrow but she did not deactivate her blade, knowing too well that Ventress and any dark side user was only playing dirty.

    “Give up, Ventress!” Obi-wan said.

    “I am all yours, Obi-Wan,” she said and the Miraluka would have rolled her eyes if she had any as approached her along with them.

    Suddenly, Ventress activated her blades and once their tips touched the ground; it collapsed. The trio fell on the lower floor, surrounded by debris and tiles.

    Sheira coughed from the dust. “Damn her”

    A hand was offered for her and she gladly accepted it, letting Anakin help her get up while Obi-wan was cleaning the dust from his robes. Once they were all standing, they deactivated their blades due to the narrow space they were in and looked up at their opponent.

    Ventress had also retracted her blades and was standing at the edge of the hole, looking down at them with personal satisfaction at the situation she put them through. “You’ve served your purpose”

    This made the three heroes understand what was going on and the fact that this was all a trap, to lure them away from the Clone Base.

    Anakin, especially, faintly panicked once he realised what was going on.

    “We have to get back. Now!” he said to his former master.

    “It’s already too late. So hard to know whom to trust these days, isn’t it? Ventress teased, enjoying seeing Anakin agitated even though it was a common thing.

    Obi-wan did not answer to Anakin and instead kept his azure eyes on the enemy. Sheira noticed and was about to ask what plan he had in mind when he chose to speak up.

    “Bringing us here was a mistake, my sweet. You’ve overestimated your abilities”

    And with those words, everyone in the room knew what would come next.

    Ventress wasted no time to run away, knowing they would be after her rather soon and it was wiser to change the playing field if she wanted to return unharmed.

    “Let’s do this” Sheira commented and the two men nodded their heads before all three of them jumped out of the hole.

    Wasting no time, they rushed after Ventress with their lightsabers in their hands but the blades were inactive. It was always wiser and easier to run when the kyber crystal was dormant, especially when you might need one or both hands to grab something at the last minute.

    Ventress headed straight for the window and using her lightsaber, she smashed it into pieces before jumping out to the balcony. At the same time, Sheira extended her dominant hand and started to levitate pieces of glass before sending them towards their enemy. However, the dark padawan dodged them, by jumping on the balcony railing.

    “Come and get me, boys! Pest!” and with those words, she jumped over but landed on the round antenna of a building a level below them.

    She stayed where she was and watched as our heroes stood close to the balcony edge, watching her.

    They were ready to jump and capture her when they heard the familiar sound of droid planes.

    Looking at the source of the sound, they all saw them approaching from the horizon; their guns aimed and ready to fire.

    None though were truly fazed by that, especially Obi-wan.

    “You didn’t tell us you were bringing friends” he commented, still in the mood for this talking game that existed between them.

    They had been in similar situations and one might say it was an everyday thing for them. This did not affect their concentration nor intimidate them, especially because their key enemy was just a floor below them.

    “Poor Obi-Wan. You’ve been betrayed. And now we’re about to take control of this world” Ventress commented, unaware that the trio had a plan.

    Barely exchanging a look, they all knew what they had to do.

    Anakin and Obi-wan moved first, landing next to the two legs of the Antenna that supported the structure. It took one swift move of their lightsabers to cut them and cause the structure to start falling backwards. At the same time, Sheira had jumped but headed straight for the enemy; who was taken off guard for a moment by the sneaky plan of the men.

    Forced to defend herself, Ventress brought both of her red blades and formed an ‘X’ just in time as Sheira’s blue blade stopped inches away from her face. The Miraluka kept pressing her, using both gravity and her momentum to put her opponent into a tough spot and she was successful. However, Ventress was not ready to give up and played dirty one last time.

    She used her anger and the force to even the playing field and then kicked Sheira in the stomach, sending her back.

    The attack made her lose her breath for a second but she managed to regain it just as she landed on one of the two destroyed legs of the antenna. It was the same Obi-Wan was on and due to the small space, she almost lost her alance but he wrapped one hand around her waist and stabilised her. She nodded her head in a thankful motion but said nothing else as they all focused on Ventress.

    Anakin was already after her, choosing to try and fight her despite free-falling from quite a distance.

    This was a good sign of his stubbornness and a sign that made Obi-Wan leave out a sigh.

    Before he was ready to help his former padawan, he took notice of two droids on levitating bikes.

    Sheira seemed to notice that as well and they wasted no time to highjack one. At the same time, Anakin took notice and managed to use it and save himself from the fall at the last moment. They glanced at Ventress behind them, seeing her unharmed but they knew they could not chase her now.

    It was vital to return to the base as soon as possible and Sheira prayed they would not be too late

    Christophsis, Outer Rim Territories – Clone Trooper Base of the Republic

    It did not take long for our heroes to arrive back at their base, not with the speed they were going. On their way there, Cody had called them via the comlink and they were informed that the spy was apprehended. That made the three heroes feel slightly relieved, knowing that the plan of the Separatists did not work out in the end.

    However, upon entering the commander centre of their base; they were surprised to find out that the spy was not some stranger….but one of them.

    “Slick? It was you?” Obi-wan asked, not believing it.

    “He gave us a bit of a chase, sir. You couldn’t be a greater disappointment” Rex informed them.

    Anakin took a few angry steps towards the clone. “How could you do this to your brothers?”

    “Only a Jedi would ask that.” Slim spat back, being held by handcuffs and two clones. He glared at the trio. “It’s the Jedi who keep my brothers enslaved. We do your bidding. We serve at your whim. I just wanted something more”

    “And all you had to do to get it was put the rest of us all at risk,” Rex told him.

    “I love my brothers. You’re too blind to see it, but I was striking the blow for all clones” Sheira had remained quiet, equally surprised by the news and hearing Slick talking that way. A part of her, deep down, agreed with him because that was what the clones were…a genetically bred army of the same man, raised and trained to fight and die for the republic. However, despite what they were made to do; that did not mean they were treated that way.

    Many Jedi treated the clones with respect and not as replaceable spare parts as many would think.

    Clones got their respect, they were fed and generally were looked after in this way.

    So when Slick talked that selfishly, she could not help but give him a piece of her own mind. “If you loved your brothers, you wouldn’t have put them at risk. You betrayed every one of them,” she spat, folding her hands in front of her chest.

    Whether she was about to strike him down or not, no one knew but Obi-Wan did take a step closer to her just in case.

    espite the progress Sheira had made, she did have quite the temper on certain occasions and that extended, nfortunately, beyond her quick mouth.

    “Take him to lockup” Commander Cody ordered after he realised no more words would be exchanged.

    There was no need, for everyone had heard and said enough. The matter was over and now they had to focus on their next battle, for they would not leave this planet unless they had defeated the Separatists.


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