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    For the next couple of weeks, I have been trying to talk to Harrison so that I could apologize to him but he has been avoiding me.

    I do feel bad telling him about the Luna thing but I don’t regret standing up for myself and telling him off.

    Today, both Rachael and Fred, along with several other pack members took the students to a place where Harrison and his pack normally do their training while I chose to stay behind and make some dinner before they returned.

    After finishing cutting up some steak for the fajitas I was gonna make tonight, I placed them in the large cast iron skillet while I began cooking the Spanish rice and sauteed vegetables to put in them as well.  While stirring everything and making some salad to go along with it, I start dancing and singing after turning up a song by Luke Bryan that was playing on the radio as I continue to cook.

    I stopped in my tracks however, after seeing Harrison standing there in the kitchen, looking at me with a cocked eyebrow in amusement.

    I turned down the music and went back to stirring the rice and chopping up some vegetables trying to hide the little embarrassment I felt.

    “I didn’t know anyone else was here.” I say.

    “It’s cool.” He replies casually as he grabs a water from the fridge and starts taking a drink from it.

    We then share a moment of silence.

    “Talk to him, please.” My wolf begs me.

    “Not now.” I whisper yell back at her.

    “What are you making?” He asks.

    “Uh, steak fajitas with some sauteed vegetables, salad and some Spanish rice.” I tell him.

    “Hmm.” He says.

    I decide to ignore him and just hurry to finish up with the cooking.

    “You know that you’re cutting those bell peppers up too thick, right?” He critiques.

    I was about to say something along the lines of how ‘I know what I’m doing’ kind of a thing when instead, I decided to have some fun with him.

    “I suppose you think you can do better?” I challenged him with a smirk.

    Then I saw something I didn’t think existed in him, he smiled? Damn he has a great smile.

    “Yeah. Let me show you.” He says all cocky.

    I smile a little bit and go back to stirring the meat around while he washes his hands real quick and then takes the knife and begins cutting the peppers perfectly real fast like a professional chef.

    “What was that?” I asked him impressed.

    “What?” He replies while acting innocent and eating a pepper slice.

    “Cutting?!” He sarcastically remarks.

    “Nooo…” I say in a mocking tone.

    I hear him chuckle a little bit before tossing the peppers in with the steak.

    “Would you like me to show you how to cook that properly?” He asks me.

    “Screw you, I know how to cook.” I replied while playfully elbowing him on his arm.

    “We shall see about that.” He smirks.

    “Well in case you do decide you need help, let me know. I’ll be in my office.” He winks and then walks out of the kitchen.

    I’m not sure if I just dreamed what happened or not. I hope not cause if he’s still in the same mood later on, I wanna talk to him.

    After dinner was over and I finished with the dishes, everyone was off doing their own thing like they usually do while I decided that maybe right now would be a good time to talk with him. However, I heard the front door open up and in walked some girl who looked like she was a model for pin ups. She had long black hair that went to  the middle of her back, with Bettie Paige bangs, tats all over body, stiletto heels, red lips and black eyeliner and a tight dress on.

    While walking inside like she lived here, I noticed some of the teen boys that were in the living room look up at her and start drooling while checking her out. (Teenage boys, I swear). I thought to myself while walking out of the kitchen up to her.

    “May I help you?” I asked.

    She whipped her head over towards me and scowled.

    “I’m looking for the Alpha.” She says rudely.

    “I think he’s in his office. And you are?” I asked.

    Before she could answer, I hear Harrison’s voice coming from behind me.

    “What the hell are YOU doing here?!” He asks the girl.

    “Now is that any way to talk to your mate?” She asks.

    “You’re not my mate!” He exclaims.

    “But don’t you remember what my parents said….” She started.

    Then I start to feel him put his arm around my waist and pull me close to him.

    “You’re parents are low-life’s who raised their greedy daughter to be just like them. Besides, I already have found my mate.” He tells her.

    She looks me up and down in disbelief.

    “You can’t be serious. She’s not even pretty.” She insults me.

    “You’re right, she isn’t pretty…She’s beautiful and sexy as hell. She is way more of a Luna than you ever will be.” He smirks at her while she just sends him daggers through her eyes at him.

    “I bet you she can’t please you like me.” She tries saying seductively while trying to catwalk towards him but he just tightens his grip on me more.

    “She does actually. More than you ever had. Now get the hell out of here and never return before I have my sister kick you out.” He threatens her.

    I want to laugh at what’s going on but I’m too caught up in the fact that he has his arm around my waist pulled close to him. It feels good. My wolf definitely feels happy right now.

    Right after Harrison mentioned his sister, it seemed that scared the girl off as she quickly turned around and stomped out the door like a kid throwing a tantrum. Harrison and I both look at each other for a moment and right as it looks like we’re about to kiss, we hear Rachael and Fred come running in from outside….Perfect timing. (Note the sarcasm).


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