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    Sunlight streamed through the Venetian blinds, casting golden rays across Imogen’s peaceful face to announce the beginning of a new day. To anyone nosy enough to peek into Jason Walter’s luxury suite, the tanned bodies intertwined in the Queen-sized bed would appear to belong to a sleeping couple.

    Jason and Imogen weren’t a couple, and they weren’t sleeping, either—although neither of them wanted to accept that morning had finally arrived. They’d been awake since before dawn, spending hours exploring each other’s bodies over and over again in an attempt to preserve the memory of their explosive summer and make the most of their remaining time in bed together.

    “I should get up and shower.”

    Jason spoke the words without any real conviction, his soft voice conveying reluctance as his fingers continued to trace patterns across Imogen’s shoulders.

    “Just stay another week…” she said, her request muffled by the pillow in which she’d buried her face.

    “I wish I could. I’ve already stayed longer than planned.”

    Imogen rolled onto her back and gazed up at the tanned face of the man who’d taken control of her heart—and her body—over the summer. His hair was unruly from where she’d dragged her hands through it half an hour earlier, but his eyes remained tender.

    “I know,” she said with a sigh. “I’m still amazed your awful boss let you do that.”

    “Miracles happen.” Jason planted a soft kiss on her forehead and brushed strands of blonde hair away from her eyes.

    As he retracted his hand, the reddened scar on his inner wrist caught Imogen’s eye, and she threaded her fingers through his.

    “How’s your wrist feeling this morning?”

    “Barely hurts. I think I’ll survive. No lawsuit coming your way.”

    Imogen grinned, squeezing his hand. “At least my hair looked good last night.”

    “Yeah, I might have a burn that leaves a permanent scar, but at least your hair looked good.”

    “If it makes you feel better, I’ve burnt myself on those curling irons hundreds of times.”

    “Maybe next time you’re getting ready in my bathroom, you can give me a heads up that they’re still hot so I can avoid accidentally knocking them.”

    Although she laughed, a knot twisted in Imogen’s stomach. Jason had made several references to seeing her again back in London, but she couldn’t help wondering whether he’d follow through with it once they’d both left this magical Greek bubble.

    “Listen, I’ve been thinking…” Imogen began, her voice betraying the trepidation she felt about broaching the topic of the future. “If this was just a summer thing from your perspective, then you can tell me. I’d rather know now than go back to England and think we’ll be carrying on with whatever we’re doing. I can handle it.”

    “We’ve had this conversation. I’ve already told you that this is more than a summer thing to me.” Jason’s brow wrinkled as he trailed his fingers along her jaw. “I don’t want this to end here.”

    “Neither do I. But you’ve already said your boss is a nightmare and you rarely have a social life outside work. If you don’t have time for a social life, then would you realistically have time for me?”

    Jason searched her expression for anything that would give away how she truly felt. Although she seemed nervous bringing up the topic of life after the summer, she seemed to be telling the truth about handling a potential separation.

    Over the past few weeks, he’d seen many sides to Imogen Saunders: her passionate side, her risk-taking side, her sensitive side, and her playful side. He’d never seen her show any hint of vulnerability. Even now, nothing suggested she’d fall apart if he were to say they had no future together.

    “I’d make time for you,” he told her. “A social life is a nice to have thing. You’re something I need to have.”

    Imogen cocked an eyebrow at him and smiled. “You’re a real smooth-talker.”

    “You got a problem with that?”

    Her smile widened but a twinkle glinted through her eyes. “No, but I will track you down and give you hell if that turns out to be a lie.”

    “Doesn’t sound much like handling it to me.”

    “That’s because you’d have lied to me. If you’d have told me here, I’d have been fine. If you choose not to be honest here and then call things off back in the U.K. behind the safety net of a phone screen, then that’s a dick move which I won’t tolerate.”

    “Fuck. You’re starting to scare me a bit. Maybe I really should get out now while I still can…”

    Imogen grinned and slid her hands into Jason’s hair, pulling his face down until his teasing smile met her own. Despite the tender conversation, the kiss burned with fiery passion until they broke away to catch their breaths. Jason dragged his mouth along her jaw, and Imogen groaned in pleasure as he nipped at her earlobe, heat pooling between her legs even though her body begged for a rest.

    “I’m crazy about you, Midge. I can’t wait to take you out on a proper date.”

    Jason’s velvety tone did nothing to cool her down and she twisted her head to capture his lips again.

    Over the summer, he’d learnt exactly where she ached to be touched, kissed and teased. He could sense when she loved it rough and when she preferred it slow. Their tastes in the bedroom perfectly aligned, and their time together out of it was just as special. The thought of ever letting her go seemed insane.

    “Join me in the shower and let’s have another replay of that night a few weeks ago…”

    It was a command rather than a request, but Imogen couldn’t help playing hard to get, even though the idea of being fucked under a steamy torrent of luxury water turned her on.

    “I told you that’s for special occasions only…” she said.

    “This morning is a special occasion.”

    “I was thinking more like your birthday.”

    “And I’m thinking I need as many memories of you as possible to keep me going until our first date.”

    “Maybe I should save it for our first date, then.” She refused to give in. “Make sure you actually live up to your word and take me out.”

    “I can’t wait to prove your cynical side wrong and treat you to the date of your life. And then, that night, I’m going to whisper I told you so down your ear as I fuck you senseless on your sofa, in your bed, against your wall, under your shower… Until you beg me to stop and apologise for ever doubting me.”

    After being locked in a captivating trance for several seconds, her mind filled with fantasies of a future with Jason, Imogen leapt out of bed and strode towards the bathroom.

    “Get out of bed. Your flight is in a few hours and we don’t have time to lie around.”

    With a genuine smile, Jason swung his legs over the side of the mattress and let his body carry him towards the place where his mind always strayed: Imogen Saunders. 

    Thank you for reading 🙂 xx

    For anyone wondering, their summer in Greece took place from the beginning until the end of August. Then the Present Day chapters are from late September onwards. I hope you’re enjoying the story so far!


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