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    Heya, I’m back from Norway and ready to continue this story! Happy New Year Everyon!

        Vote and comment please, I would really really like some feedback.

        Tuesday seemed uneventful compared to Monday right until the very end but I liked it that way. Sarah picked me up and drove me to school in the morning, much to Jennifer’s chagrin but she couldn’t say anything about it.

        During third period I smiled at Alexander the moment I saw him and as he passed out sheets with information he brushed my hand. It took the edge of the burning need to go to him and kiss him senseless to hell with the fact that everyone could see us.

        Jennifer was extremely forward in her way of flirting this class, tugging her shirt lower and her skirt up to reveal more leg. I wondered if guy’s really thought that was attractive… To me it just seemed cheap.

        It was amusing to watch though, even if it was a little disgusting occasionally. But I knew Alexander wasn’t interested in her at all, after all, it was me he’d asked out on a date.

        I did not get a detention that day and I was almost sad about it… It meant I wouldn’t be spending an other hour with Alexander and that he wouldn’t be the one to take me home. On the other hand, Sarah invited herself over so today would still be fun.

        I was the last to leave when the final bell rang, being extremely slow about packing my bag so it wouldn’t seem suspicious to the other students.

        When I was finally done I looked up to see that Alexander was standing right in front of the door. He cast me one look, questioningly, with one of those eyebrows raised.

        I slowly made my way over to him and feeling brave I reached passed him and pulled the door shut.

        He was chuckling and I felt my face heating up but at least he took my bag from me, dropping it to the floor with a heavy thud. Then without saying a word he pulled me into his arms, tucking my head under his chin.

        I shivered, again experiencing that sensation of an elastic band that had been under constant strain finally relaxing. Melting into him I wrapped my arms around him tightly, ignoring the dirty thoughts that came unbidden.

        He was running gentle fingers up and down my back in patterns, his breath flitting down my heated cheeks to tickle the sensitive skin just underneath my ears. I wondered what it would feel like if he kissed me there.

        A groan escaped his lips and he muttered: ‘You’re going to be the death of me a ghrá mo chroí.’ I felt more then heard the sensual promise in his voice as he pressed me up against the door. I heard the key turn as he locked it.

        My heart thudding loudly in my chest and my skin on fire, all of it seeming to run in a direct line to the center of my body. One of his hands was on my hip, the lower half of his body pressing into me. The other hand slid up my arm, across the soft skin of my throat and then pulled my chin up so he could look me in the eye.

        His normally stormy eyes were so dark they were nearly black, the air around us practically shimmering with the repressed sexual tension. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against mine, he was breathing fast and I realized that I was too.

        My own hands were splayed out across his chest, only barely keeping my breasts from touching the hard planes of muscle. I sighed, my breath flitting across his lips and that’s exactly when I felt something snap inside of me.

        I wanted him, more then anything, and I just knew it was right. The rules were wrong, they couldn’t keep us apart. It didn’t matter, the connection between us was so clear that I could almost hear his thoughts.

        He was practically screaming in his mind: Mine! She’s mine! I love her! Kiss her! Kiss me Brit! The sentences all short and jumbled as if the circuits inside were overheated and he wasn’t thinking rational anymore.

        I didn’t care because I felt the same.

        I closed the distance between our lips. Electrics sparked and fire burned, I felt like floating as his lips molded against mine. He moaned as I reached a hand up to tug on his hair, pulling him closer, if that was even possible.

        I felt a very strong sense of satisfaction at being the one that had made HIM moan. Good, it was an amazing sound, it made things tighten low in my body.

        He was running one hand through my hair, the other one slid down to cup my bottom, lifting me effortlessly off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist, letting out my own moan at the feel of him hard and hot against me.

        I realized my fingers were trying to undo the buttons on his shirt and that’s when I stopped. Wow… I was trying to undress Alexander! I was trying to undress my teacher.

        His lips came away from mine but he didn’t seem to notice I wasn’t kissing him back anymore. He attached his mouth to my throat and as if he’d heard my earlier thought kissed right to that sensitive spot just below my ear.

        Another moan escaped my throat and my back arched as a hot wave of pleasure washed over me. Our lower regions connecting, creating a short moment of friction, it brought on another moan that I just couldn’t hold in.

        I felt heat rush to my cheeks, suddenly feeling embarrassed and that did stop him. He didn’t let go, didn’t even alter his position in the least, one warm hand possessive on my butt.

        The evidence of his obvious arousal pressed against the v between my legs, his forehead resting against mine. We were both panting.

        ‘A ghrá mo chroí? No, don’t be embarrassed!’ His voice was husky, filled with lust that was nowhere near satisfied but his eyes had turned to a lighter shade again.

        He pressed himself closer and that caused another wave of pleasure to shoot through my body. He was rubbing against me in such a way…

        I knew he’d seen it on my face because he did it a second time and then smirked in male satisfaction at the moan rolling off my lips. ‘I very much love that sound…’ he whispered hotly, pressing against me again just to hear me moan.

        ‘Alexander…’ his name fell from my lips and I was shocked to hear how unsteady my own voice sounded. I sounded like sex I thought and that made me blush again.

        ‘I love it when you say my name like that…’ Alexander said, again that male satisfaction filling his voice. He ran one hand up my side and then pulled away, allowing me to drop my unsteady legs to the floor.

        ‘Sarah is waiting,’ he said with a roll of his eyes, reaching behind me he unlocked the door. Freeing me to go home and leave him…

        I was still leaning against the door, not trusting myself to stand up fully after that onslaught on my senses. I was still reeling from his hot kiss and there was something hot pooled low in my body that craved release.

        I knew what kind and I shivered, dirty thoughts after a very dirty moment. Just looking at Alexander I could still see how aroused he was but he seemed collected as he stepped away from me to lean against his desk.

        Bloody man… I was going to be the death of him? How about the other way around! He was smirking as if he’d heard that and I surprised myself by half growling: ‘No reading my mind!’

        Amusement sparkled in his eyes and he nodded, ‘Fine, I wont do it again a ghrá mo chroí. But only if I get to kiss you like this more often, deal?’

        Was he mocking me now? Yet I nodded, ‘Deal…’ It felt like I’d just done something irreversible, there was no going back now. I had officially broken the rules now by making out with my teacher…

        I felt relieved somehow.

        ‘Brit, you should go now. Sarah is waiting and she’s starting to get impatient,’ Alexander said, his voice was still husky but it contained much of his amusement too.

        I frowned, ‘How do you know?’

        ‘I can read minds remember?’ he said, chuckling as if he’d said something very funny.

        ‘Are you making fun of me now?’ I couldn’t keep a little of the hurt out of my voice. How could he? After we just… Kissed. It was more then that, way more but I couldn’t quite make myself think about it.

        He smiled, ‘Of course not a ghrá mo chroí, I would never make fun of you. It was a joke.’ I felt a soft touch on my mind, a caress, it was filled with warmth and love and acceptance. I just couldn’t feel upset anymore.

        ‘Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow Alexander…’ I offered as I picked up my bag from the floor where he’d dropped it.

        Just before I opened the door and left I felt his body heat right behind me, a soft touch of his fingertips underneath my chin. He tilted my head up to meet his eyes, ‘Take care Brittany.’ He brushed his lips against mine softly, barely touching and then he stepped back again.

        As I walked through the empty hallways my hand strayed to my lips. They felt hot and a little bruised, it felt absolutely delicious.

        Sarah was indeed fidgeting impatiently as she stood, leaned against her own shiny silver car. ‘Finally! You took your own sweet time saying goodbye,’ but she sounded more amused now then angry at having to wait.

        I blushed at her and hurried to get into the car, hoping she wouldn’t notice.

        ‘So…’ Sarah chirped, ‘Are you two an item now?’

        I stared at my friend for a moment, then hurried to look at the window as we peeled away from the parking lot. I could just see Alexander leaving the building and walking to his own car, he was smiling and waved once in my direction.

        ‘Well are you?’ Sarah insisted when I didn’t reply.

        ‘I don’t know… We eh… We just kissed,’ I told her, blushing furiously I hid my face by looking out the window intently. Even though I could no longer see Alexander.

        ‘I find that hard to believe… You have a hickey on your neck Brittany. That doesn’t happen if you ‘just’ kiss,’ she was shaking with repressed laughter for some reason.

        Mortified I clasped my hand over the spot below my ear, that bastard! Why did he do that? How was I supposed to hide that from Jennifer and Stephanie?

        ‘He very much wants to make you his, my brother is very possessive when it comes to girlfriends…’ Sarah said as if reading my mind. Although it was probably clearly written on my face.

        ‘Girlfriend?’ I asked or more like squeaked. Was I his girlfriend now?

        ‘Yeah, he doesn’t date much you know… But when he does… He really cares about you honey,’ Sarah explained. ‘And don’t worry, I can cover up that mark no problem, no one at your home will notice.’ She winked at me.

        God that girl really could read minds or something, just like her brother… At least of the three of them Bob seemed somewhat normal.

        Sarah snorted inelegantly but said nothing…

        When we arrived at my house she pulled out a bag of make up from under the driver seat. Adeptly she dusted something on my neck with cool certain fingers. She clicked a few times with her tongue but pretty soon she said: ‘All done, no one will notice.’

        At least I didn’t have to wonder about why he seemed so bloody satisfied, he marked me for the whole world to see! At least it would fade in a few days, I’d just have to wear a high collar tomorrow.

        ‘Oh before we forget, I got your overnight bag with you. The one you forgot on Saturday,’ Sarah tugged it out from behind her seat and deposited it in my lap.

        ‘Great, my keys were in there,’ I thanked her as I led her to the front door. As I ushered her inside the big house I drew in a relieved breath when I noticed that again neither Stephanie or Jennifer were there.

        ‘Come on, let me introduce you to Andy!’

        The day seemed to fly by and surprisingly Andy seemed not the least bit shy around Sarah. Of course I understood that a little, Sarah had that way of making you feel comfortable. She always seemed to know exactly what to say to ease your mind.

        I kept thinking about Alexander, it was impossible not to really. The memory of his hands on my skin, or his lips… Every time I thought about that I would start tingling and I couldn’t refrain from reaching up to touch that hickey.

        It really was a good thing Sarah knew how to cover it up, if Stephanie or Jennifer found out they’d probably give me hell about it. I was just a little pissed at Alexander for doing that. I didn’t mind the mark, in fact I found it rather exciting that he’d wanted to mark me his apparently but… Did he have to do it in such a visible spot?

        I could already hear him argue that it wasn’t a proper mark if nobody could see it. After all, it was meant to show the world I was taken.

        Was I really taken though? Was I his girlfriend now? We hadn’t even gone out on a proper date… All this marking me his stuff was rather weird anyway, we were supposed to keep this secret, he would lose his job if the school knew we were dating.

        Sarah did a good job cheering Andy up even more, she invited him over to her house to come play with the video games Bob had. She assured us both that Bob would love to show them to him.

        I wasn’t too sure about that but hey… It was her neck not mine.

        Of course it meant Andy wanted to go over to the Clitton house first thing tomorrow which wasn’t possible. But Sarah promised him he was welcome anytime, she was even going to make a room for him so he could sleep over if he wanted.

        I thought that was a little too much but Sarah cast me a look that said: Don’t disagree with me, I’m saying this for a reason.

        I was dying to ask her what the hell she thought she was doing but didn’t get the chance till after dinner. Stephanie was surprisingly nice to Sarah, Jennifer wasn’t there though, she was out on another date.

        It was nearly ten PM and at long last we’d managed to get Andy to go to sleep. He was so hyper about making a friend, even though she was ten years older, that he didn’t want to go to sleep until she’d left.

        He refused even though we’d read him two bedtime stories together so at long last I offered to sing him a lullaby.

        He wanted Sarah to do that but she’d laughed saying: ‘Sorry kid, I can’t sing for the life of me… But I’m sure Brittany is really good, let’s both lie down and listen kay?’ And then Sarah had gracefully lain down beside my baby brother and pretended to fall asleep.

        Satisfied Andy had then curled up into my side, demanding I sing that lullaby. I didn’t know that many and I had to think deep and hard, surprisingly the song I sang for him was the same one Alexander had sang for me.

        I didn’t know I remembered it that well but as I started humming the melody the words found their way to my lips and soon I was singing. I knew that Sarah had twitched in surprise and then stared at me with open mouth but I’d chosen to ignore it.

        Andy was out like a light in one minute flat. That had to be a record.

        Back in my own room I beat Sarah to it by springing my own question on her before she could ask me about the lullaby. I knew it was a familiar song to her, after all, Alexander said their mother sung that for them when they were little.

        ‘Why the hell would you tell him you’re making a room for him? I seriously doubt Stephanie or my dad will let him sleep over! It’ll just disappoint him…’

        Sarah sighed and plopped down on my bed, looking around my room curiously and noting that despite the fact that I had unpacked everything, the room still looked bare.

        ‘I told him that because I want him to get used to the idea that there’s another house out there for him to call home. He’s always welcome and so are you,’ she said at long last.

        I stared at her for a moment, ‘I really appreciate that Mis but… ‘

        She interrupted me: ‘I know you want to get away from here Brittany. We just need to figure out how you can take Andy with you when you leave. There has to be a way to convince a judge that you should be his legal guardian, not that shitty step mom or your dad who’s never around.’

        ‘Sarah?’ I said, feeling moved, ‘Are you saying that if we find a way…’ I couldn’t utter the words, my throat closing up, did she really just say that me and Hay were welcome to live with them? At the Clitton house?

        ‘I talked about it with Alexander Brittany… It was sort of his idea actually. The house is big enough, even with Dannis moving in and you’d hardly cost a thing any way. It’s just the legal aspect, he’s looking into it with Dannis as we speak probably.’

        Suddenly I was bawling my eyes out, glad that Sarah didn’t hesitate to pull me into a tight embrace. ‘That’s so nice of you… All of you…’ I hiccuped through my tears. Sarah was patting my back as I cried.

        ‘It’s what best friends and lovers are for hun,’ she said.

        Alexander wanted me and Hay both to live at his house? I couldn’t believe it… These people, even though I’d known them for such a short while had already succeeded in making me feel so much less alone.

        They’d make me feel welcome and loved and they didn’t hesitate to include Andy into all of this.

        After a while I pulled back and still sniffling I smiled at Sarah, ‘Now… What was this about Dannis moving in?’

        I had never seen Sarah blush before but she came damn close to it now. She looked away from me and hid her face behind a curtain of hair.

        ‘Seriously Mis, I know he’s cute and all but first time you saw him you went and stuck your tongue down his throat…’

        ‘Shut up! It wasn’t like that…’ my friend exclaimed and then she giggled, ‘He’s just so… God I’m just so in love Brit. The moment I laid eyes on him I just knew, he’s the one and the best part is, he knew it too.’

        I smiled and hugged her again, before I’d met Alexander I wouldn’t have believed in love at first sight. But now…

        A knock on the door and then Stephanie’s voice: ‘Sarah dear? Shouldn’t you be on your way home? You’re parents must be expecting you by now…’

        Sarah cast me a look then yelled back sweetly: ‘Oh heavens I didn’t know it was this late already. Thank you for the reminder Mrs. Baker.’

        She stood up gracefully from the bed and gave me another hug, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Don’t forget to pack another overnight bag, just in case, and your fancy clothes so I can help you prepare for the date!’

        I promised I wouldn’t forget.

        She was almost out the door when she spun around: ‘Where did you learn that lullaby?’ Her expression was confused.

        I shrugged, ‘Alexander sung it to me a few times… I guess I picked it up from him, didn’t realize I knew all the words until I sang it tonight.’

        Sarah nodded, ‘You’re lucky, he never sings for me… Not even when I have nightmares!’

        I winked, ‘You have Dannis to do that now.’

        ‘Night Brittany,’ with that she was out the door. Dancing down the stairs, light as a feather as always.

        I prepared my bag and then got ready for bed. Before I turned off the light I grabbed my phone, I had several new messages. Three from Dannis, telling me to tell Sarah to get home because he missed her. I hadn’t expected the guy to be so clingy.

        One was from Alexander and my heart literally skipped a beat when I read it:

        You can sing me to sleep tomorrow if you’d like.

        You are always welcome at my home, both of you.

        And don’t cover up the hickey a ghrá mo chroí.

        How had he known I’d been singing a lullaby? Had Sarah told him already? But as I checked the time on the text messages I saw that he’d send it just a few minutes after Andy had fallen asleep.

        It was eery… Damn man really seemed to be able to read minds, even over such a distance! Of course that was ridiculous. Still I didn’t reply to his message but furiously thought: ‘You’re going to pay for that hickey Mr. Clitton! Oh and the deal is off!’

        If he really could read minds and he had been then he’d know. I was sure he knew… I had a feeling he was laughing so hard right now that he’d fallen right out of his bed. I could only too vividly imagine Bob barging into his room to check if everything was alright.

        That image only a little distorted by the strange banging and moaning sound I heard in the background…

        I shivered and dispelled the image. I was really going insane…

        But just like last night, right before I drifted off to sleep. Thinking pleasant thoughts of Alexander and me together… I felt that touch on my mind, soft and gentle as always. A caress that eased any last worries and pulled me into sleep, guiding me into pleasant dreams.


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