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    We spent another hour at the park with Melanie before we went our separate ways. And it turns out, Melanie and I have a lot of things in common. For example, we both love books, especially Percy Jackson. But when we started to talk about the second series with the Romans, she showed a face of disgust. I would’ve pointed out that she was wearing their colors, but I didn’t really want to risk it. So I’d have to ask her later about that though. But, seriously, she’s just so much fun.

    “So, do you like Melanie,” Christopher asked as we were walking home.

    I turned to him and smiled. “Yeah, she’s just so much fun, she’s a really sweet girl.”

    He smiled and continued to walk with me beside him.

    “I really can’t wait to meet her mate though. They must be so cute together.”

    He frowned. “She hasn’t met her mate yet, which is weird, because she’s nice and talks to everyone here. I always thought she would’ve found hers before me.”

    I nodded and continued to walk with Christopher. But then, something occurred to me.

    I stopped and grabbed Christopher’s hand, making him stare at me in confusion.

    “What is it?”

    I stared at my feet. “I was, erm…I was wondering if we could umm, if we could establish a link.”

    There was a pause, and for a second there I thought he was going to say no. But then he began to pull me along. “Of course, let’s go do it in the yard.”

    I smiled as we walked back to the house. He pulled me into the yard and we both sat down in the grass.

    “Ok, so, you do know how to do this, right?”

    I nodded “Sorta, I think.”

    He laughed and his eyes clouded over. I followed his lead by doing the same thing.

    But nothing happened.

    We both stopped simultaneously, then he gave me a confused look. “It seems that something is blocking our connection.”

    I shook my head. “Something’s wrong with our connection? I don’t understand.”

    He smiled. “Well, do you talk to your wolf?”

    I nodded. “All the time.”

    He began to stroke his imaginary beard which caused me to laugh. “Were you accepting me in. Like, you’re trying to establish a connection with me?”

    I nodded. He tilted his head back and looked up at the sky. “Well I guess the only other reason is because you might not know your wolf’s name. But, that’s retarded, right?”

    I didn’t answer, instead a blush appeared on my cheeks. “N-name? Why would I need that? I didn’t have to know it for my pack.”

    He looked at me and began to laugh. “Well, you didn’t have to know it before because you were basically born with that connection to your pack.”

    My blush got redder as I shook my head. “So what do I do now?”

    I could tell he was deep in thought. “Well I’ve never heard of this happening before. So I guess you should try to make a stronger connection with your wolf. Then I guess you’ll find out her name?”

    He ended it as a question which gave me doubt. But I still nodded. “Ok, I’ll try.”

    He smiled. “Alright then, concentrate really hard.”

    I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I can do this, it shouldn’t be to hard.

    You know when it’s sunny outside and you have your eyes closed but you can still see the light? Yeah, well it was like that for a couple of minutes, but then I was engulfed in total darkness.

    I could look around and see hardly anything. It was like I was in a different world. I looked down where my feet were suppose to be, and there they were. I lifted my hands to see them, and they were there to.

    I know it sounds crazy, but it was like a world of darkness in my head. But I knew I was actually outside in Christopher’s yard with him telling me to concentrate. But I couldn’t hear him anymore.

    ‘Over here, come on!’

    My wolf?

    I turned and saw a small light erupting from the darkness. I quickly began to run towards it, but it felt like each step I took it got farther away.

    ‘Just concentrate on me. Follow my voice.’

    I nodded and pushed myself to run farther. I began to make progress because the light started to get closer. When I was almost there, I stretched my arms towards it, trying to grasp it. But I could barely see because it was so bright, so I shut my eyes and kept reaching.

    ‘You’re here.’

    I opened my eyes slowly to see a room covered in white. On the other end, opposite of me, a girl my age was standing there. In fact, she looked exactly like me except she had brown hair. She even had my electric blue eyes.

    ‘So you’re finally here,’ she said with a smile.

    I tried to speak but it felt like my lips were glued together.

    ‘It’s fine, you can’t speak in here, it’s impossible.’

    I cocked my head as she began to laugh. ‘I can because this is where I belong. You on the other hand, you don’t belong here.’

    I shook my head in confusion.

    ‘I know it’s confusing,’ she started. ‘But that’s how this was made.’

    I nodded then cocked my eyebrow.

    ‘Oh right. Well, I guess you can call me your wolf, you always have.’

    So this was her, my wolf.

    I nodded again.

    She took a step towards me and smiled. ‘And sorry about your mind linking problems, I guess that’s both of our faults. We never had a proper connection. But I can fix that.’

    I narrowed my eyes as she took more steps until she was right in front of me.

    ‘You’re acting like you don’t trust me.’

    I shook my head.

    ‘Well, do you?’

    Did I trust her? My own wolf. We’ve been together for awhile, well actually my whole life so far.

    I nodded, causing her to give a sweet smile. ‘Okay, good.’

    She hugged me, catching me off guard. But the strange thing was, I could actually feel her warmth. She felt as warm as you do when you shift.

    But then something weird began to happen. She was dissolving. It looked like my body was absorbing her.

    My eyes widened with fear. But then I heard her voice in a tiny whisper.

    ‘Its okay, I’m making the connection.’

    She kept dissolving until she was completely gone. At first I thought I had somehow killed her, but then her body reappeared.

    ‘The connection is complete now.’

    I nodded but then cocked my eyebrow.

    ‘When you leave you’ll know my name. Or if you want I can go ahead and tell you now.’

    I nodded in confirmation.

    ‘Well, my name is-‘

    She was cut off by a voice.

    Just concentrate, breath in and out.


    I heard him, but I could tell he wasn’t physically talking even though I couldn’t see him.

    ‘You guys are connected now,’ the girl said while looking up. ‘Looks like our time of talking face to face is up.’

    She took a step back. I tried to reach for her but my feet and arms wouldn’t move. Then, everything started to disappear, and the girl started to fade.

    ‘But you should know something Diana,’ she said. ‘You have a gift, don’t forget that.’ Then she disappeared.

    Everything started to vanish until I saw light seeping through a wall. So I did one thing I could think of, I opened my eyes.

    Christopher was laying on his back looking at the sky while picking grass and throwing it. I couldn’t help but smile.


    He quickly sat up and looked at me.


    I nodded. “I saw her.”

    He cocked his head. “Saw who?”

    “My wolf of course.”

    His eyes widened. “Are you sure? But that’s like, impossible.”

    I nodded. “She looked exactly like me except she had brown hair.”

    He ran his hand through his brown locks. “Wow, I’ve never heard of someone seeing their actual wolf.”

    I shrugged. “Then I guess I’ll go down in history.”

    He laughed. “So, did you find out her name?”

    I nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t exactly tell me it, but I can feel it.”

    He nodded as if to tell me to continue.

    “Her name is Sofia.”

    “Wow,” he said, astonishment showing on his face. “That’s a beautiful name.”

    I couldn’t help but blush. “So, do you want to try the mind link,” I asked, trying to change the subject.

    He smiled and nodded. “Of course.”

    At the same time our eyes clouded.



    He began to chuckle. ‘Great! It works! Now that it’s official we don’t necessarily have to go the full length.’

    The full length? ‘I really have no idea what you mean.’

    ‘Okay, I’m going to end the link, then I’ll show you.’

    A moment later the link was ended. My eyes weren’t clouded anymore so I could see perfectly, which meant I could see Christopher smiling at me.

    “Are you ready?”

    I nodded.

    His eyes didn’t cloud but I could hear his voice inside of my head.

    ‘See what I mean?’

    My jaw dropped. ‘Y-your eyes aren’t even clouded.’

    He laughed, and I really mean he actually laughed, as in he moved his mouth. ‘See, it’s just like the link with your family and friends. We don’t have to go the full length.’

    I nodded and smiled. ‘You want to know what I’m in the mood for?’

    He cocked his eyebrow. ‘What?’

    I gave him a knowing smirk. ‘I want my cake. So help me up.’

    He laughed. ‘You know, you’re more confident in mind links.’

    I blushed. ‘What-what do you mean?’

    ‘I take that back,’ he said/linked while helping me up. ‘You’re as shy as ever.’

    I slapped his arm and ended the link. “You know, you’re to cocky for your own good.”

    He continued to smirk as we walked over to the door. “And you’re to adorable for your own good.”

    He opened the door and the scents of my new home welcomed me.


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