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    It’s a three hour drive.

    Luna says that we are close by, compared to other packs.

    The moment we pull up into the scene of fighting men and training warriors- I regret my decision.

    I should not have come here.

    “I don’t see Larry.”

    The Luna is on edge. The Alpha insisted that she bring some pack warriors with her, since two females would be surrounded by so many males of other packs, but she declined, saying warriors of our own would be there.
    However we couldn’t see them.

    “Let’s just…get out for now…,” she stands protectively at my side, her eyes flashing as the males start to raise their noses to the air. Smelling a female.

    Their hungry eyes land upon us.

    They are full of training.

    Full of the testosterone, and power they have won.

    There is not a female in sight for them.

    Until now.

    The Luna growls a low warning when a male steps forward. He looks at her claimed mark- the mate mark upon her shoulder and sees that it is bigger than most. He connects the dots, realizing that her mate is an Alpha.

    He steps back, but his eyes don’t leave me as we continue our search.

    Suddenly warriors are shoved aside as a familiar face pushes its way through the crowd.

    “Layla,” Hank races up to me. He’s covered in sweat, and has only shorts on.

    Larry quickly follows behind him, his eyes widening when he sees his mother.

    “What are you doing here?”


    I can’t find the words as Hank smooths out my hair, looking with concern into my eyes.

    “Dads sick.”

    I blurt out the words. No sugar coat.

    Hank’s eyes slowly close as he processes the news.

    “It must be serious if you came here to tell me.”

    “It…It is….I mean…It may be but…..I just want dad to see you….,”

    Hank stares at me for a few more seconds before nodding.

    Larry hugs his mother, getting a huff from her as she groans about his sweaty body.

    “This is it,” he spreads his hands wide, letting us take in the full of the training grounds and its equipment.

    I suddenly remember Hank’s words from last time.

    “Where is that one guy who keeps bothering you?”

    Larry and Hank groan together as they look at each other.

    “The dude won’t just give,” Hank says under his breath, eyes looking around, searching so he can show me the stranger.

    I’m eager.

    I can’t help it.

    I’ve been picturing this person for almost two months since Hank left.

    Pictures of this ‘Black Moon’ are hung and strung all over my wall.

    I want to see how accurate my fantasy is.

    “Ah, there’s the ass-hat,” Larry says, elbowing Hank on the arm to get his attention.

    The Luna turns around. I see her eyes widen.

    I look at Hank who also takes an audible gulp.

    “Is he wanting to fight again?” Hank whispers.

    Larry looks pale.

    Curious as to what is causing such panic within our group, I turn my head also, eyes searching for this disturbance.

    Dark blue.

    I’m staring into dark blue eyes.

    Dark blue eyes that are looking down at me.

    And my world changes forever.


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