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    When Bilbo woke up the next day, it was to the sound of hushed giggles. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he kept his eyes closed to try and listen to who it was. A loud laugh broke out, before they were hushed to keep their voice down. Bilbo couldn’t be certain, but he thought it was Kili laughing. This made his chest feel lighter, hoping that the other voice would be Fili or Thorin. He wasn’t necessarily disappointed when he recognized the other voice as the elf lass that helped Kili, but he had been wishing it would be Thorin. He opened his eyes to look over, watching the pair. Kili was still lying on his back, a bandage wrapped around his torso. The red-headed elf was sitting next to his cot, holding his hand while they had a whispered conversation. Bilbo let them have their moment before clearing his throat, alerting them that he was awake.

    “Mister Boggins! Tauriel was just telling me how you woke up yesterday, I’m so glad to see it for myself!” From how Bilbo was propped up, he could see the bright grin on Kili’s face as well as the blush creeping up his neck. The elf, who he assumed was Tauriel, bowed her head at him in greeting. “Hello Mister Baggins, I have heard many great things about you.” Bilbo looked down at where their hands were still joined before making eye contact with Tauriel again, smiling at her.

    Bilbo laughed as he shook his head, “Whatever nonsensical fantasies Kili has told you, please ignore them. I’m just a simple hobbit lacking in common sense.” Bilbo kept a small smile as he thought about the journey to Erebor, from the trolls trying to eat everyone to staying at Beorn’s. He winced as he remembered the goblin caves and trying to rescue the dwarves from the Mirkwood dungeons. This reminded him of the ring, which he scrambled to look for in his trouser pockets. He relaxed once he felt the cold weight of the ring in his pocket, turning it over between his fingers before letting it go.

    Kili squawked in protest at Bilbo, spluttering out a response. “You defended Uncle Thorin from Azog all by yourself! Then you somehow broke us out of the dungeons, sorry Tauriel,” he glanced at her with his apology, which she laughed at, “and then you found the keyhole to get us into the mountain! Not to mention you even stole the Arkenstone from Smaug, you’re braver than a dwarf Bilbo!” Bilbo blushed darker at every statement, his ears burning. He was never one to like flattery, especially when he felt as though it was undeserved. However, before he could speak up a fourth voice joined them in the tent.

    “You’re being too loud, Kee, you’re givin’ me a headache.”  Everyone turned to face Fili, who had managed to push himself up onto his elbows to look at his brother. He had a bandage wrapped around his head, causing his hair to bunch up over it. The sour look on his face fell when he looked at Kili, before seeing who was next to him. He smiled at the duo, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Bilbo sighed, knowing it would be awhile for Fili to warm up to Tauriel, and even longer before Thorin would even think of looking at her.

    Thinking of Thorin, Bilbo turned his head to face the dwarf, actually taking in how he looked. He didn’t give himself time yesterday to process what Thorin looked like, or what the extent of his injuries would be. He remembered Gandalf telling him how Thorin had been stabbed through the abdomen, and Dwalin had all but carried him back to the medical tent before he collapsed. He shook the image out of his head, forcing the tears welling up in his eyes to go away. He had to focus on the now, and how Thorin was still here, breathing and alive. He watched how the bandage wrapped around his chest rose and fell with his breath, the most peaceful look on his face that Bilbo had ever seen.

    Fili coughed, getting Bilbo’s attention. He hadn’t noticed when Tauriel left, but he assumed it was to get someone to check on Fili. “You know.. Uncle was really worried about you Bilbo. We almost had to drag him away from your side when we got here, but Balin knocked some sense into him when he reminded him how angry you’d be if he stopped taking care of himself. He really cares about you. I mean, we all do, but.. It’s different for him, I think.” Fili rubbed the back of his neck, wincing in pain when he moved his head too fast. Bilbo felt his cheeks heat up, unable to believe what he heard. Thorin cared about him? How could that be true, when he barely even called him Bilbo? It was always master burglar, with the occasional Master Baggins.

    Bilbo didn’t dwell on it for long, as the tent flap opened and Balin, Oin, and the elf who had taken care of him yesterday entered the tent. Balin seemed overjoyed to see both of the princes awake and alert, while Oin and the elf seemed disgruntled that they were already pushing their luck with their injuries. “Back down to bed with the both of ya! Can’t have ya rippin’ out yer stitches before they’re even close to being healed!” Oin limped his way over to stand between their cots, almost shoving Fili back down. Fili grunted in response, while Kili laughed at his older brother. He stopped when pain shot through his chest, causing him to hiss through his teeth. Oin scoffed at Kili, glaring daggers into him, royalty be damned. Bilbo laughed in earnest, relishing in the familiarity. He was glad to know that despite everything they had been through the past fourteen months, the company still acted like a close group of friends and family.


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