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    Chances’s POV

    “They’ll be here in a minute, Alpha” I announced to Leopold who just nodded in response. Leopold is my best friend, yet I still call him Alpha. The only reason behind this is because Leopold treats everyone equally, If everyone calls him Alpha, then so do I. Status don’t matter. That’s what I respect about Leopold. More then a friend or Alpha, Leopold is my brother and because I have a brother, I will always have a friend. I’m sure of it.

    A few minutes later there was a quiet knock on the office door. I could already smell the fear.

    “Come in” I permitted. Leopold didn’t bother with any of this. After what happened not one pack member has heard Leopold say a word. The only person he actually communicates with is me. The main reason behind this is because Leopold believes that meaningless silence is better than meaningless words.

    The three fools walked in, tails tucked between their legs. No, they were not in wolf form. It was just an expression. Come on, guys. Keep up. They all stood in a line in front of Leopold’s desk, not daring to raise an eye.

    One growl from Leopold, is all it took for the boys to start tripping over their words trying to come up with a reasonable explanation.

    “Silence” I growled shutting everyone up instantly.

    “You” I said addressing Geoffery. He was the one who lead the rest. Idiot. I seriously feel like if I smacked the stupid out of him, there wouldn’t be anything left. Geoffery took a step forward, his hands behind his back, eyes directed to the ground.

    “Explain” I ordered

    “Uh…I…ermm…” He stumbled over his words before gathering enough courage to form a coherent sentence. One that actually made sense.

    “That girl..she…erm..she threw herself on me. She wanted m-..” he rushed out but was cut short when a growl interrupted him. Leopold was instantly on his feet and had Geoffery pinned to the wall, within seconds. Gaby and Jose looked like they were going to pass out any second. Damn, boys. I sighed. Now, I have to actually put some effort in. I walked to Leopold and tried to pry him off Geoffery.

    “Get off him” I said pathetically whacking his arm. It wouldn’t hurt if Geoffery got a little extra punishment. I really didn’t like him. After a few seconds when I saw Geoffery’s face start to turn blue, I finally decided to get Leopold off him. I wrapped my hand around Leopold’s and pried it off Geoffery’s neck.

    ‘You need to calm down. Why are you so angry anyway?’ I mind-linked him. He just stalked toward the window glaring out at the trees. What did the trees ever do to him, apart from giving his wolf a place to pee? He should be grateful.

    “Get back in line” I growled at Geoffery who was sprawled on the floor. He managed to get himself up and back in line.

    “Stand straighter” I loved having such power. Such fun.

    ‘How about we call Elizabeth and Jerry and ask for their side of the story?’  I suggested and waited for Leopold’s reply. He looked unsure for a second but nodded anyway. I mind-linked a pack member and told them to inform the Shadowless members.

    A few minutes later two more figures appeared at the door. The pack member who had escorted them left, closing the door behind them.

    “Please sit” I said as politely as I could pointing to the sofa’s. They did as asked.

    “Geoffery” I warned when I caught him glaring. He instantly looked back down. His entire neck was swollen and red. Served him right. I did notice one thing though. Something which had to do with Leopold. As soon as Elizabeth and Jerry walked into the room, Leopold stiffened. Weird. I was going to pester him about that later. I mean, what else are best friend’s for?

    “You recognise these people, don’t you?” I asked sitting down next to them, pointing to the trio. Leopold was still by the window, fists clenched. What’s up his arse? They both nodded a little unsure.7

    “How do you know them?”

    “They were the ones in the canteen” Jerry answered. I nodded slowly.

    “What were they doing?” I asked directing the question at Elizabeth. She subtly licked her lips, running her hands through her hair. She was gorgeous, but not my type. My type was only my mate. The one made for me.

    “Well, they were harassing me. Before things got serious, Jerry came and you guys soon followed” she answered pointing to me and Leopold. I stood up walking to stand in front of the boys again.

    “Is that true?” Geoffery spoke up to answer but I cut him off before he could.

    “Don’t bother lying” I growled. He shut up. I looked towards Jose and Gaby. They merely nodded.

    ‘Five whips on the Pack grounds for Geoffery. Two for the rest.’ Leopold ordered through mind-link. Harsh I know but I also know the reasons behind it all too.

    “Breaking a Pack rule, comes with a punishment. Your punishment has been decided. Geoffery you will be receiving five whips on the pack grounds.” I announced to a scared Geoffery. My eyebrows scrunched a weird smell filled the air. I slowly sniffed the air. He urinated. He bloody urinated. I looked at Jerry and Elizabeth who had clearly discovered what Geoffery had done, and had masks of disgust covering their faces.

    “As for Jose and Gaby, you both will be receiving only two because even though you weren’t verbally talking part in the harassment, you being their laughing at Geoffery’s doing is also unacceptable. Be ready at five. You may go” I announced. They all instantly shot out of the room. Leopold walked back to his desk sitting down getting out some papers.

    “Isn’t that a little harsh?” Elizabeth whispered to Jerry. Leopold growled.

    “It was just a question. Jeez.” She retorted rolling her eyes. Wrong move, girl.

    “Elise” Jerry hissed nudging Elizabeth. Too late. Leopold was already out his chair and in front of Elizabeth. He looked at Jerry silently telling him too move. He stood up, coming to sit next to me. Intelligent boy. Leopold gripped her forearm pulling her up until she was at eye level.

    Wait, did he just sniff her? He did. His tight scowl lifted a bit, but not a lot.

    ‘Nobody disrespects me’ Leopold growled through our mind-link. I sighed looking at the scene in-front of me.

    “I was…I was joking” Elizabeth mumbled not looking him in the eye.

    “He doesn’t like jokes” I butted in. Leopold glared at her for another second before letting go of her, walking back to his desk.

    ‘They can go’ I nodded

    “You may leave” I said repeating the order. Jerry walked towards Elizabeth grabbing onto her hand, pulling her out of the office. Leopold stared at the door gripping his pen so hard, his knuckles turned white.

    “What’s up with you?” I asked sitting down on the sofa, picking up a book. He picked up his coffee taking a sip.

    “She’s your mate, isn’t she?” I asked knowingly. He spit out his coffee. I’ve always wanted to do that. A spit take.

    He just grumbled something under his breath.

    He ran a hand, down his face before getting up to sit next to me. He picked up a book on his way. He sat down, stretching his legs in front of him beginning to read.

    “Sometimes you have to accept the truth, and stop wasting time” I told him. He looked up for a split second before going back to reading.

    Well, atleast I tried.


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