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    I stared at him for a moment, testing him almost trying to find out whether he was telling me the truth or trying to make me feel better. I looked over towards the Luna with a questionable look and then moved my gaze back to the Alpha.

    “I’m confused.” I admitted to him. “You are happily with Luna.” I spoke.

    “But she’s not my mate neither am I her’s.” The Luna nodded in agreement in the background.

    “My mate rejected me as well Megan.” The Luna spoke softly. “I thought that it was all over that everything was going wrong. I’d thought that the Moon Goddess had set me up. I refused to accept his rejection but then I met Bradley.” She smiled towards Alpha Bradley. “And I realised that I could move on and so I accepted it.” Her story spoke to me.

    “But what if I never find someone like that? What if I am doomed to be alone?” I asked her. My mouth quivered slightly.

    “Well that’s better than bearing a burden.” I tilted my head. “Look Megan, you don’t have to bare this pain. The Moon Goddess won’t hate you for accepting it. You’ve been strong Megan but you don’t have to be.”

    “I’ll think about it. Thanks.” They both nodded their heads as I went deep in thought.

    I was about to go to where I was staying – which was Ken and Riley’s room – when I stumbled across Alena. Her long blonde hair stopping at her breasts and her blue eyes staring into my soul. I stepped back, a bit shocked to see her.

    “Alena.” I’d managed to recognise her instantly even if I hadn’t seen her for so long. “It’s been a while.” My voice was neutral – I didn’t know what to feel. The sister who ditched me and refused to respond to my emails.

    “Megan.” I couldn’t detect a pure emotion but I knew her view held a slight surprise. “Look at you! You’re all grown up.” I raised my eyebrow slightly at her.

    “Yeah that’s what happens after ten years.” I snapped slightly. “You just left us!”

    “I couldn’t stand to live in that home anymore!” She responded – her voice leveling mine. “It just reminded me so much of them and seeing your faces just made me miss them more. I couldn’t- I wouldn’t stay there any longer.” Her eyes brimming with tears. “Look, Ken told me about your financial issues and you can always stay with me, I’d be happy to house you-“

    “You really think that I’d want to live with you? You left us! You didn’t think that it’d be hard on us? Our parents had died and then soon later our sister – after neglecting us may I add – ditched us in a lonesome house.” I screeched back. “To add to that, I tried… I really tried to contact you but guess who never responded…”

    “I didn’t know what to say!” She shouted back. “Look, I know that I’ve been a bad sister these past years but I came here with one thing on my mind and I that is forgiveness. I want forgiveness.”

    Ken then walked into the room, his grin turned into a shocked face as he watched us brawl. He walked up to her placing a hand on Alena’s shoulder.

    “I don’t think I can…” I told Alena.

    “Please Megan.” She pleaded. “Ken has forgiven me, why can’t you?” Her eyes filled with sadness. Ken patted her back.

    “Because for the past ten years I’ve been thinking that the reason you left was me. I’d thought that you blamed me for their death! I’d thought… I’d thought…” My words were stuck in my throat.

    “That was never my intention!” She countered.

    “Well it happened didn’t it!” I responded. “Ten fucking years! Ten fucking years!” Her head lowered. “I can’t deal with this right now.” I budged past her leaving them and went towards the barbeque wiping small tears that I managed to control.

    The barbeque was fairly tame, I spoke to quite a lot of people who inspired me to do something with my life. I’d realised that I wanted to be a productive part of the pack and not just lazy around because I was rejected.

    I didn’t know what I wanted to do but I would find something. I want to be an active part of the pack.

    I was now in the car with Ken on the way back to the my pack. He was trying to get me to converse with him but I didn’t want to speak about her.

    “Give her a chance…”

    “She didn’t mean to…”

    “She just wants forgiveness…”


    “NO!” I stated. “I just can’t, what she did to me-us!”

    “She persued her dreams May.” Ken spoke softly. “She didn’t mean to- she didn’t intentionally mean to cause you pain.”

    “Ken, it’s not just that. She abandoned us when we were eight!” I exclaimed. “Can’t you see that?”

    “She’s trying to make it right.”

    “Is she though?” I raised an eyebrow. “Is she really? I feel as though she’s going to just use us.”

    “She wants her family back.” Ken convineced.

    “I’ll think about it.” I told him and he smiled.

    “That’s all I am asking.”

    I entered the pack house, happy to speak to the Alpha to get me a job until my eyes came across Ace and Maddie and something inside me churned. It wasn’t a bad thing but it was a feeling of realisation. I knew what had to be done.

    I couldn’t keep holding onto something that wasn’t ever going to turn into something else. I was stuck in limbo and I had to decide. To move on or to stay spitefully. In this moment I decided.

    I approached the couple, Maddie stared at me for a secondin shock and surprise, unsure of my appearance. Ace looked as if he wanted to walk away. His posture was extremely confused yet awkward.

    “Megan.” He spoke, my name in his voice was painful to me.

    “I know, I know you want me to accept your rejection and I damn well hope you know why I haven’t.” He bobbed his head slightly in understanding. “I am not sorry though that I’ve caused you confusion and I am not sorry that my lack of acceptance has put your life in an awkward position and I am certainly not sorry that your wolf won’t speak to you.”

    “What are you getting at?” Maddie spoke, her voice was quite harsh and spiteful. I sent a glare in her direction.

    “Yeah Megan, what are you getting at?” Ace added in, I rolled my eyes subtley.

    “I am accepting your rejection.” For a moment they both looked shocked. “I, Megan Anders, accept your rejection.”

    It was as if something was lifted off. A sense of relief went through me and I let out a bright smile. I nodded to myself. There was a look of shock on both Maddie and Ace’s faces but Ace look relieved.

    “Thanks Megan.” He spoke. “You’ll find-“

    “-someone better.” I completed. He nodded to himself. “You keep saying that.” I spoke slowly. “Hopefully that’ll come true.” I turned to Maddie. “Good luck with the baby.” She nodded curtly.

    “Good luck with whatever you are doing.” I nodded and then turned away from the couple.

    I knew what I had to do now. I had to call Alena.

    I need a fresh start.


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