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    The person in front of them was… Samuel.

    Samuel was the prince of the Gonzales family, a century-old aristocratic family, with immense power and influence. He was known as a business prodigy in the business world, with excellent strategy and swift execution. Everyone who saw him had to show respect and address him as “Young Master Gonzales.”

    With his background, just one word from him could shake the entire Phoenix.

    With his perfect appearance, he was like a god among mortals, exuding fatal charm that no woman could resist.

    Vera’s gaze was hot, her heart pounding as she watched the tall figure approaching with shy eyes.

    Maddox was both surprised and happy, quickly welcoming Samuel and urging him to sit inside.

    Samuel glanced at the whip still in Maddox’s hand and smiled mockingly, “Is this how Mr. Tudor welcomes me?”

    Maddox realized his mistake and hurriedly put down the whip.

    He had been too eager to greet Samuel, and the thorns on the whip almost touched Samuel’s sleeve!

    If he had hurt the proud and precious Young Master Gonzales, even if it was just a scratch, the Gonzales family would tear him apart!

    Maddox broke out in a cold sweat and apologized profusely, “I’m sorry, Young Master Gonzales. I didn’t mean it!”

    “It’s okay,” Samuel said casually, waving his hand. Tyler, who was following him closely, immediately presented a brocade box at his signal.

    “This is a gift from my elderly mother to apologize to Mr. Tudor.”

    Two days ago, Mrs. Gonzales was in a car accident when her driver rear-ended Maddox’s car.

    Maddox refused to accept repair fees, and Mrs. Gonzales didn’t want to owe anyone a favor, so she could only send an apology gift.

    The fact that Young Master Gonzales personally delivered it was already a great face-saving gesture for him.

    Maddox was overjoyed and couldn’t believe his luck. He knew that anything the Gonzales family gave out was definitely not ordinary. Moreover, through this exchange, he could successfully board the Gonzales family’s big ship.

    Suppressing his excitement, Maddox said, “Oh, Mrs. Gonzales is too kind. It’s just a small matter. Please tell her not to worry about it, Young Master Gonzales.”

    “Okay,” Samuel said indifferently.

    Samuel responded casually, then changed the subject and asked, “Mr. Tudor was furious just now because Miss Five was wrongly accused last night, right?”

    When he mentioned “wrongly accused,” he used a declarative tone.

    Maddox was stunned for a moment, unable to react immediately.

    How did the topic suddenly shift to Ophelia?

    Vera’s face changed dramatically when she heard this, and her hands, which were resting on the table in front of her, clenched tighter and tighter.

    Everyone in Phoenix knew that the Crown Prince of the Gonzales family was indifferent to women and let those socialites fight over the chance to become his wife. However, they couldn’t even touch the hem of his garment.

    But today, he had lowered himself to visit the Tudor family and even took the initiative to mention Ophelia!

    When did this little bitch get involved with Young Master Gonzales?

    Vera hung her head, desperately trying to hide her jealousy.

    At this moment, Zachary, who couldn’t stand to see Vera being wronged, spoke up and argued, “Young Master Gonzales, you got it wrong. The incident where Ophelia pushed Vera down the stairs last night was confirmed. The whole Phoenix knows about it, so there’s no question of whether it’s a wrongful accusation or not.”

    Samuel glanced at him and asked, “Who are you?”

    “I’m her brother!”

    “No wonder,” Samuel said with a faint smile, but the curve of his lips seemed to be tinged with sarcasm. “If even your own blood brother doesn’t believe in your sister, who else will?”

    Direct hit!

    Ophelia couldn’t help but look at Samuel again.

    Is this man… standing up for her?

    When Ophelia looked at him, Samuel happened to be looking at her.

    Their eyes met in mid-air.

    The depths of the man’s eyes were as deep as the stars, like a sea of stars, enveloped in a bottomless vortex, dangerous and…unfathomable.

    Under the gaze of such eyes, Ophelia felt oppressed for the first time.

    She averted her gaze, letting her long eyelashes fall to hide her emotions.

    Zachary was stung by Samuel’s words, his face turning red, but he couldn’t refute them, and could only mutter softly, “I was just helping out, not playing favorites. Besides, Vera is also my sister…”

    Samuel wasn’t interested in getting involved in other people’s family matters. He turned lazily and prepared to leave.

    Seeing this, Maddox said hurriedly, “Young Master Gonzales, let me send you off!”

    “No need.”

    A clear and refreshing male voice sounded with an indisputable tone.

    Although Maddox was a bit disappointed, he dared not defy him.

    Unexpectedly, at this moment, Samuel leisurely added a sentence in the living room, “Miss Five, won’t you come and see me off?”

    Ophelia was suddenly called out, “…”.

    What’s with this slightly ambiguous tone? It’s too easy to make people misunderstand!

    Ophelia clearly felt that when Samuel called her name, there was a sharp gaze on her back, which was very piercing. If eye daggers could become tangible, Vera’s eye daggers could have poked several holes in her.

    Ophelia curled her lips, then went straight towards Samuel. “Okay, I’ll see you off.”

    Watching Ophelia accompany Samuel out of the villa, Zachary couldn’t help but exclaim, “Dad, wasn’t Young Master Gonzales just recovering from an illness and only returned to Phoenix a few days ago? When did Ophelia meet him?”

     Maddox said in a bad mood, “You ask me, who should I ask?”

    Vera twisted her hand and whispered, “Dad, there are rumors that Young Master Gonzales is not going to live long, and Mrs. Gonzales intends to choose a granddaughter-in-law to complete the wedding for Young Master Gonzales. Is this true?”

    This matter was not a secret and had long been spread in the upper-class circle of Phoenix.

    Prince Charming Samuel, who had the power to turn the tide with a flick of his hand, was the most promising candidate to take over the Gonzales family.

    Unfortunately, this astonishingly talented man suddenly fell ill a few years ago and has since become a medicinal jar that falls with a gust of wind. There are rumors that he won’t live long.

    Maddox said in a deep voice, “Vera, you must remember that Mrs. Gonzales hates those who talk behind her back the most and is also most concerned about others talking about Young Master Gonzales’s short life, regardless of the truth. We cannot afford to provoke the Gonzales family. In the future, you must never talk about this outside.”

    “I know.” Vera lowered her head and worried, “I’m just a little worried about Ophelia. She is usually silent, but today she seems to have changed. I don’t know if she might unintentionally offend Young Master Gonzales…”

    When Maddox heard this, his heart suddenly tightened.

    “This little troublemaker is becoming more and more disobedient! I have to make her remember her lesson later!”

    Outside the villa door, Ophelia escorted Samuel to the car. Tyler had already opened the door and was waiting on the side. Ophelia stopped and said slowly, “Young Master Gonzales, take care.”

    Samuel’s eyebrows raised and he stepped closer to Ophelia.

    The originally close distance exceeded the boundary again.

    Ophelia just wanted to step back, but something cold was placed in her hand, which she clenched tightly, her eyes slightly changing.


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