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    Melanie pov

    I wake up and go take my shower as usual the only thing different is I have to be very careful not to get soap in the cuts on my back, they’ve slowly started to heal. It’s been a week since I’ve acquired them. And thankfully I don’t have to go back for Christmas break, my father doesn’t want me to come home. I will just stay at the camp alone with a few staff members.

    I het dressed in my usual attire Nike running pants and a t shirt. I walk out of the bathroom and see Mars. I’ve grown to love being around him. Which is strange because I don’t very much like being with people.

    “Hey Melanie” he smiles. He always seems to smiles. Never a frown or even a neutral face. Always a smile. I love his smile, although I hate to admit to myself but I love everything about him. Which makes me want to distance myself more. But can’t seem to.

    “Hello” i say formally. Must keep everything formal. Friends bring on to many weaknesses.

    “Ready to run?” He asks

    “Of course.” I Reply He’s gotten much better. He can run a full five laps but we still keep a light pace. Eventually they might be able to sprint it, I’ve only got to four laps sprinting.

    After the run they go eat with their group. Me, Lance, Mars, Ray, and Dominic. They eat talking about how excited they are to go gown for Christmas tomorrow. I stay silent, ive never even celebrated Christmas.

    “I hope I get a new car” Lance says. “Since its my birthday too” he smiles.

    “Your birthday is on Christmas?” Ray asks

    “Christmas eve” he says.

    “How old will you be?” I ask although I Already know


    “Your old enough to find your mate!” Mars says clapping his back I cringe at the ‘M’ word.

    “Yeah” be says a bright smile on his face. “Hopefully, she’s in my pack.” He says.

    “I’m sure she’ll be everything you want.” Dominic says Mars glances at me. He doesn’t know I know cause I’m looking at my plate. He looks up and down my frame making me feel uncomfortable. Then her turns away.

    ‘Alpha Come to the track for today’s training’

    We get up throw away our trays and go to the track. The obstacle course is set up, just like the one we first did.

    “I know this looks familiar, it’s the same course we did at the beginning of camp. We’re going to do it again to see how much you’ve improved.” Trevor says. “Line up so we can start.”

    We all get in the line and he yells “go” we take I go at a normal pace so I’m with all the alphas pretty much. We get the barded wire I drop down, I can’t let this slow me down. I have to get a much better score. Or my father will hurt me much more than the barded wire.

    I push my self up so I can go faster. I feel the barbed wire digging one of the cuts on my back sending a violet pain though my body I let out a small whimper. I tighten my core and push through faster not caring I can’t let pain rule me.

    I get out of the Barbed wire and get the the tires. I still have a couple alphas behind me. So I push my self more. And I soon get to the wall. I grab the pole and sprint flinging my self over it. The get to the finish line. Mars close behind.

    I put my face in my hands. My father is going to kill me I didn’t do good enough. If I do good when the alphas get back maybe he’ll forget. Although I’m probably wrong I tell my self that. So I don’t get to worried.

    “You were so fast” Mars says panting “oh my god! Melanie are you okay?” Mars asks his eyes big

    “Yes why?” I ask confused

    “Your-your back its bleeding” he says I look to my back and see blood covering my shirt.

    “It’s fine” I say although it’s starting to hurt.

    “Let me take a look at that”the bald man that works here says. He goes to take off my shirt. I growl alone with a couple other alphas including Mars. “I told you i will not treat you different from everyone else” he says with a grin

    “Fine.” I say taking off my own shirt exposing  my sports bra and the gashes across my back from when my father attacked me in wolf form. I hear growls I ignore them. I pretend I don’t see them as anything out of the ordinary.

    “You-you can put your shirt on.” The man say and I put on my bloody shirt “uh. You can go to the nurse if you’d like.”

    “I’m fine thank you.” I say putting back on my shirt. although my back is on fire. He walks away and Mars comes up fuming.

    “Did your dad do that?!” He growls

    “Not now Mars.” I say when I see other people look towards us

    “No. This is not okay!” I get close to his face. And speak where only he can hear

    “You don’t think I know that? No it’s not okay, but it’s something I’ve had to deal with it my whole life. So do not start with me in front of all these people it’s Is not theirs nor your business.” I say my rage hidden.

    “I’m not done taking with you” He looks deep into my eyes and turns away.


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