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    3 Weeks Later

    I waved at the pack members as I walked down the halls to Carlos’s office. He asked me to come talk to him, something about serious matters to discuss or something.

    When I reached his office I walked in and Gary was sitting there staring at the floor.

    “Come here Hannah.” Carlos said, pulling me onto his lap.

    “What is it?” I asked as Gary looked up.

    “We have to go back to your old pack.” My breath hitched at his words. “They need our help. The hunters are starting to pick them off. They can’t do it alone. They need us. I’m sorry, but I can’t ignore anyone’s call for help. No matter how badly I want to. You can stay here if you want.”

    “No.” I shook my head. “I’ll go. I’m not the same little girl anymore. You’ve said it yourself, I’m one of the best fighters you have.”

    “I’m glad.” He smiled, standing us up. “Lets go pack.”

    “I’ll be fine, Gary.” I said as I saw him staring at me.

    He nodded and got up, leaving the office.

    Carlos started packing our bags while I sat there and watched.

    He’s only marked me so far.

    Elliot has done things with other girls, I can feel it every time he does. It feels like someone’s stabbing me in the stomach repeatedly until he’s done.

    “Hannah.” Carlos said, snapping me out of my thoughts.


    “I have to go tell the pack where we’re going. Do you want to stay here?” He asked.

    “Sure. I’ll finish packing.” I nodded, standing up.

    He left the room as I went into the closet where our suitcases were.

    I wasn’t sure how long we’d be gone so I stuffed our bags full with clothes before grabbing a smaller bag.

    I went into the bathroom and put my hair brush in it along with some perfume, deodorant, and my hair stuff.
    I put our toothbrushes in a separate little pocket before stuffing the bag in with my stuff.

    I had to sit on my suitcase to make it zip, but all of our stuff was packed and ready to go.

    As I sat on my bed, waiting for Carlos I started to think about what it would be like, going back to the place I grew up, the place that had given me nightmares, the place where I watched my mom die and was later blamed for it.
    My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

    “Come in.” I said.

    The door opened and Gary was standing there.

    “Hey Hannah.” He said, walking in.

    “Are you okay?”

    “I’m fine.” I nodded.

    “Sometimes it’s best to Recover and Remember.” He said. “Not Forgive and Forget.”

    “Gary. Don’t worry. This isn’t going to be a family reunion or anything.” I said, shaking my head. “They all hated me. I’m sure they were glad that I left.”

    “They were all assholes who didn’t deserve someone like you.” He said. “Carlos sent me to help you carry your bags down.”

    I nodded and grabbed my bags and he grabbed Carlos’s.

    “Let’s do this.” I said as we walked down the steps.


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