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    Actually, Otto didn’t have any mood today.

    He was a bit restless all day, since he had lunch with Grace in the afternoon.

    He didn’t even look at a few files in the office in the afternoon.

    And from time to time, he could remember his grandfather’s dying request.

    His grandfather asked him to take good care of Grace and treat her well in the future.

    He nodded at the time, but now, he still divorced her.

    Otto sighed, divorce was certain, and he didn’t regret it.

    When he got married, he was already looking forward to this day.

    Marrying Grace was never his will.

    It’s just that he felt a little sorry for his grandfather.

    Later, Otto drank a few more glasses of wine and became more restless.

    He didn’t know what was wrong with his heart, but there was a kind of inexplicable discomfort rising.

    His mind was a bit confused, but in a daze, he thought of Grace.

    What he thought of was not the scene of divorce today, but the appearance of her under him in many nights in the past.

    Otto quickly closed his eyes, and sweat slowly began to seep out of his forehead.

    He almost guessed what was wrong with him.

    President White also felt it at this time, and he touched the hand of the little girl next to him, “Why don’t we change the place?”

    Otto slowly opened his eyes and smiled, “Okay.”

    Even though he didn’t feel good all over, he could still hold his face.

    He sent a message to the driver as soon as he left the private room and asked him to come over immediately.

    President White walked in front, still holding a girl.

    Perhaps too happy, he even hummed a tune.

    They passed the dance floor and arrived at the climax of tonight.Inside the dance floor, professional dancers started to strip while performing.

    The spectators beside the dance floor were going crazy.

    President White saw this scene and became interested, saying, “I didn’t expect we could have so much fun here.”

    Otto followed President White’s gaze towards the dance floor, but his eyes went through it and landed on Grace, who was chatting with a man behind the dance floor.

    It took him a few seconds to recognize her since she looked completely different from before.

    Otto stood still and stared at Grace for a long time.

    Grace didn’t notice Otto and had a bit too much to drink, but she was still aware of her surroundings.

    The man sitting next to her noticed her dazed look and asked if she was drunk.

    Grace smiled and said no.

    The man put his hand on Grace’s leg and suggested they go to a good place to sober up.

    Grace shook her head slowly and didn’t want to go with him.

    She couldn’t find anyone who could match Otto after experiencing him.

    She began to doubt whether she could like any other man.

    The man didn’t understand Grace’s intention and tried to touch her face, but Otto caught his hand midway and said, “You dare to come here.”

    Grace slowly lifted her head and saw Otto’s face, which was as cold as usual but with a hint of sarcasm.


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