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    “Welcome back alpha.”

    “It’s nice to see you again alpha.”

    That’s all I heard. Apparently Christopher wasn’t some ordinary guy.

    ‘Of course he isn’t, he’s the alpha!’

    I shook my head and started to look around. I was getting so many evil eyes (mostly from girls) that it was hard to breath. But I was probably receiving a lot of them because Christopher was still holding me in his arms.

    I took one of my hands and grasped Christopher’s shirt. “Um, Christopher. You should probably put me down now.”

    He looked down at me and cocked his eyebrow. “Why?”

    I don’t know why but a blush started to creep up my neck. “Uh, because I’m attracting a lot of attention.”

    He smiled and looked around us. “Huh, I guess you are. Oh well, they’ll have to get over themselves.”

    I shrunk into his arms and nuzzled my head into his shoulder, taking in his scent. “You don’t mind if I do this then, do you?”

    I heard a small laugh escape his lips. “Not at all, I actually think it’s really cute.”

    ‘Gosh, I’m starting to like this man.’

    I smiled, but it was concealed by his dark shirt. This is truly the happiest moment I’ve lived in awhile.

    We kept walking through the village. Well, I didn’t, just Christopher, Brent, and Puppy Eric. But I could still feel the sharp glares in my back from all the people watching and welcoming.

    “Welcome back big brother!”

    Big brother?

    “Hey Allison.” I felt Christopher kneel down, making me a bit uncomfortable. But I didn’t do anything about it, I just nuzzled more into his shoulder.

    “I’m sorry sis, I couldn’t get you your flower, but I got something better.”

    I could feel eyes watching me.

    “Who is that Chris?”

    Huh, Chris, how cute. I’ll call him that later.

    “It’s my princess. I had to travel far and wide just to find her. But alas, I think she fell asleep again.”

    I heard a small giggle.

    “Chris, is the princess your mate?” I could hear excitement in the girls voice.

    “Ah, indeed little sister. And you see that pup over there, well that’s her trusty companion.”

    There was silence, that is, until a little squeal was sounded. Then I heard the sound of feet shuffling a little ways from us.

    “A pup! A pup! We’re going to have so much fun! I’ll make you a crown, and I’ll make you cookies, and we’ll have parties where only princes and princesses are invited!”

    I smiled. Looks like Puppy Eric is going to be getting a lot of attention.

    “You know, your really bad at fake sleeping,” Christopher whispered in my ear.

    I looked up to see him staring at me with a glint in his eyes. Oh gosh, I could just lose myself in them.

    “Sorry, I just didn’t want to interrupt you guys’ conversation, Chris.”

    A blush covered his face. Then he stood up. “Tsk tsk, princesses shouldn’t be eavesdropping on conversations.”

    “Well it sure is hard when I’m literally in the middle of them.”

    He laughed and continued to walk, leaving behind Puppy Eric with Allison.

    “Hey Christopher, what are you going to say to your parents?”

    I looked at Brent, which was very hard from my position by the way.

    He had a point. Everyone knows that it’s forbidden to mate with a rouge. I don’t think it’s even happened.

    ‘What if we’re not accepted? We might get kicked out!’

    Nonsense. Only the alpha and Luna can kick someone out of a pack.

    “It doesn’t matter. Today is my ceremony. They can’t say anything against me today.”

    I looked up at Christopher, wide eyed. He wasn’t alpha yet? But why did everyone call him that?

    ‘Because his ceremony is today you idiot.’

    I shook my head. But if he’s not the alpha, then that means I can still get kicked out.

    “Christopher, doesn’t that mean I could still be thrown out?”

    He looked at me with concern in his eyes. “I won’t let them, I promise.”

    I nodded and looked towards where we were heading.

    You know those houses that look like they’re for rich people? Well that’s where we were headed. It was a house that had stone steps leading to the front door, had pillars, a bunch of cars, vines going up the side, and was super big. If I was in it I would most likely get lost and die.

    I pointed to it with my mouth gaped. “Is that your house?”

    Christopher let loose a laugh. “No. That’s my parent’s and sister’s house. Mine is much more smaller”

    I sighed and I nodded but still gaped. It was just unbelievable.

    With me in Christopher’s arms and Brent walking beside us, we started to ascend the stairs.

    Gosh I was nervous. For all I knew Christopher’s parents were a bunch of crabby people.

    “Hey Diana, a word of advice.”

    I looked towards Brent and cocked my eyebrow. “Yeah?”

    He gave a sweet smile, (not as sweet as Christopher’s though), and replied. “You might want to act like your asleep. Christopher’s folks might think it’s pretty weird for him to be carrying a girl whose wide awake. You know how parents are.”

    I nodded. “Speaking of his parents, what are they like?”

    In a matter of seconds Brent was hovering over me with the creepiest smile I’ve ever seen as he started to wiggle his fingers in my face.

    “They’re absolutely horrible. They get one look at you then they judge you. Then why you sleep they pour a bucket of spiders on your head.”

    My eyes widened with fright and I began to shake. “Sp-spiders!”

    “Oh yes, and not only-“

    Before Brent and I knew it, Christopher kicked him in the gut, sending Brent tumbling down the hard, stone stairs that we’ve been walking up.

    “Stop scaring my mate!”

    I looked over at Brent as he continued to tumble, then at Christopher, again at Brent, then back at Christopher. “Uh, is he going to be okay?”

    Christopher started to continue up the steps with a smile on his face. “Oh just fine. There’s a reason why he’s the beta.”

    I glanced back down the steps. Brent got to his feet and began to shout. No doubt in my mind that he was shouting a series of swear words. Then he began to climb back up the steps.

    When we reached the giant door, Christopher looked down at me.

    “You ready?”

    I shook my head and nuzzled into his shoulder, acting like I was asleep. “Now I am.”

    He laughed and began to pound on the door.

    I heard the door open and a woman speak. “Christopher! Welcome back! Oh, who’s this?”

    “I’ll tell you when I get inside. Is dad home?”

    “Sure thing. He’s in the living room sleeping.”

    I felt Christopher nod. “Oh, and leave the door open for Brent. He fell down the steps.”

    I almost began to giggle but held it in.

    I heard the woman sigh. “Again?”

    “Yes ma’am.”

    Then Christopher began to walk. As we entered the house, a whole bunch of new smells whacked me in the face. And they sure did smell good.

    I felt Christopher take some turns before he stopped. Then I felt him sit down.

    “Honey, Christopher’s here,” the woman said.

    I heard a yawn before a man spoke. “Oh, Christopher. Your back! Welcome! And whose this young lady you have in your arms?”

    “Well dad, that’s why I’m here. You see, this is Diana. She’s my mate.”

    Both of them gasped before the woman replied. “How do you know?”

    “Well mom, I accidentally crashed into her. And when I touched her, I felt those sparks that you guys told me about. It was amazing.”

    I heard a small chuckle. “Congratulations son. So whose pack is she apart of?”

    Christopher sighed. “Well, you know that forest fire we saw three years ago from our tower?”

    “Yes,” they both said simultaneously.

    “Well you see, that was her pack. They were under attack by a small army of rouges. She was the only survivor.”

    The woman gasped then spoke up. “May we talk to her?”

    I felt Christopher nod before he whispered in my ear. “Rise and shine.” I could just hear the smirk in his voice.

    Well, it’s acting time.

    I slowly rose from Christopher’s arms and released a yawn while stretching. Then I took a look around.

    The living room was huge. It had a huge flat screen on the wall along with speakers. There were two sofas, one which Christopher and I occupied, two chairs which one was occupied by the man, who I’m guessing is Christopher’s father, and a large coffee table.

    I looked at the woman and smiled. She looked pretty young for being a mother. She had no wrinkles whatsoever. She had Ryan’s eyes and hair, hazel with a speck of green, and short brown hair.

    I looked towards the man and smiled at him. He had green eyes with short blonde hair. He to looked pretty young. The only thing noticeable were some dark circles under his eyes.

    I looked at Christopher and smiled. But that quickly changed when I noticed I was still on his lap. I released a squeak and quickly squirmed off of him, blushing.

    “Hi, I’m Harper Thatcher, and this is my husband Douglas Thatcher,” she said while holding out her hand.

    I took her hand and shook it just as Douglas spoke. “I can introduce myself hun.”

    I giggled as Harper rolled her eyes.

    Douglas was about to speak but was interrupted by a sweaty Brent. “I’m here! I survived!” Brent shouted while fisting the air

    “Sit down boy, I’m trying to have a conversation.”

    Brent hesitantly nodded then took a seat by me. Then he whispered in my ear while smirking. “Remember, bucket of spiders.”

    I went wide eyed but shook my head. He’s just teasing me, right?

    “Anyways,” Douglas said. “I’m Douglas Thatcher, and that’s my wife Harper,” he said then winked at me. I giggled as Harper rolled her eyes.

    “Yes honey, we’ve already been over that.”

    “Oh, well I’m Diana Jones.”

    They both nodded until Douglas spoke again. “Jones, that sounds familiar.”2

    “Well um, my dad was a beta, but he died when I was really little.”

    He nodded and mumbled to himself. “I swear I know that name.” He probably tried to make it so that I didn’t hear him, but he was a bad whisperer.

    “So,” Harper said. “We understand you’re the only survivor of your pack. How long have you been on your own?”

    “Since I was fifteen. I’m now eighteen, so three years.”

    She nodded. “Did you do anything for education?”

    I shook my head. “No ma’am. I lived in my old village the whole time.”

    She smiled and turned to Douglas. “Honey, go make a call to Scott Johnson. You go with him Brent.”

    They both nodded and got up from their seats. Then they left the room.

    “So Diana,” Harper said. “Would you like to listen to some music?”


    She nodded and plucked a remote off the coffee table. When she clicked a button on it music started to play.

    I jumped off the couch and started to bounce in place. “Oh my gosh! Music! I haven’t listened to any in three years!”

    Christopher started to laugh along with Harper. Then he stood up and pinched my cheeks. “God Diana, your so adorable. First the phone then the music. How are you going to react with a shower?”


    They both began to laugh harder until Brent and Damien walked back in.

    “Well, it’s official,” Douglas said.

    “What is?”

    Everyone stared at me and began to smile.

    “Your going to school with me and Christopher next Monday,” Brent said.



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