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    After the phone call to X me and whats his name got changed into black skin suits loaded with silver Knives and poisonous arrows that go into my wrist cross blade. We headed out with the small cameras to place around the school and pack house.

    “Ok I’m going down to the pack house you go to the school and hook up cameras near our lockers and change rooms oh and any suspicious looking rooms were people could talk about the kidnappings and murders.”

    Nodding we both ran off in different directions.

    I really need to ask him what his name is.

    Running through the trees, weaving in and out of branches with my hair whipping around my face and shoulders. This was home to me, the amazing feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins and wonder of what would happen makes me want to scream.

    I hung from the last tree by my legs as I whipped out the micro ant sized cameras from the small pocket in my suit.

    I dropped down from the tree landing without a noise and swallowed a small pill which hid my scent from other weres that might be around guarding for intruders

    before climbing the wall of the packs house. AKA mansion.

    Finding a window that was opened I checked to make sure it was all clear and pulled myself feet first inside.

    “God what is that smell?”

    I got a huge whiff of rotten mint and chocolate. It was coated on thick in the air all around the room and house.

    I got to work straight away and prepared the cameras around the house.

    I couldn’t stop the overflowing memories of the past barging in, and I welcomed them, every slap And bone break, every skin tare and tear Fuelling my anger.

    “Oh yea!…. SAM!!”

    I could hear a female voice along with a male moaning come from the other side of the wall in the room I was in.

    “Whose your daddy now bitch”


    I felt bile rise in my throat as I realised the last room I needed to hook up was the one in were the commotion was.

    And I mentally face palmed

    Albert’s room.

    How the hell do I get though without being seen.

    A sudden idea went off in my head.

    I ran back to the study not making a sound as I passed the wooden floor boards and opened the desk draw pulling out a small pink sticky note and pen.

    I ran back to my original spot and stood behind the door frame writing down a message and pricing the arrows head through the note and connecting the small silver arrow into my wrist cross bow.

    Aiming it down stairs for the big blue and white vase I let it go and hid behind the door frame when a loud bang was herd synchronising with Albert’s door banging open as both him and his probably new friend burst threw to see what was happening.

    I nearly burst out laughing as the girl stuggled to get one of Albert’s shirts on and Albert failing to pull up his pants only for him to fall down the stairs ending up with his face in the carpet and bum waving in the air.

    Holding onto one of my snort laughs. Yea I snort laugh, I snuck into his room to find sheets every where and the same horrible smell from when I first arrived but 10x worse.

    It felt like I was breathing in custard instead of air.

    I connected up some cameras in his room and the secret room that was hidden under his bed which lead to his own personal cellar he created for me to live in when his mother and father went away in April one year.

    The place was dusty and coated in cobwebs along with the iron walls that were slowly starting to rust.

    But inside to my surprise was a picture of me smiling.

    School photo. Surprise dead.

    I never smiled on camera apart from school photos. I found it to difficult. A lie that could coat everything and make things seem different was to tempting and I didn’t need to fall deeper into sam’s clutches.

    Below the photo’s was a few items that even with my vision I couldn’t See. I opened the barred door and went closer. Feeling the Dirt crumbling under my feet with each step I took further into my old cell/room.

    what I found made me snort

    It was a condom and a dead flower that looked so old it would crumble If you picked it up. Probably one from the lake he supposedly killed me.

    “Fucken asshole”

    I’ll show you some thing of meaning.

    I took the silver knife from my pocket and pressed the tip into my finger drawing blood.

    Over The past four years of training I had become immune to silver, so now I only felt a small tingle from it piercing my skin instead of it feeling like I had a toe removed.

    As the blood gathered I ran my finger on the wall above my picture writing the same message on the note before walking out. Leaving everything as I had found but the small camera in the corner.

    Leaving I quietly shut the hidden entrance before hearing a scratchy Whiny voice

    “What does it mean Albert? “

    They were coming closer

    I walked over to the window and opened it up as quietly as I could.

    “Shut up Kim.”

    I smirked at his frustrated tone he tried to hide. I waited to jump out the window as soon as he walked in and saw me.

    I wanted him to know it shouldn’t be a joke in his eyes but in mine because the tables have turned. Yes he may be alpha now but I am the queen of spades ruthless assassin.

    I wanted him to be scared and remember.

    The door knob began to turn and slowly open.

    And there he stood in all his pathetic glory.

    He didn’t notice me until the blond bimbo beside him gasped in surprise when she saw me. Her sloppy blue eyes widening in terror.

    “What” he growled raising his head from the note I had written to see her shocked face that was looking directly at my still smirking one.

    He completely froze in what I would guess shock.

    I smiled and waved, my black hair was tied back into a bun so it helped hide my identity. I mean not many girls have black hair with white tips am I right?

    Plus with the thought of him standing there shocked made me laugh so hard my sides and my cheeks hurt but mostly my nose from snorting.

    I could tell he didn’t like my actions towards him because of The low rumble leaving his off a feeling that.

    This alpha didn’t like being threatened and wanted to reverse the situation. So that instead of being the threatened he was the threatener. Too bad he is just a boy to dumb to learn how to use his power.

    I refocused my eyes from the tears at the corners.

    “Nawh what’s wrong the big bad alpha angry. Arnt I supposed to be the mad one.”

    I laughed at his angry confused expression.

    “Who are you? What do you want?”

    He spoke with his alpha tone. Even though I was under his protection i could still resist the pull only barely. The bond between us is faint but still there.

    My wolf mentally shows me a picture of her turning her back and sitting in a corner of a square room looking up at the roof like a snob.

    “Oh you don’t remember! I thought that with all we’ve been through you would remember me. Your go to toy? I’m a little hurt sam. And as for what I want. I want to for fill my promise I made years ago to you. But that will have to wait. Well that is until next time we meet. In battle that is.”

    I jumped from the window already getting bored with the same expression comming from his face.

    The edrenile started pumping when I herd a familiar howl break through the air as I ran through the Forrest.

    I remember back when I was 12 I planed on running away. I ran this same direction but as I came to a boulder and thought I was finally free the same angered howl broke through the air. I remember getting both of my forearms Brocken along with a dislocated hip as my punishment.

    Oh I can’t wait to serve that back on him.

    I came to the same Boulder I hid behind when I was younger and continued onwards into the trees until the only vibrations around me were the wind and animals no bigger than a squirrel or fox.

    I stayed in the tree tops until I finally made my way back to the mansion where.. What’s his name?.. I really need to ask him.

    Well any way he was there waiting for me.


    I walked past him into the house and sat down on the couch and turned the TV on to ‘are you the one’2

    I loved this Show the WEMON are so brutally honest. And I respect that. Well apart from them wanting to find love I mean who needs that shit.

    “What took you so long!”

    God how do I ask him his name?

    “I uh.. Got Caught up!”

    I replied not understanding what got his skivvies in a knot I mean I’m the bloody queen of spades assassin here. I can bloody handle myself. And no assassin higher than King or queen should talk to me like that.

    Too bad I’m SOOO tired other wise I would kill him right now.

    “For your information I have revenge plots, so what ever your ‘caught up’ is, it better not interfere for me because we both have heads to snap for our own reasons.”

    With that fuze walked off into the direction of his room while I turned back to my favourite show.

    Hey I think I’ll call him that from now on.


    Fits him perfectly.


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