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    Ken had arrived early Saturday morning. He looked healthy and happy compared to the black bags that laid under my eyes. I waved at him whilst rushing towards the car holding onto my bags.

    “Hey there stranger.” He grinned as I hugged him as tight as I could. It was strange. Within the three months, he had started to grow a beard and was sparkling with excitement.

    I let go. “Hey.” I smiled brightly. “Lets go! I can’t wait to see Riley!”

    “Neither can I.” He agreed with a look of admiration in his eyes. I rolled my eyes towards him jumping into his slick car.

    “So can you tell me why you look like you haven’t slept in days?” His voice held a joke but also concern. I let out a sigh running my hand through my hair.

    “It’s nothing.” He gave me a look. “It’s the house, I have to move out by next months since I haven’t been paying the rent.” I admitted scratching the back of my head.

    “Shit.” He grumbled. “Do you need me to send some money- I can if you need it?”

    I shook my head repetitively. “Oh no. I am sure I’ll be fine, there’s probably some room in the pack house.” I waved. He gave me a sceptical look. “Actually, the Alpha already confirmed a room.” He still looked at me dubiously.

    “You sure?” He questioned.

    “Positive.” My fake smile stretched across my face as the lie seeped through. “I’ll be just fine, don’t worry about me.”

    I soon made it to the Golden Moon pack. I now know why people called this the second most beautiful pack. The pack house was magnificent. Stretching over twelve floors. It looked luxurious with the variety of plants and vines that spindled down. I let a small gasp escape my lips. This place was truly beautiful – the definition of beautiful.

    “Wow, this place is amazing.” I commented. Ken nodded in agreement. I continued to look with eyes of amazement.

    “Yeah.” Ken spoke. “Lets head in, our Alpha wants to meet you.” I nodded – slightly nervous – and stumbled my way after his figure.


    Once we entered the house, it was so similar to the outside. This pack house was extremely magnificent. It was at least ten times greater than my pack’s.

    “I can’t believe you live here.” He chuckled in response directing me through the pack house and towards the lift which was extremely relieving.

    We made it to level eight and started to make our way towards his and Riley’s room. I was thrilled to see her.

    I let a small squeal escape my lips once Ken had gotten the door open. It was like a small apartment. Ken had addressed the fact that he and Riley stayed in a family suite. There was a kitchen and a small dining table. What looked to be three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a lounge.

    “How did you get such a nice room?” I asked him gobsmacked at this.

    “Well this was one of the last left and-” Riley walked into the room with her hands around a bump on her stomach.

    “-Ahh!” I squealed in excitement running over to Riley and looking at the bump. That’s my niece. “She’s grown.” I teased seeing as my brother wants a boy. “I am so excited for the two of you.”

    “Thanks May!” Riley’s voice perky as always.

    “Any names?” I asked her and she nodded enthusiastically.

    “I was thinking something like Celestia.” She confessed.

    “As in the Moon Goddess?” I asked her and she nodded. “That’s cute since it isn’t an exact copy.” The Moon Goddess’ name is Selene but Celestia was a cute version.

    “Yeah.” She smiled. “It just came to me one night. It was like something was telling me to name her that.”

    “Maybe it was the Moon Goddess.” I wiggled my eyes.

    “Maybe it was.” She laughed.

    Ken then butted into our conversation. “Well he won’t be named that anyway, he’ll be named Mike.” He told us.

    “After Mike-Ike?” Mike-Ike is a sweet that Ken was obsessed with as a child and that is probably how he came up with the name. “That’s bad Ken, that’s just bad.”

    “Shut up, like you could come up with something better.” He told me.

    “Okay what about Lucas.” I said and Riley nodded her head in agreement that my name was better than his. “Plus you won’t have to worry about coming up with a name for the child because it will be a girl. You’ll find out in a month. Can’t you smell the strawberry scent?” I asked him. Wolves could detect the gender. For a girl it is strawberries and for a boy it is peaches.

    “He’s refusing to smell it.” Riley told me and I tilted my head.

    “I am not refusing, I am just – hoping. Plus, there is a scent of peach in there.” He admitted.

    “Maybe our child is a boy and a girl.” Riley countered.

    “Shit, we’d have to call it Celesike.” They both turned to me with a roll of their eyes.

    “Okay, what’s up?” Riley asked as we sat down in the pack lounge area. I let out a deep sigh.

    “Just finance issues, that’s all, what about you?” I asked her with a small smile.

    “I can get serious when I want to be May.” Riley pointed out. “Call it Mother’s intuition but I know something is up. Just tell it to me or I’ll have to do this the hard way.”

    I held my hands up in surrender. “Seriously, nothing’s up.” I smiled largely.

    “Smiles shouldn’t go that high up your cheek, May.” I lowered it slightly. “THAT ISN’T HELPING!” She pointed out. “Just tell me May.” Her face serious.

    “I got rejected, is that what you wanted?” It felt as if someone had rip my heart to piece again as I leaned into Riley and this time I held my own.

    “It’s okay. I’ll rip him to shreds. Give me a name and place.” It must’ve been the fact that she was becoming a mother that had caused this overprotective side to come out.

    “No. No. No mass-murdering.” I told her. “I’m kind of over it now.”

    Hardly. My wolf remarked. She’d been speaking to me more often now.

    “Seriously.” Riley said. “Who rejected you?”

    “It was Ace.” I sighed. “Don’t tell Ken, it’ll break him.” I told her. She nodded slightly in agreement but anger was still clear in her face.

    “I’ll kill him! I’ll slaughter him! I’ll-” Ken walked in.

    “Shit what did I do?” His face in a panic.

    “Nothing yet.” Riley replied. Her face fierce but held a suspicious smile.

    I was lounging in the pack kitchen (even though some had their private ones, some still had to use it). I was just watching the Luna cook some food for the family dinner. Some would eat inside but there would be a barbecue as well.

    The Alpha suddenly appeared in the room, I hadn’t met him yet but after he kissed the Luna on the lips, he made his way over to me. He let out a sigh as he plopped himself down. He was in jeans and a casual t-shirt – something I didn’t expect from an Alpha.

    “I was speaking to Riley recently.” He started. What did Riley say? “She told me about your rejection.” My heart was suddenly stabbed all over again but I managed to stay strong in front of the Alpha.

    Tip 1: Never cry in front of an Alpha – it’s a sign of weakness.

    “Yeah… I am fine now thanks for asking.” I spoke quietly, my face held a certain awkwardness.

    “No you’re not.” His rough voice spoke. I saw the Luna shaking her head in the background.

    “How would you know?” I spoke spitefully.

    “Because I was once rejected too.”


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