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    As soon as I went home, I changed in to a white tank top and black shorts. After that I quickly took out my phone dialed Hannah.

    “Where have you been, Lily?! I thought you got into big trouble!” Hannah screamed at me the moment she picked up the phone. I held my phone away from my ear just so the my ear won’t get hurt. Her voice was so loud indeed!

    “Hannah, I-” I tried to explain everything, but she kept talking. So I had to scream her back.

    “Hannah! Can you just be quiet for a moment so that I can ever have a chance to explain everything to you?!”

    It worked! I sighed frustratingly and said. “Alright, Hannah. I’m fine, just meet me at my house in half an hour. I’ll explain everything to you.”

    “Okay. I’ll see you soon, Lily. No need to get your knickers in a twist.” She said while chuckling.

    “This from the girl who spent FOUR hours picking a worthy date dress at the mall!” I said pointedly. I really hated shopping and my wardrobe isn’t even half full!

    “Come one, Lily. You know I had a date with-”

    “Bye Hannah. See you soon.” I said and then hung up.

    Thirty minutes later, the door bell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the door. There stood my best friend, Hannah.

    “Okay, Lily. Tell me what happened on earth.” She said the moment she saw me.

    “Hi, Hannah.” I said while rolling my eyes with a smirk on my face while leaning against the door frame to let her in.

    She rolled her eyes as she stepped into my house. “So, Lily. Can you please tell me now what happened this morning?” She asked again.

    “Well…” I told her the entire story. How I met my mate and got rejected by him. How I felt the pain in the chest when I was in the woods.

    Then she just widened her eyes and stared at me. “Oh, I feel pity for you.”

    I shrugged it off and looked out the window. Then I said. “Doesn’t matter to me actually. But it got my wolf worried.”

    “Of course your wolf is worried!” Hannah said. “She needs her mate. And you need him too! So, we need to make him regret rejecting you. But how?”

    I looked at her and smiled maliciously. “That’s exactly why I asked you to come here, Hannah.”

    “What do you mean? What can I do for you?” Hannah asked me confusingly.

    I bit my lips and said. “You know what… We are going shopping.”

    “What?! Lily!” She exclaimed with her mouth gaping. “I thought you hated shopping!”

    “Yes, I did. But would you like to accompany me?”

    “Sure, Lily. I’ll do it.” She soon recovered from the shock.

    Oh God. What have I got myself into?


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