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    • Harrison’s POV –

    Nell, Perry, Scott and I decide to be late for George’s class again. We know he wouldn’t care. He is a cool teacher and he understands that we have some business to do before going for his class. Besides, I have the highest grade in the class. Even if I am a star in our football team and I have to spend a lot of time with the ladies, I still find enough time to study. Actually, we don’t have any business to take care of today, but we still decide to be late for his class anyway. That seems to be the right thing to do to us. So, we are leaning against the lockers while Nell rants about his mate, Jennifer.

    “I still can’t believe that she let that guy touch her and -” He keeps saying, running his hands through his hair furiously. Jennifer and Nell’s relationship is very complicated, if you are interested to know, you should ask them yourself.

    Speaking of relationships, I’m still thinking of the girl I run into earlier this morning. I remember I felt tingling when she bumped into me. She smells good, I miss her scent already. It is scent composed of the smell of berries and something else that I can’t even explain. Also, she looks very adorable. She has curves in all the places where she should have, and her green eyes are attractive as well. I wish I could look at her eyes once more. However, I couldn’t hold my anger when I smelt a hint of Brian on her, that’s why I was rue to her earlier this morning. But now, I’m regretted. I could feel her pain and awkwardness when I shoved her down.

    I know she is my mate, I know this for sure. But I can’t fall in love with her. Because I know my dad would be furious because of the fact that she is human. My reputation as an Alpha would be ruined if others happen to know that my mate is a human, and I can’t let that happen. I can’t fall off the ladder, I can’t make myself go downhill after everything I’ve done to climb high up…

    “Hey, Harrison.” Nell waves his hand in front of my eyes. I quickly come back to the reality from my thoughts. “Harry, you’ve been quiet today, are you alright?”

    “Yeah.” I groan, “Let’s get to our class.” They nod in agreement.

    As I open the door to our classroom, her scent comes to fill my nostril. The scent is so strong, and I’m already mouth watering about this. I desperately want to touch her. I desperately want to run my fingers through her dark hair. I desperately want to see her green eyes. I just desperately want her. But no, I can’t do any of these. So instead, I take a big whiff of her scent.

    Mr. George stands up and I try to move my eyes away from the class. I’m doing my best to avoid her eye contact before I fall for those green eyes again. Her scent is already driving me crazy. I can hear my wolf howling inside of me. Apparently, her scent makes him go crazy as well.

    “Go! Go for her!” My wolf howls at me.

    “No. I’m not going.” I reject him.

    “Oh, speaking of the angels,” I hear Jennifer’s voice, “They are finally here, grace us with their presence.” I roll my eyes at her and Nell starts to go at it again. But I decide to ignore them and listen to what Mr. George says to me. I look at him, wondering what he will say this time.

    “Where have you been this time, boys? I hope you could explain to me, Mr. Smith.” He asks. Apparently, the reason why he asks me is because I am the Alpha of the Avalon pack and I am supposed to take all the responsibilities. But actually, Scott is the one who is responsible, because I’m only in high school and I don’t want to take that responsibility all that early.

    I shake my head and replies, “Mr. George, you know I’m not responsible for our matter.”

    He starts to speak again when he hears my words. “Come on, Harrison. When will you finally learn how to be a leader and how to take responsibilities?” I roll my eyes at him.

    At this moment, I feel someone is staring at me. So I slowly turned my head only to find my mate staring at me. Somehow, I find comfort in that. And I have to admit, she is so beautiful and adorable. But I’m a strong Alpha, I won’t let just one girl mess up with my efforts. So I turn to say to her with my signature smirk.

    “Love what you are seeing now?”

    “Yeah, I love looking at trash.” She replies.

    I didn’t expect her to answer in this way. My smirk has conquered many girls before and it has never failed! I’m left with shock, and everyone in the class goes silent. They turn their attentions towards her because they know, that no one ever stood up to me. I am angry at the fact that she answered me back, but I am also proud of her because I know she is strong. When I am about to give her another comeback, Nell and Perry run towards her.

    “So, you must be the new girl! Betty told us about you yesterday!” Nelson says, “It’s great to see you. My name is Nelson and you may call me Nell.” Then they shake their hands. I am jealous about the fact that he is shaking her hand and I’m not the one who is touching her right now. My wolf starts to growling again, but I once more scold it to be quiet.

    “Come on, babe, you don’t need to be jealous.” I hear Nell says to Jennifer.

    “Hi, I’m Perry.” Perry smile at my mate and shakes her hand.

    “Hi, my name’s Jessica. You can call me Jessie. It’s nice to meet you guys.”She says with politeness and her smile looks genuine. But again, I’m jealous that I’m not the one she’s now smiling at. Anyway, so her name is Jessica, right? I think to myself. I love her name. I quickly shake these thoughts away.

    “Alright, class begins!” Mr. George calls out and I start to groan with many other students. Nell, Perry and I take our seat. When I sit down on my seat, I see Scott talking to Mr. George. He must be talking to him about our late. Jessie is looking at him curiously.

    As Scott walks back to his seat, he smiles and winks at my mate. That’s his signature action when he sees something he likes. Then, I notice that Jessie is looking down at the floor and her cheeks are turning red. I also see a smile creeps on her face. Oh, God, what the hell? Anger starts to build up inside of me and I feel my wolf itching to come out. It is scratching at my skin. I am already growling. Scott looks at me with curiosity. I take deep breaths to calm myself down. But as Scott walks past me, I smack his head involuntarily. This is not from my will and it earns a death glare for me.

    “What the hell are you doing, Harry?!” He growls. He is the Beta of my pack, but I am the Alpha. So I have him under control.

    “Don’t you dare to look at her in that way ever again!” I order him as I try to hold back my fury. Suddenly, I feel my pack’s eyes on me. Scott gives me a confused expression.

    “What is it, Scott?” I try to calm down a bit.

    “Is she your mate?” Scott asks quietly so that no one can hear him except me.

    I want to say yes to his question and claim her as mine, but I remind myself I can’t appear weak. “No. She’s not my mate. Whatever gives you that thought?” I finally answer.

    “Nothing. I’m sorry, Alpha.” he says sarcastically.

    For the rest of the class time, I can’t help but keep glancing at Jessie. She is focusing on taking notes. There’s a little crease between her eyebrows when she tries to understand what Mr. George is saying. I love her so much already. I love the way she bites the end of her pencil, I love the way she swings her legs, I love the way her smile brightens me up.

    But I quickly shake those thoughts away. I can’t fall in love with her. I say to myself that I can get over her, even thought I know it would be a great challenge. But… can I really?


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