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    “Wha-what!?”, I asked him completely shocked.

    Grandpa, in jail? MY GRANDPA IN JAIL!?

    “But- I… how?”, I asked him again with wide eyes.

    He looked at his food, so did Julian. Helen looked very uncomfortable.

    “Yes Lijah, why?”, Alex asked him.

    “You-you don’t know?”, I looked at him.

    He shook his head.

    “I knew that he was in jail, but I never knew the reason. Baley and Helen never told me. And the last time I saw grandpa was 5 years ago. I don’t even properly remember his face”, he told me with sad eyes.

    I was even more shocked now.

    “Grandpa doesn’t love us?” Chase asked Helen with watery eyes.

    “Of course he loves you! He loves you all very much”, Helen told us.

    “That’s why he never bothered to see us”, Cayden scoffed.

    “Not even on Mudtmas!”, Rayan slammed his fork on the table.

    “Baby Lily, you will not meet him. He doesn’t deserve to see you”, Mud told me.

    “No Mud, you can’t make that decision. She will meet him, that’s final” Julian finalized.

    “No she will not! That man never bothered to see if we were dead or alive!”, Mud raised his voice at Julian.

    “It was not his fucking fault! Do you even know how badly he wanted to see you!”, James shouted at Mud.
    He was the one silent in this whole conversation and now he spoke for the first time.

    “THEN WHY DIDN’T HE!?”, Mud yelled at James.

    And then all my brothers started arguing. Calling each other names, screaming and yelling at each other.
    “SHUT UP!”,I yelled at all of them, making them go dead silent.

    “I am so confused right now and instead of answering me, YOU’RE ALL FIGHTING!”, I sniffed. I was so pissed off. My period just worsen the situation.

    “Shit, don’t cry”, Cayden patted my back. He was sitting on my right.

    “Why did grandpa never came to see you?”, I asked him, wiping my tears.

    “I wonder the same thing”, Rayan told me with a sad face.

    “Lijah, I am confused”, I looked at him.

    “Yea, Lijah I am confused too. Enlighten me”, Mud remarked sarcastically.

    “Mud, why do you not know?”, I looked at him.

    “Because ‘it’s not the right to time’ “, he tried to mimic Baley’s manly voice.

    “Only Helen, Baley, Julian, Max and James know about what happened. Rest of us don’t. And when I tried to force them to tell us, he grounded me for 3 weeks”, Alex pointed at Baley.

    I shot Baley an accusing look.

    “Ugh, don’t look at me like that. I didn’t have a choice, little sister”, he had a conflicted expression. As if he wanted to say something but was restraining himself.

    “Now that you’re here, grandpa wants to tell everyone what happened and why he was in jail. But he wants to do that himself, so just wait a little. Okay?”, Helen asked looking at me.


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