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    “Dad, it’s Alyssa. Are you really going to marry someone else?” Alyssa’s little voice quivered, tears welling up as she said, “Mom is really sad, and I’m sad too. I can’t sleep because I miss you. Mom misses you so much she’s even had nosebleeds.”

    “Is this Angelia’s daughter?”

    Alyssa froze. Why was there a woman’s voice on the line? She glanced at the caller ID—it was for Jerome. “Who are you? Are you the bad woman trying to take Dad away?”

    Viola paused, then smiled gently. “I’m not a bad woman; I’m your dad’s beloved.”

    “Beloved? What does that mean?” Alyssa furrowed her brow. “Aren’t you the one Dad is supposed to marry?”

    “Beloved means I’m the woman your dad loves. We grew up together; he promised to marry me long ago. He has always loved me, not your mom. Soon, I’ll be having several babies with your dad, cute little ones just like you. You’re welcome to come play at my house anytime.”

    “Hmph.” Alyssa got angry. “I don’t want to play at your house! Mom promised she’d find me a new dad, and I don’t want to see you anymore!”

    With that, she hung up and burst into tears.

    Angelia, hearing Alyssa cry, rushed out. “What’s wrong, Alyssa?”

    “Dad is going to marry that woman! She said she’s his beloved and they’re going to have lots of babies. I don’t want him anymore!” Alyssa sobbed.

    Angelia noticed the phone in Alyssa’s hand and checked the call log. Alyssa had spoken with Jerome for over a minute.

    A sharp pain stabbed her heart, making her dizzy. But she couldn’t break down in front of Alyssa. She knelt to wipe Alyssa’s tears, speaking softly, “It’s okay, Alyssa. Mommy will take good care of you. We won’t cry.”

    Seeing Angelia’s tears streaming down her face, Alyssa mimicked her, wiping Angelia’s tears away. “Mommy, don’t cry.”

    Angelia forced a smile, her heart heavy like a sponge soaked with too much water, and the tears spilled out.

    “Alright, Mommy won’t cry.”

    But Alyssa suddenly wailed again.

    “Wow, you two are crying over a man? How impressive,” Darcey chimed in, quickly wiping her own tears. She wasn’t upset about Jerome getting married but felt for Angelia. After knowing her for so long, she had always seen Angelia as gentle, open-minded, strong, and sunny. This was the first time she saw her so heartbroken, even while smiling through her tears.

    Alyssa looked at Darcey and shouted, “I’m not crying! I just have too much water in my head!”

    Darcey burst out laughing. “Are you a monkey sent to make us laugh?”

    Angelia also chuckled softly, saying, “Be good at home, and when I get back, I’ll take you out for a nice dinner.”

    Alyssa pouted, tears still in her eyes, but she nodded.

    On the bus to Columbia, Angelia fell into a deep sleep, only waking when the driver called her name upon arrival.

    She took a taxi to the civil affairs bureau but didn’t see Sammie. When she called, he answered, “You’re preparing to go to court, right?”

    “I’m in the parking lot by the civil affairs bureau. I saw you go in. Come out; we need to talk,” Sammie said, cutting her off before she could reply.

    Angelia stepped outside.

    Sammie got out of his car, slamming the door behind him, fury in his eyes. “Jerome is getting engaged today. Did you know that?”

    “That’s his business. My divorce from you has nothing to do with him,” Angelia replied coolly.

    “What do you want from me? I told my mom I was gay just to be with you. How else could she accept you? I’m trying so hard for us, and you want a divorce?” Sammie was visibly agitated.

    “And to make your mom accept me, you hit me in front of her and tried to control me. You even kidnapped Alyssa. I can’t imagine what else you might do to hurt me,” Angelia shot back.

    “That was all out of love for you…”

    “I don’t need that!” Angelia interrupted, shaking her head. “That kind of love is terrifying.”

    “It’s not terrifying,” Sammie insisted, stepping closer to grip her shoulders. “I’ll change for you. I’ll support your work, give you freedom, and treat Alyssa better. Just give me one more chance—the last one. I promise I won’t make mistakes again.”

    Angelia pushed his hands away.

    She had heard too many ‘wolf coming’ stories.

    Even if he wrote a promise, she wouldn’t believe it.

    “Let’s just get a divorce,” Angelia said firmly.

    “I won’t divorce you! I don’t believe you’ll actually take me to court! If it goes to court, your rape case will come out too. Alyssa will find out she’s the child of a rapist, and that will hurt her!” Sammie argued heatedly.

    “I used to worry about that, which is why I kept forgiving you. Alyssa’s birth doesn’t change anything, but her future is in her hands. Being clear about things isn’t a bad thing. Divorce or jail—give me your answer in one minute,” Angelia said, laying down the law.

    Sammie gritted his teeth. “You think divorcing me will lead to a good life?”

    “At least it won’t be with you, and that guarantees no good life,” Angelia replied decisively.

    Sammie clenched his fists, about to grab Angelia again when he noticed a police car pulling up. His face went pale. “Did you call the cops again?”

    She hadn’t.

    The police car stopped beside Angelia, and zoey stepped out with two officers.

    “Angelia, your case has been accepted. The two kidnappers have confessed. We have recordings, texts, and bank transfers proving that Sammie was behind it all. It’s up to you whether to press charges,” zoey said seriously.

    Angelia looked at Sammie. “Now, if we divorce, I’ll walk away with nothing, and we’ll be done. If I don’t press charges, I can guarantee the court will grant us a divorce soon. But if I do, you might lose half of what you own.”

    Sammie’s chest heaved with anger.

    He had no choice.

    “Don’t regret this,” Sammie warned.

    “Don’t do anything you’ll regret, because that’s on you,” Angelia replied, her lips curling slightly.

    She turned and walked into the civil affairs bureau, signing the papers without hesitation.

    Sammie watched her sign, his brow furrowing. He didn’t want to sign, holding the pen without moving. He glanced at zoey, then at the two officers watching him. Reluctantly, he signed.

    Angelia finally held the divorce certificate close to her heart.


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