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    “The bridge of my nose got hurt the day before yesterday. Maybe it hasn’t fully healed yet. It’s fine, though, I just need a little rest,” Angelia said, letting go and sniffing a bit. The nosebleed had stopped, and she washed away the blood.

    Darcey studied Angelia’s face. “You’ve got dark circles under your eyes… You didn’t sleep at all last night, did you?”

    Angelia didn’t answer. “I’ll be able to rest properly after I finish everything today.”

    Darcey frowned. “I used to be a total fangirl of Jerome, but starting today, I’m switching sides—I’m gonna be his anti-fan. I’m heading to Weibo right now to drag him down.”

    “This isn’t his fault,” Angelia said, grabbing Darcey’s arm. “Ever since he showed up, all he’s done is help me—helping me deal with Gallagher, taking care of my grandma, helping me find a job, and even saving Alyssa.”

    “Has he given you any explanation?” Darcey asked, sensing there was more between Angelia and Jerome than met the eye.

    “He doesn’t owe me an explanation. I can’t assume that just because he’s helped me, he’s obligated to take responsibility for me. That would be selfish, self-centered, and presumptuous. The truth is…” Angelia’s eyes reddened as she tried to calm her emotions. “The truth is, we aren’t even dating. I can’t return kindness with resentment.”

    “This is the first time I’ve seen you this upset over something. I like Jerome too, but when I heard he was getting married, I felt bad for a moment and then moved on. After all, I knew he’d get married one day, and it wouldn’t be to me. I just admired him, nothing more.”

    Angelia nodded. “I’ll be fine. You should go out now. I’ll make breakfast.”

    “I’ll do it. You rest for a bit,” Darcey said as she gently pushed Angelia out of the kitchen.

    Angelia didn’t insist. She took a deep breath, but her heart still ached terribly.

    She sat on the sofa, staring blankly into space.

    “Mommy.” Alyssa climbed onto the sofa beside her. “Can I watch TV? Peppa Pig is on in the morning.”

    “Sure.” Angelia turned on the TV for Alyssa, switching to the children’s channel.

    Before long, Darcey brought out a bowl of egg noodles. Angelia got up to help.

    “I have to go out this morning. Can you take care of Alyssa for me?” Angelia asked.

    “No problem,” Darcey replied, bending down to pinch Alyssa’s cheek. “Little one, where do you want to go? Tell Auntie, and I’ll take you.”

    “I want to go to the amusement park. Daddy took me last time,” Alyssa said.

    Angelia’s expression darkened. “Alyssa, he’s not your daddy. Don’t call him that anymore, or people will misunderstand.”

    “But he said I’m his goddaughter,” Alyssa said, tilting her head in confusion, her lips pouting.

    “That was just to make your grandma feel better. If you see him again, call him Uncle Taylor, okay?” Angelia said firmly.

    Alyssa pressed her lips together, her mouth forming a sad little frown. “But I want him to be my daddy.”

    “He’s marrying another woman today. He can’t be your daddy. If you keep calling him that, it’ll only make him uncomfortable, and the woman he’s marrying won’t be happy either,” Angelia explained gently.

    “He’s getting married to someone else?” Alyssa’s eyes widened in shock, and tears quickly welled up and rolled down her cheeks.

    Seeing Alyssa cry tugged at Angelia’s heart. The hope Jerome had given them now brought nothing but disappointment.

    If it was going to hurt this much, it would’ve been better not to hope or expect anything from the start. That way, she wouldn’t be left heartbroken in the end.

    Angelia sat next to Alyssa and wiped her tears. “It’s okay, Alyssa. Before Uncle Taylor came into our lives, weren’t we doing just fine?”

    “Does this mean I’ll never have a daddy? I want a daddy. When they have parent-teacher meetings, all the other kids have their daddies, and during family activities, they need a mommy, daddy, and baby. But I don’t have a daddy,” Alyssa said, looking up at Angelia with tearful, pleading eyes.

    Angelia felt a deep pang in her heart. She wasn’t alone anymore—she had a daughter who needed her.

    “Mommy will find you one. I promise I’ll find a man who loves both you and me to be your daddy,” Angelia said softly.

    “Then why can’t Uncle Taylor marry Mommy? If he marries Mommy, he’ll be my real daddy, right?” Alyssa asked innocently.

    “That’s not possible,” Angelia said gently.

    “Why not? Uncle Taylor seems to really like you,” Alyssa pressed.

    “That’s just how it looks. It doesn’t mean anything. Auntie will help Mommy find an even better daddy for you. Now, come on, let’s eat the noodles before they get soggy,” Darcey interrupted, trying to shift the mood.

    “I don’t want noodles. I want Uncle Taylor to be my daddy,” Alyssa cried as she ran into her room.

    Angelia felt a deep sadness and wanted to go after her, but Darcey held her back.

    “Don’t worry, I’ll handle Alyssa. Aren’t you supposed to divorce Xiao Ye today? Eat your noodles, and then head out. I’ll take care of Alyssa,” Darcey said before heading into Alyssa’s room.

    “What are you so upset about?” Darcey asked as she sat beside Alyssa, who was sobbing on the bed.

    Alyssa ignored her and cried even louder.

    “Crying won’t help. Do you think Uncle Taylor will hear you? How about you give him a call and ask why he won’t marry your mommy?” Darcey suggested mischievously.

    Alyssa stopped crying and looked at Darcey. “Uncle Taylor’s number is on Mommy’s phone, but I don’t have a phone. I don’t even have an iPad.”

    “Oh, you want an iPad too, huh? Even I don’t have one! Do you know the password for your mommy’s phone?” Darcey asked.

    Alyssa nodded.

    Darcey smiled. “Alright, I’ll get your mommy out of the way in a bit. You sneak her phone and call Uncle Taylor. Ask him why he’s marrying someone else, and tell him your mommy didn’t sleep at all last night, and she even had a nosebleed this morning. She’s been waiting for his call.”

    “Mommy had a nosebleed?” Alyssa asked, worried.

    “This little one really cares about her mommy, huh?” Darcey said gently, stroking Alyssa’s head. “She’s fine now. Don’t worry, just remember what I told you.”

    Darcey went back to the living room, where Angelia was eating her noodles, though she didn’t have much of an appetite.

    “Ange, come to my room for a second. I need to show you something,” Darcey said, winking at Alyssa.

    Angelia figured Darcey was just trying to cheer Alyssa up, so she followed Darcey into her room.

    Darcey rummaged through her bag and pulled out a bunch of makeup products. “You’re going to get divorced today. Don’t make yourself look so miserable, or Xiao Ye will think you’re reluctant to leave him. Since you’re the one who wants the divorce, you should look happy, not sad.”

    “You called me in here just to say that?” Angelia asked, confused.

    Darcey nodded. “Look, Alyssa’s fine now. It’s time to focus on you.”

    Meanwhile, outside…

    Alyssa grabbed Angelia’s phone and found Jerome’s number. She dialed it…


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