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    Din Djarin deals with Grogu’s request for accommodations.

    Concept Art by Christian Alzmann. Depicts Cara Dune, Din Djarin, and Grogu returning to Kuiil’s Moisture farm on Arvala-7. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 7, The Reckoning.

    ‘Grogu’s list of needs for the addition to the cabin:

    Meditation chamber: quiet, dark-ish, access to snacks, comfy seating, soft music, no loud noises

    Sleep chamber: quiet, dark-ish, access to snacks, comfy pillows, soft music, no snoring, access to privy

    Work chamber: quiet, bright-ish, access to snacks, storage for tools, supplies, instruction manuals, etc., music, work tables – variable height, access to privy

    Play area: Indoor-Outdoor access, access to snacks and beverages, storage for toys and supplies, comfy seating, music, access to snacks for friends, access to privy, rest area integrated into comfy seating area

    Intergenerational Meeting Zone: Provision of snacks for all ages and species, beverages for all ages and species, comfy seating with equitable accommodations, music, access to privy(s) – appropriate for all ages and species, storage for tools, materials, games, etc., to be used for stimulating play scenarios appropriate for all ages and species, spill clean up kit(s) – food and beverage related, variable height work surfaces with accessibility kits, items to be determined

    Entertainment Zone (not to be confused with play area): suitably sized vid screens for visual entertainments, to include tie ins to existing entertainment portals, recorded media, media generation devices, story telling devices, game playing devices, droid and or mech on board devices; access to snacks and beverages for various ages and species; access to privies for various ages and species; comfy seating, including lounge seating, recliners, rockers, spinners, sliders, and similarly tracked or otherwise mobile seating with independent controls – sometimes known as amusement seating.’

    “Grogu, is all this really necessary? For instance, why isn’t the ‘Intergenerational Zone outfitted like the Entertainment Zone and we just consolidate their purposes into one space?”

    Din Djarin couldn’t believe he was asking his son that question, even as he heard himself say it out loud. It was ridiculous. Grogu already had a hammock and was more than capable of getting himself  up to and on any surface, including all the ones the Mandalorian preferred that he not be able to access. 

    He sighed. 

    It was his own fault. Grogu had worked so hard on his lessons and training that Djarin felt it was the least he could do to acknowledge that Grogu’s transition from Jedi youngling to Mandalorian Bounty Hunter wasn’t unappreciated. So he had taken some steps to start the process of adding a workspace onto the cabin that would sized and designed to support Grogu’s unique needs. 

    Knowing that Grogu would want to help him too much, Djarin had come up with the cover story of replacing the sensors on the N-1to just keep him being underfoot the whole time. There were few things Grogu found more boring than testing sensor arrays over and over in order to perform an appropriate level of calibration. The Mandalorian had thought that was pretty clever when he first asked Grogu to give him a hand with ‘the task’. He should have known when Grogu explained that he had some important plans to work on, that his son hadn’t been talking about taking a nap. 

    Instead, all the time the Mandalorian had spent staking out the new addition, clearing the rocks and brush from the space, and marking where power, water, and other utilities would feed into the space, Grogu had been working on his own detailed planning for an extension to the cabin. That’s what that drawing he’d spent so much time was all about. And, it wasn’t lost on the bounty hunter that the basic design was replicating the layout of the Ugnaught Kuiil’s moisture farm on Arvala-7. 

    Of course the Ugnaught hadn’t named the spaces on the farm and he had certainly made do with a lot of materials scavenged from the surrounding area or bartered for with the local population of Jawas. It was definitely a place that had been thoughtfully pulled together by a person who had the skill, patience, and time to make them suit their needs. Although he regretted not expressing his appreciation for Kuiil’s talents along those lines when they first met, he had noticed the care and effort that had gone into building a space that suited the Ugnaughts needs.

    The Mandalorian also appreciated that Grogu wanted a space like that as well. A place where he didn’t have to ‘use the Force’ to sit on a seat, or retrieve a snack, or access the privy. Given that Djarin still refused to obtain a pit droid or other mech for duties like that (R5 just refused to enter the cabin), this was the most logical path to follow to encourage Grogu to be more independent and self-reliant. To a point. 

    “This is the Way.”

    The Mandalorian sighed again. His son knew his weaknesses so well and wasn’t afraid to leverage them when he really wanted something. 

    “Okay, but ‘The Meditation’ chamber and ‘The Sleeping’ chamber are practically the same space fitted up the same way. Can we at least combine them?”

    Grogu looked at him with those large brown eyes, his face the very definition of serenity.

    “May the Force be with you.”

    Yup. The Mandalorian was definitely going to need the Force to get through this project. No wonder his people had so much trouble with the Jedi. They were subtle, but effective.


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