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    Me and Melanie have spent the last seven mornings together. I wake up and wait outside the bathroom for her then we run. I’ve gotten a lot better at keeping up with Melanie. She even showed me some fighting techniques.

    I was more than surprised when I woke up this morning and there was light out.

    I didn’t wake up to run with her. I feel guilt. Did she miss me? I think till I see Lance talking in hushed voices to six other people.

    “What are guys doing?” I whisper. He turns to me. And points to tesses bed. My heart melts at the sight.

    Melanie lays there her face looking towards me her dark hair is somewhat in her face. Her hand lays on her chest and the other is beside her. Her eyes are closed and she’s slightly snoring.

    She’s. Adorable.

    I get up quietly and motion for them to go into the hall so we don’t wake her.

    “What do we do?” One guy asks

    “The last time I woke up a girl I nearly died” another says.

    “Yeah” some agree.

    “Just. Let her sleep in.” I say. “We all have a couple days off this can be hers.” I say they nod and go to get food.

    “So. What is this between you to?” Lance asks

    “What are you talking about?” I ask.

    “Don’t play dumb. I can see it. You two are always together. Are you. Together together?” He asks

    “No. Of course not. I’ve known her for only a month.” Although it feels like years, even with all the things I don’t know about her.

    “Um hm.” He hums. “But you do like her?”

    “I think she’s pretty and special” I say.

    “Everyone thinks that. But you feel something else”

    “Damn you Lance.” I laugh and he chuckles a little

    We go out side and do our everyday training. It’s almost noon when Trevor-tesses pack member-comes up to me.

    “Pardon me alphas. But do you know where Melanie is?” He asks

    “Oh. She’s taken the day off.” I answer.

    “Excuse me?” He asks shocked.

    “She slept in.”

    “I must wake her up then” he says trying to walk past me. But I stop him putting my hands on his shoulders.

    “No. She’s taken a day off” I say almost in a growl.

    “She does not take the day off. She has to get up.” He says and I pick him by his shirt. Angry he’s not listening to me.

    “She is today. And you will not wake her or I will-” I’m cut off when I’m pushed to the ground dropping Trevor.

    I look up and see Melanie with almost black eyes

    “Who are you to threaten my pack member? If you ever touch him again-“

    “Alpha. It’s alright. It’s my fault. I was speaking out of terms.” Trevor says from the ground. She gives me a death stare then turns to Trevor helping him off the ground.

    “Are you okay Trevor?” She asks

    “Yes I’m fine. Alpha” he smiles to her.

    “Tell Sophia I said hello. And thank you for caring for lev and June.” She nods.

    “I will of course.” He say he’s smile grows wider and he walks off. She turns to me. Anger still in her eyes. It makes my wolf whimper. The last thing I want to do is make her upset with me.

    “Why did you not wake me up?”

    “We though you could use a day off” Lance says looking scared.

    “You should have waken me up! You do not understand the consequences of” she doesn’t finish just takes a deep breath. “Don’t speak to my pack members with disrespect or I will do the same to you and I do not wish to.” She says

    “I apologize it won’t happen again.” I say looking at my feet she nods and walks off.

    “What did she mean by ‘consequences’?” Lance asks.

    “I don’t know.” I say. “She might be worried about the scores our parents get when we go home.”

    “Oh. Yeah that could be it.” He says.”When are your parents going to get you?” He asks.

    “About an hour or two” I tell him.

    “To bad it’s only for a weekend. I’ve missed my dog” he says

    “Bark? The golden retriever” I ask.

    “Yeah.” He sighs.i laugh a little.

    “I better go get my stuff together.” I say I go and get my stuff then play basket ball till someone calls me to go home.

    “Oh my baby!” I hear my mom yell as I walk out the gates.

    “Hi mom” I say as I’m engulfed in her hug “Can’t breath” I say suffocated.

    “Come on you two we have a schedule to adhere to” my dad says we et into the car

    “So I was reading the scores. Your in second place!” My dad say proud.

    “Who’s this ‘Melanie’ that’s a strange name for a boy.” My mother says.

    “That’s because she’s a girl.” I say and my mom and dad become quiet.

    “A girl alpha?” My mom asks


    “Well that’s wonderful! Nice to see a woman taking power. What pack is she from?” I realize. I have no idea. She’s never mentioned her pack.

    “I’m not sure.” I say. Maybe she’s from a small pack and is embarrassed.


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