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    Nero does as you tell him, whining a little once his erection finally gets freed from his pants.

    You walk around the table, your dress messy and cock half hard as you pull on the chain that hangs around your neck, revealing a small key that lay hidden in the valley of your breasts. Angelo greedily drank in your figure, cock twitching in his pants at your predatory smirk. He could feel himself getting even harder, painfully so. Not sure whether he wanted to act on his impulses however, sitting back and watching you seemed like the right choice for now.

    The key fell into place in one of the cabinet locks and the small wooden door opened with a little click and a squeak of protest from the hinges. You reach inside, pulling out a long wooden cane, two pairs of handcuffs and a leather strop, leaving the door open as you make your way back to the desk. Nero was already waiting for you, hands laying spread out on the desk, holding onto the edges on both sides.

    Chuckling at the obedient man in front of you, you grab one of his wrists and snap the cuff around it, fastening the other one around the leg of the table before doing the same to his other hand.

    Both of their breaths hitch as you walk around the desk, dragging the leather teasingly along Nero’s naked back and down his glute.

    “Seems like you’re quite ready for me~” You chuckle, teasingly sliding your fingers between his cheeks and down to his erection. Nero pulls on his restraints as he feels your grip around his cock tightly, a whimper threatening to escape his mouth at the dull pain.

    “You like it when I grip you like this, huh? Feels like you can’t escape my clutch, right? Then again, you don’t really want me to let go…” You chuckle, tightening your hold further. “You like it when I hurt you~”

    “Masochistic whore…”Nero whimpers both from pain and your degrading words, body squirming around as if it was unconsciously trying to pull away from your hand. Hands pull on his restraints, eyes fall shut and face scrunches up as he keeps on whimpering, yet his hips push hard against your hand, chasing the pain.

    “I know what you desire,” you lightly tap his thigh with the cane, dragging the smooth material up his leg in a prurient caress.

    “Why don’t you ask me nicely, I’ll gladly give you what you need~” You purr, the tone of your voice sickly sweet and dangerously promising.

    Dragging the cane up and down his thigh, you lift it up ever so slightly. Hearing his breath hitch, you smirk deviously. The man thinks you’d just hit him without any kind of a plea from him.

    ‘Oh how naive,’ you think.

    The cane comes back down with nothing more than a gentle tap, continuing it’s vicious teasing. Nero’s whines reach your ears, his discontent painfully obvious as he throbs in your hand, leaking at the thought of getting canned after days upon days of abstinence.

    The family kept you both busy enough that apart from quickies, hungry touches and the occasional oral sex, you weren’t really able to spend much time indulging in your needs.

    Many times did you notice the hungry looks directed at you, unyielding gaze refusing to look away even while in the company of others.


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