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    After making my way downstairs, I inhaled deeply an amazing scent of apple pie.

    “Mate.” My wolf told me.

    “No, couldn’t be. The Moon Goddess wasn’t supposed to give me one. There must be some mistake.” I tell him.

    “Maybe she decided to give us one after all.” My wolf tells me happily.

    “She wouldn’t do that without telling me first.” I tell him.

    “Whatever. Either way, she’s our mate and she’s coming around the corner.” He tries and warns me. But it’s too late as we both turned at the same time and bumped into each other, with her spilling something scolding hot all over my shirt.

    “WHAT THE HELL?!” I yell as I feel the pain from the heat as it soaks through my shirt and has absorbed into my skin.

    “I’m so sorry.” She starts apologizing.

    I won’t lie. She looked sexy beautiful from her curves, to her luscious pink soft looking lips and medium length eggplant purple wavy hair cascading down to the middle of her back.

    I snap myself back to reality and start scowling at her.

    “Why don’t you walk where the hell you’re going!” I snap at her before heading back upstairs to take yet another shower and get dressed for the second time today. I don’t even care if I just hurt her feelings either, she really needs to be more careful.

    “Way to go Asshole!” My wolf says.

    After getting dressed, yet again today, I start making my way back downstairs and head outside to welcome the new wolves.

    Once I get outside and take a look at the line of twenty-five wolves, I can already tell this will be a lot of work.

    I smell that familiar scent again and out the corner of my eye, I see her again-Ms. Clumsy.

    I glare at her for a brief moment before looking back at the wolves and wonder what in the hell she is even doing here. I’m sure my sister is up to something and will definitely be having a talk with her later.

    “Alright, listen up!” I start addressing them. “I need for you all to understand that just because you were selected to come here, does not mean you’ll all make it. This training you will endure will be excruciatingly painful. You will be trained both physically and mentally because if you don’t know how to control both then you will not survive in a fight. In the next several months you’ll be tested on things from survival to controlling your wolf. These tests will not be fair since real life and fights never are. Always remember that a true werewolf is fearless, strong and show’s no mercy to the enemies. So with that said, welcome to hell.” I smirked at them all as they started hollering and cheering while clapping in excitement and calling out my name.

    I always like meeting the newbies on the first day because they’re so excited to be here while being clueless at the same time to what they’ll be put through.

    There will be tears, pain, exhaustion, bruises, maybe some scars and hopefully, they’ll find their inner strength.

    While walking past my sister and Fred, I wink and smile at her to let her know they’re all hers now. She hates it when I get cocky like that and just rolls her eyes.

    She starts walking towards the line of wolves and before I walk back into the place, I see off to the side that this new girl is sitting down, writing something in a journal. Was she just taking notes of what I was saying?

    I really need to find out soon what she’s doing here and make sure that she isn’t an enemy. So I wait a little bit until Fred starts their first day of training and Rachael comes walking back into the house with the girl, both of them laughing.

    “Excuse us.” I walk up to them as I grab Rachael’s arm and have her follow me into the study and shut the door behind us.

    “What the hell is wrong with you?!” She yells at me as she jerks her arm from my grasp.

    “Who the hell is that girl?!” I asked.

    “Who? Avery?” She asks me, playing dumb. “I found her…” She started and I stopped her right then and there.

    “You brought home another rogue? Did last time not teach you anything?” I asked her trying to remind her about the last rogue she ‘helped’ who nearly killed some members of my pack.

    “It’s not like that. She was hurt and hit her head hard on a rock so I brought her back here and I figured since she had no other place to go, I thought she could stay here. We could use the help.”

    “No. The answer is no and she needs to leave by tomorrow morning.” I tell Rachael.

    “The hell she will! You listen to me Harrison, you need to get whatever stick you have up your ass out and then stop acting like an immature temperamental kid. She is staying and that is that!” She commands with a glare.

    We both have our arms crossed across out chests, glaring at one another until finally, I give up.

    “Fine! But if she gets in the way or this turns out to be like the last rogue you tried to help, you will not have a say in the punishment I will give her. Understand?” I tell her.

    “Fine. And YOU better be nice to her. She’s been through more hell than you know. So behave or else.” She warns me.

    “Whatever.” I roll my eyes while stomping out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

    She better be right and that this girl isn’t like the last one. Although on the other hand, I do like her name, Avery.


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