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    “You’re the enemy Alpha, aren’t you?” I asked, finally breaking eye contact. I was mated to a monster. He was the one Albert mentioned, the one who tried to kill Harper during the war last winter. The Alpha of the enemy pack.

    What was his name again?

    His eyes were the color of melted gold. Beautiful yet dangerous.

    Despite everything my head said about how evil he was, my heart jumped at how handsome he was. He was incredibly attractive and my wolf agreed. And he was still my mate, my match.

    I looked over and saw the open gate behind him. How did he escape?

    “Who’s asking, blondie?” He smirked and I frowned at the nickname. Maybe it was Ben or maybe it was Benjamin?

    “I should get Albert.” I crossed my arms, doing my best to look intimidating. I wouldn’t let him escape.

    Bert? Bensen? Bill?

    “And I should probably go.” He turned on his heel and started to sprint out the other way.

    Oh no!

    I instantly mind-linked with Albert.

    Albert, the prisoner escaped! He’s heading to the east wing! Alert, alert!

    Which prisoner? His voice was urgent.

    The name just came to me. Like I should have known all along.


    Coming. Albert linked instanteneously.

    Brandon was already halfway up the stairs when I caught up to him. He was weak but still stronger than me.

    “Stop!” I yelled and I tried to grab him. My hand touched his arm and it shocked my whole body. I let go, not being able to touch him.

    Brandon turned around and the look in his eyes made my face grow hot.

    “Kill me. I dare you.” Brandon taunted but I couldn’t. I couldn’t kill him even if I tried and he knew that.

    Why did I have to be mates with my enemy?

    Was the Moon Goddess playing me?

    “I knew you couldn’t.” He shook his head and ran up the stairs. Was he rejecting me?

    I froze up, not sure what to do. I let him go.

    “Amelia!” I heard Albert call behind me and I turned around, unable to speak.

    “Where is he? Did he hurt you?” He demanded and I shook my head. He sighed, relieved. “Where did he go?”


    Albert eyed the open prison and narrowed his eyes at me.

    “Did you let him go on purpose?” He asked suspiciously. I shook my head quickly.

    “Of course not.”

    “Amelia, what are you doing here? It’s too dangerous for you here.” Albert told me sternly and back was my cold, overprotective brother.

    I didn’t care if he yelled at me. He could yell at me as much as he wanted. I just wanted to talk to Brandon.

    “Where’s Scarlett?” There was an edge to his voice.

    “I don’t know.” I admitted.

    “She was suppose to watch you. You’re not suppose to run off!” He scolded.

    “We need to find Brandon!” I exclaimed, pushing past him and running up the stairs.

    “I already ordered Leslie to track him down and kill him.” He dismissed, not making an effort to move.

    “No!” I spoke without thinking and covered my mouth, widening my eyes. Oops.

    “What do you mean ‘no’?” Albert growled. “I listened to Harper and agreed to wait but I can’t wait anymore. Brandon has to die.”


    “He’s a threat and as long as he’s out there, he’s going to kill more of our wolves.”

    “Albert, listen-” But he interrupted me again before I could explain.

    “Leslie found him.”

    Go to him, my wolf told me but I was frozen in place.

    Save my mate, my enemy, or let him be killed?


    I listened to my wolf. No matter who he was, I would not let anyone hurt my mate. Anyone can be saved, even the cruel Alpha Brandon.

    I pushed passed Albert and ran up the stairs myself.

    I was standing on the side, watching as Leslie was about to deliver a death blow to a pitiful-looking Brandon. He was bleeding uncontrollably and my heart lurched at the sight of him injured.

    Without hesitation, I lept in front of Brandon.

    “What the hell, Amy!” Leslie swore, stopping just short of my head. I stood my ground, staring into Leslie’s eyes. I would not let him hurt my mate.

    “I could’ve hurt you.” Leslie said sharply, his eyes glowing in anger. “Get out of the way.”

    I didn’t beg. “Don’t hurt him.”

    “And why not?” He challenged.

    Amy, a voice whispered in my head and it took me a moment to realize that it was Brandon, Don’t make things difficult, he mind-linked.

    Things were already difficult when the moon goddess chose us to be mates, I countered, Let me handle this.

    Brandon didn’t reply, just stood there breathing down my neck.

    Leslie spat, “He’s a murderer. Alpha Albert ordered me to kill him.”

    “And as the Alpha’s sister, I order you to take him back to his prison. Where he can think about what he’s done.” I told him and I heard a sharp intake of breath coming from Brandon.

    I bet he didn’t know I had Alpha blood running through my veins.

    Leslie hesitated, looking conflicted. But finally, he bowed and I sighed in relief.

    “As you wish.”

    “Why didn’t you tell me you were an Alpha’s daughter?” Brandon asked me.

    I had snuck into the prison during the night and had actually made it without anyone following me. Albert told me I could stay until Scarlett came to fetch me. He told me very clearly that as soon as she came, I would go back.

    I still hadn’t heard a word from Keith, who was probably lost in the castle.

    “You didn’t let me explain.” I shrugged on the other side of the cell. He lifted his head and met my eyes, looking me up and down. I crossed my arms, not liking the glare he gave me.

    “What’s to explain? You’re from the enemy pack, we can’t be together.”

    “Why not? We’re mates and-“

    “And I’m confined here for the rest of my life. Besides, Albert would kill you for being mates with me.” Brandon grinned but it soon fell from his face, looking solemn again.

    A light bulb just went off in my head.

    “What if I helped you escape? If I helped you, you could go back to your pack and figure out a truce with my pack! I could come with you, it’s a win-win.” I suggested enthusiastically and he cocked his head.

    “If you can help me escape. But I doubt it.” Brandon said with disinterest and I wanted to prove him wrong.

    “If I help you escape, you have to work out a truce between our packs. Deal?” I asked, hoping he would agree.

    He smirked. “Deal.”


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