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    At the end of the day, my mates and I left the restaurant after a nice meal. It was one of the best I’ve had out of school. Of course, I have to cook after school, who else would do that for me? I was not lucky enough to have the amazing support system that I have right now.

    We walked hand in hand to the car and set off for the hotel. I passed it many times on my way downtown and its beauty always amuses me, which is why I was surprised to see us parked there. The doorman opened the door, and I went out, feeling very uncomfortable. I still have the clothes I wore to school and walking into this place seems to require a brand and a label. I recalibrated the look on my face and walked behind Edwin, with Evan followed me. I was stuck from the moment I set foot in the hotel, and a chuckle came from my behind which I knew belonged to Evan. “I cannot wait to see when we go home if this is your reaction now.” Evan said in a teasing voice. I smile and replied:
    “Me either. I cannot wait to go to your ho-“
    “Our home” Edwin intervened.
    “I like the sound of that.” I responded.
    “Me too.” Edwin said.

    We walked further into the hotel and I was lead to an elevator of many buttons. A waiter in the elevator bowed us and press the right button for us. I was kind of abstracted. My thought were on Green Ville kingdom, and what it was like there.

    “What was it like in Green Ville? I heard the name many times, but no one told me about it…” I asked.

    “It is a wonderful kingdom, the people there are happy. It is always sunny, when we were not studying, we had more than enough time to see the beautiful sights…” Evan said.

    “It’s wanderful and I would not have wished to be brought up in a different place. The kingdom is made by the Goddess perfectly. We thank her ever night for it at the rituals the queen performs every four months. It is the most glorious nights and the whole people look forward to it.” Edwin said with glowing eyes.

    “It sounds wonderful” I whispered and closed my eyes trying to imaging what it must be like to be there. The elevator bell rang at this point.

    Edwin led me to an amazing room. It was a presidential suit. It was unbelievable graceful, and I like the colour scheme of gold and red, fit for a King, or princes in this case. The room which they let me lead myself around had foyer which had a staircase which lead into the upstairs. On the downstairs was a lounge with different paintings on the walls and sumptuous sofas beautifully arranged. I followed my feet upstairs and welcomed by three open doors. Two were bedrooms which had been tidied, and the other was a bathroom, with the most exquisite toilet shower and Jacuzzi looking bathtub. I longed to go in there.

    I felt guilty for wondering in this room, no apartment, and went back to the boys downstairs who were sitting in the lounge. “This is quite an apartment” I exclaimed. “You are right, the king of England did do a lot of arrangements for you two to come. Wow, that sounds strange saying.” Their laughter told me I had said the last part out loud and immediately hid my face in my hands. They came up to me and removed my hands from my burning cheeks and snapped a kiss upon them.

    “I love your blush.” Edwin said and Evan “hmmmm” in response. that did not help my blush and I got even a shade redder. With my skin tone it was hard to see and I was happy for that.

    After a while, all the awkwardness of meeting them had passed away. I laid my head on Edwin’s knee and my feet upon Evan’s thighs. His hand done wonders to remove all the tension in my feet, while Edwin brushed his hands through my hair in a soothing pattern. “What was it like growing up in such a place as Green Ville?” I asked.

    ” It was great. Everyone loved it. Being a prince does give you a lot of respect. It’s hard to walk alone in the street because of our position. Many people don’t like having royalty among the wares, but if that’s the point, they’ll stay away from our state. A lot of people go there. It was almost a ritual that everyone goes there once they turn 16, either to find a mate or to enjoy the beauty of their beloved city. Everyone has heard of it. Why haven’t you been there?” Edwin said.

    ” I asked my mother to take me there, but she refused, as if I had asked her to marry the man who had left us. She doesn’t want me to go there.” I answered. I heard Edwin and Evan growled in unison and try to soothe them the best I did in my position. “I’m sorry I have too many burdens. I bet you did not wish for a mate with this background.” I said.
    “non-sense” they replied, “It only makes you more mature at the age of 17.” Evan said.

    “Not that we wish upon you what you have gotten, but we do not blame you for that. We wish to make it up to you, love you more and spoil you in a way you never have been.” Edwin continued.

    “We love that you have been in this situation and gotten through it the way you have without any help. Although we wish we could be there for you through most of it.” Evan finished.

    It brought tears to my eyes. I knew they would never hate me, but hearing those words made me realize what I was missing and that they would do anything to be there for me. They kissed the eyes which the tears have fallen from.
    “Do you know your father?” Edwin asked curiously.

    “I don’t know much of him. My mother never spoke of him. Just said he left us on my birthday. But he came to visit us occasionally before my 5. Then he decided to disappear and never showed up again. I remember when I thought about the best days of my life while he appeared in my memory, those days will never leave my memory. He was mixed race. He came from Columbia, I’ve always wanted to go there, but mum would never take me. He came to England and met his father who was rich. My mother never took any money from him though. I was a mistake to her, I was not expected to him also. I always thought it was because me he left us.”

    “Well we are lucky. You are no mistake to us.” Evan reassured with a smile which put my heart off track for a few seconds. “Do you still remember his name?”

    “Harry, that’s the name I would always remember. Harry Maxwell” I said wondering where this was going.
    “The Harry Maxwell who is heir to the England throne?” Evan asked sitting up to have a better look at my face. My confused face.

    “What are you talking about? Yes Harry Maxwell, heir to the throne…Same name with my father, yeah.” I burst out laughing. That’s what you do when you find out your father, who left you is one of royalty. I sobered up pretty quick when I noticed they were not laughing with me. “Why aren’t you laughing?” I asked. “There were too many Harry Maxwells in England, it was just a common name owned by an irresponsible father, or our heir to the throne.”

    “I’m being serious.” Replied Evan. “His mother was from Columbia. When his father, the prince of England, was going around the world to find their mate. Then his father found his mother and took her to England with him. She found out she was pregnant and flee back home, for shelter. People wanted to harm her and her baby because they were black and the prince was white, and there was racial tensions at that time. They ended up seeking shelter and the prince could not find her and his son. They came out when the boy was old enough to look after him and his mother. They went back to England and the king was happy to be near his mate and to meet his son, who had problems adjusting. Yeah, quite a long story, the prince became king, and the son became prince. After that, the royal family had twins, which everyone knew about.”

    “But why did he leave my mother. If he is the prince, why would he do that to his own child? I don’t even know if they were mates. Mum never talked about them…”
    “He found his mate. He is still with her at this moment. We had met him before we found you.” Edwin said. I tensed up knowing that “my father” was with another woman, and probably have other children of his own.

    “I want to see him. Can you take me to him please?” I asked not knowing if I wanted to meet him or not.

    “Of course, we would love to, if you want, we could go with you. But it will take some time to make necessary arrangement.” They replied with a smile which I could not return easily.

    “I am tired. I think I’m going to go to sleep.” I said physically and emotionally exhausted.

    “You can have my room. I will sleep in the other room.” Said Edwin. “The rooms are big me and my brother can share one.”

    They took me to my room. I dressed for bed and crawled into bed. It smelled like Edwin and Evan that I missed. I turned over and over again. I got out of bed and walked to the other room, hoping to jump into their bed. Maybe that’s the reason keeping me awake. I went into the room and climbed over Edwin to the middle, under the sheets. I kissed Edwin goodnight and then Evan, wishing I’d done it sooner, but I was too caught up in my thoughts and exhaustion. They both turned to me and hugged me gently.

    I felt lucky for once. “I know its a lot to deal with, but we are always here for you. When you need it the most.” Edwin said before I fell asleep between my two mates.


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