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    Lily’s POV.

    “In that case, I get to have her the most”, a deep voice boomed from behind me.

    I turned around and saw a man standing at the door of the kitchen.

    I don’t think I’ve ever met him before. For the fact I am sure I’ve never even seen him before.

    He wore a black turtle-neck sweater with dark blue jeans. He had light grey eyes. His face neatly shaved with hair properly combed. He looked well kept.

    He looked nearly Baley’s age.

    “Helen!”, Chase exclaimed. He looked excited and then he suddenly launched himself on that Helen dude.

    He chuckled and caught Chase just in time before he would’ve fallen down and broken his bum.

    He then pulled away after a few seconds and looked here and there. It seemed as if he was searching for something.
    Then his eyes stopped and landed on me. He stared at me, his light grey staring in my blue ones.

    “Lily”, he whispered slowly. He came towards me and held me in a tight embrace. Not letting go, as if scared I might disappear.

    Everything happened so fast, I didn’t know how to react.

    So I just stood there, silently waiting for him to let go.

    But he didn’t. So I spoke, “Umm, sir, can you let go off me?”

    He pulled away and looked at my brothers, “Sir?”

    “Uh uh”, Mud laughed nervously.

    “Don’t tell me you didn’t even mention me. I will beat the crap out of you Baley”, he looked at Baley.

    Baley rolled his eyes and said, “It’s not my fault that we were taking care of her.”

    “Lily, remember I told you about our cousins who helped us run away from Joseph?”, Alex asked me.

    I nodded.

    “He is him, Helen, who saved me from getting stabbed. He is our oldest brother, 2 years older than Baley”, Alex told me.

    I looked at Alex and then back at the stranger, who was my oldest brother.

    A big smile made its way on my face. I hugged him tightly.

    “You saved my twin, Alex, thank you!”, I spoke. My voice came out muffled because I was hugging him so tightly.
    He seemed shocked for a moment but then he recovered quickly and squeezed me in his arms.

    “Bambina, don’t thank me. I am very lucky to have you and Alex as my baby siblings”, he said while squeezing my cheeks with his both hands.

    He was smiling widely, showing dimples on both his cheeks.

    I grinned.

    “You grew up so beautiful”, he said.

    I could see the moisture in his eyes. He was trying to control his emotions.

    “Oh look! Our big bad brother all emotional. I might click a picture, you don’t get to see this everyday”, James said while taking out his phone.

    “Shut up”, Helen rolled his eyes.

    “Wait, can I ask something?”, I said out loud.

    “Yes little sister, what do you wanna know?”, Helen asked me, smiling.


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