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    I woke up in the morning and rolled out of bed.

    I put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt before going downstairs and into the kitchen.

    Hellen was in there, making breakfast.

    She plopped a plate in front of me and I smiled.

    “Hey Hannah” She said.

    “Hey. Thanks for breakfast.” I said. She smiled and started eating her own food.

    “Hannah can I talk to you?” Carlos asked, walking into the kitchen.

    I got up and nodded, following him as he led me through the house into his office.

    I’ve been here for a week now and I’ve made some friends. Carlos and I have been getting along great. He helps me when I have nightmares and he takes me places for food sometimes.

    “Hannah.” He snapped me out of my thoughts.


    “I wanted to take you shopping today. For a car.” He said.

    “Oh. Ok. I’ve never had a car of my own.” I said.

    “Then you’ll get your first one today.” He said.

    He told me to go get shoes and meet him outside. I ran to my room and put my black vans on. When I got outside Carlos was in the car already. The drive there was silent, but it was a nice type of quiet.

    When we got there he walked up and told the guy what we were looking for. The guy led us to a big section of different colored cars and told us to inform us when we made our decision.

    “Pick any one you want. I’ll buy it for you. I’ll get anything you want.” I nodded before walking around, looking at the different colored SUV’s.

    “I want this one!” I pointed at a gray one.

    Carlos came over and nodded.

    “Alright. I’ll go pay.”

    Carlos soon came back with the worker guy. We lived in a place where it was all werewolves so the guy gave us the keys and we left in separate cars.

    When I pulled into the drive way I smiled as Gary and Hayden ran towards me.

    Gary is 19, he’s the Beta, the one that found me.

    Hayden is Carlos’s cousin. Neither of them have found their mates yet.

    Carlos introduced me to them after about a week of being here.

    “Hannah!” They both yelled and jumped on me.

    I laughed and shoved them off as Carlos walked over, seeming annoyed.

    “Hannah. We are all taking a run. Would you like to join?”

    “Sure. It’s been a little while since I’ve shifted.” I nodded.

    “Great. Meet us back here in 5 minutes.” he said before walking inside.

    I went inside and put on shorts and a shirt, meeting them back outside.

    We all shifted and they stared at me.

    Shift back. Carlos sent through our mind link

    We all shifted and they continued to stare at me.

    “Do you know what that means?” Carlos asked me.


    “You’re all silver with a white marking on your nose. You’re the chosen one.” He stated.

    “The chosen what?” I asked.

    “The prophecy states that in a time of need there will be a savior. The chosen one. This wolf will have a white diamond on its nose. That’s you. You’re the chosen one Hannah.”

    “But what does that even mean?” I asked.

    “You are the savior of the wolves.” Then everything went black.

    When I woke up I was in my room and Carlos was sitting on my couch. He looked up and I saw relief in his eyes.

    “Your awake. I was worried.” He muttered.

    Worried? About me?

    “Oh. Sorry.” I said quietly.

    “So, I made a few calls and you have bags to pack. We will be going to the see the elders. They are going to help you.” He told me.

    “Help me with what?” I asked.

    “Understanding what this means.” He said. “I’ll leave you to pack. We leave in an hour.”

    I packed a week worth of clothes and then took a shower.

    I put my hair in a bun and slipped on my jeans and a white shirt.

    When I went downstairs Carlos was waiting for me and I followed him to the car.

    “The ride there will be about 5 hours long.” He said.


    He turned on the radio and I quietly sang along with the songs that came on.

    I looked at Carlos as he smiled at me.

    “You have a beautiful voice Hannah.” He said.

    “Thanks.” I said quietly. I haven’t sang in front of anybody since my moms death.

    My dad told me it reminded him of my mom so I wasn’t allowed to in front of him. Every time I did he would hit me harder than normal.

    I sank back in my seat as I thought of this, hoping Carlos wasn’t mad.

    “Hey.” he said softly, “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

    I looked up as tears formed in my eyes.

    “It’s ok. It’s just. I used to get beat by my father every time I would sing in front of him. I reminded him of my mother when I did. I just. In these past 2 weeks I haven’t thought about my life back then. It all came rushing back.” I whispered, trying to wipe the tears that kept falling.

    I barely noticed he had pulled over until he pulled me onto his lap and held me while I cried into his shirt.
    “Hey. It’s ok Hannah. You’re with me now. I’ll never let anyone hurt you ever again. I’ve got you.” He said quietly, holding me tightly.

    “I’m sorry I got tears all over your shirt. I’ll get you a different one. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be whin-” then his lips were on mine. Nothing had ever felt as right as it did in that moment. I kissed him back with everything I had.

    When we broke apart we were both breathing heavily and I blushed.

    I looked up and he smiled.

    “Hannah. I really like you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone since my mate passed. I want this to work. I want you to be mine.”

    “I want to be yours, Carlos.” I whispered.

    I crawled back to my seat and he continued to drive. I leaned my head against the window and smiled.

    I didn’t think I’d ever be this happy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

    “Hey. Wake up. We’re here. Come on.” I heard Carlos say.

    I groaned and got out of the car.

    I straightened out my closed and put my hair up.

    “How do I look?”

    “Beautiful” he said. I blushed and looked away as he chuckled.

    We went up the steps and were greeted by an older man.

    “Hello.” He said. “My name is Elder Kain. You must be Hannah and Carlos.” He said, inviting us in. “Let’s get started.”

    3 Hours Later

    “So, you’re telling me that there is going to be a war between wolves and hunters?” I asked, looking at Elder Kain.

    “Exactly” Kain nodded.

    “Okay. And my job is..?”

    “You are the one who will either make peace before the war starts.” Kain said. “Or you’ll be the one who ends it.”


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