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    “Her Highness must have had her own recipe.”

    “That’s right. It was really delicious. Besides, the Gare Prince liked it, didn’t he?”

    Edon agreed with Lesley.

    “But aren’t those dishes too unique?”

    “It’s no problem since the Gare Prince likes it.”

    Although it was true that the dishes made by the Gare Princess were rather unique, Lesley was happy to see someone looking out for the Gare Prince.

    “Well, you are right.”

    Hans smiled softly.

    After the Emperor returned, they would be interrogated about the reckless dismissal of the servants, but Lesley, Hans and Edon vowed to protect both of them from any harm.

    As she was the wife that the Gare Prince cherished so dearly and also the only person who managed to restore his buried happiness, the Gare Prince’s people unanimously accepted Tina as their own master.

    One of the maids that used to aid Ken was also laid-off under Tina’s orders. She had acted sweet and gentle on the surface, but after Ken was forced down from the Gare Prince’s position, her gentle demeanor did a complete 180.

    She would call Ken ugly and hideous because of the black inscriptions on his skin and would wear an expression of abject disgust at the mere sight of him. When Tina thought of the maid’s treachery, her blood boiled in anger.

    Even those who pitied Ken would be reluctant to directly touch him because they thought that the curse was contagious.
    There was no guarantee that switching to

    a different maid would stop this from repeating, so I decided to help Ken bath myself.

    “Your Highness, from now on I’ll assist you when bathing.”


    At the moment, Ken was reading a book, and when he heard my words, he raised his head and prepared to escape. I knew he would react like this, so I firmly held his shoulders down.

    “Go to the bathroom, please.”

    “No! What if you get infected by the curse?!”

    “I won’t.”

    “What if you become unlucky?!”

    ‘When someone sees or touches the cursed inscriptions, either the curse will be passed on to them or the person will become unhappy.’

    Due to such false rumors, the bearer of the curse was not allowed to come outside and abandoned in a southern island.

    Ken was also pushed down from his Gare Prince position and forced to go to a southern island as soon as the cursed inscriptions appeared. But thanks to the Emperor’s strong opposition, he was able to stay in a faraway palace.

    “I’m not going to be unhappy. That’s a false rumor, so you can just ignore it.”

    “What if it’s not just a rumor?!”

    Did he keep the rumors in mind? Sure, in the original book, the author said that a person would become unhappy if they stayed next to Ken for a long time, but I didn’t think so.

    “I’ve already seen your face and held your hand.”

    “The inscriptions on my face are small, but the ones on my body are big!”


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