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    However, Jerome has given orders, and Whitfield can only follow them to avoid delaying Jerome’s project, which would make things worse. “I understand,” Whitfield replies.

    “Are you tired? I’ll take over for you,” Angelia says, getting up from the couch, feeling weak and limp all over. He sees her sleepy and blurry-eyed, “You can sleep a bit more. It’s only 10 o’clock. If I get tired, I’ll wake you up.”

    “Then remember to wake me up.”


    Angelia still can’t sleep soundly, having all sorts of chaotic dreams. She dreams of her grandmother, Alyssa, and also Jerome. Her grandmother asks her to get up and eat noodles, to get along well with Jerome, and to give Alyssa a little brother. But in the blink of an eye, Jerome disappears and goes back to his country. She feels sad and wants to find him, but doesn’t know where to look. It dawns on her that she doesn’t even know where he is.

    She opens her eyes, sits up, and sees Jerome still working on his computer. Fortunately, it’s not like in her dream, where she couldn’t find him.

    “I’m feeling better now,” Angelia says to him, her voice much better.

    “Okay, Angelia,” Jerome calls her, his voice becoming more alluring at night, and it falls on Angelia’s heart.

    “I’m here,” Angelia stands up.

    “I’m hungry. Do we have anything to eat?” Jerome looks at the computer screen and asks.

    “Oh, then I’ll go to the kitchen and see,” Angelia goes out.

    She sees that many leftovers are classified and placed in a bucket. Rural people are simple and frugal.

    They don’t want to waste any extra food and would rather give some to relatives or friends with good relationships.

    No one came to visit her, and her family has no relatives, so the people in the village will eat the leftovers tomorrow, and there are a lot of them left over.

    She boiled water and prepared a bowl of noodles for Jerome. There were ready-made meatballs and fresh lettuce and tomatoes from her own vegetable garden.

    She went to the door and picked a lettuce and a tomato and came back.

    The water was already boiling. She put the noodles into the boiling water, washed the lettuce and put it in, added the tomato, and finally put three meatballs in.

    She finished and handed it to Jerome. Jerome was still busy in front of the computer.

    Angelia put the bowl on the coffee table and reminded him, “It’s a bit hot now. You can eat it later. I’ll tidy up the dishes.”

    “Well, thank you,” Jerome replied in a low voice, still typing on the computer and communicating with various experts.

    Angelia took out a food bag from the drawer. It was summer now, and the vegetables were easily spoiled.

    She had to put them in the refrigerator and give them to the people who helped in the village later, so they wouldn’t spoil.

    She packed all the vegetables in a convenient bag and put them in the refrigerator.

    Jerome ate noodles.

    She looked at the time and it was already three o’clock.

    She sat opposite Jerome, leaning on the sofa, and looked at him with pity.

    “Jerome, after you finish eating, go to sleep for a while. The psychic medium said he won’t come until six in the morning.”

    “I won’t sleep. I’ll stay with you,” Jerome said. Angelia frowned, “You only slept for a little over an hour. That’s too little. Your body won’t be able to handle it.”

    “After your grandmother is rested tomorrow, I’ll have time to sleep in the afternoon. There’s no hurry for these few hours,” Jerome said, putting down his bowl and looking at Angelia.

    “Do you know about P2P?”

    “Yes, when I was at Marriott International, a colleague of mine bought it. The interest rate was high, but the risk was also high. What’s wrong?”

    Angelia asked puzzledly. “My people found out that Amanda Charles bought one billion Swiss Airlines P2P last week. She doesn’t have that much cash, only seven hundred million, and the other three hundred million was borrowed.”

    “She bought so much? Is there something wrong with Swiss Airlines P2P?”Swiss Airlines offers a monthly profit rate of 3% to its major clients and an annual profit rate of 13% to its smaller clients.

    This means that if someone invests 1 billion with Swiss Airlines for a year, and assuming no issues arise, they can expect to receive a minimum of 360 million in interest.

    As for whether there are any issues, Jerome paused.

    Angelia waited for him to continue.

    Jerome then explained that Swiss Airlines is nominally a joint venture between a private bank in Switzerland and a shell company called A Airlines.

    The private bank currently has 1.2 trillion US dollars in its account.

    Angelia was shocked at the amount of money and asked if it was all raised through fundraising and what they do with it.

    Jerome replied that it is generally used for investment, but Swiss Airlines is different.

    Since its establishment earlier this year, it has not invested in any projects, but has instead been hoarding a large amount of funds.

    Jerome suspects that they are manipulating the financial markets and are habitual offenders.

    Angelia did not understand much about finance or market manipulation, but she remembered a TV series called “The Great Times” that she watched when she was young, which was about finance and the skilled manipulators behind the scenes.

    They could move billions of dollars with the flick of a finger.

    Angelia commented that Amanda Charles was quite bold to invest so much money.

    Jerome smirked and said that she would always pay for her actions.

    His people have found out that Swiss Airlines has been active in Louisiana recently, and if he guessed correctly, they will be targeting cash and making a quick profit in the short term.

    Angelia asked if there was any regulatory agency overseeing this, but Jerome explained that some countries have policies that are too liberal in order to attract foreign exchange, which gives these financial giants the opportunity to play.

    After the meeting ends tomorrow, he will go on a business trip to Louisiana and it will take about a week.

    He has already found Alyssa and will let Angelia know once he finds out more.

    Angelia urged him to rest before his trip and warned him that he might not sleep well on the plane.

    Jerome looked at her with a serious expression and asked her what she would do if Sammie threatened her with Alyssa while he was away.Angelia shook her head.

    “Amanda Charles wants him to divorce me and keep him imprisoned at home. He doesn’t have a chance to come out for a while.”

    “I’m not afraid of ten thousand things, just in case. What if he’s released or runs out when I’m not here?” Jerome asked anxiously.

    Angelia remained silent.

    She couldn’t have a relationship with Sammie, which was even more uncomfortable than losing her life.

    But Alyssa was more important than her life.

    Jerome became even more worried when he saw Angelia not speaking, and he grabbed her wrist and forcefully kissed her on the lips…

    Angelia was startled and backed away.

    Jerome was angry that she avoided him because she still didn’t want to accept him!

    This thought made him uncomfortable, and he furrowed his brows.

    Her attitude made him unable to figure out what was missing between them, even though he could feel that she and Sammie were no longer together.

    Angelia dared not look at him. “Um, I need to burn some paper money for my grandmother.”

    “His purpose of catching Alyssa is not to hurt her, but to restrain you. The right thing to do is to avoid him as much as possible before I come back, even if he gets angry! He won’t hurt Alyssa as long as he can’t threaten you for a day. Do you understand?” Jerome said seriously.

    Angelia understood, but she was afraid that Sammie would get angry and hurt Alyssa directly.

    He was an irrational and absurd person.

    She didn’t say these words, fearing that Jerome would worry, and just nodded.

    Jerome let go of her hand.

    Angelia went to burn the paper money.

    He went back to work.

    Angelia saw that he was in a bad mood.

    She didn’t intentionally avoid him. In fact, she didn’t reject his kiss, but she couldn’t get over this hurdle in her heart in front of her grandmother’s memorial tablet.

    “Jerome,” Angelia called out.

    He ignored her.

    She knew he was angry. “I didn’t mean to.”

    Jerome looked at her, his eyes still cold. “So it’s subconscious rejection?”We are currently keeping vigil,” explained Angelia.

    Jerome looked deeply at her.

    He had spent more time abroad than in his home country, and did not understand these customs and traditions.

    Perhaps he had crossed a line.

    “If there are any taboos, you can tell me in advance,” Jerome said in a low voice, his gaze still on the computer.

    Angelia lay on the sofa, hoping he would stay.

    “Thank you,” she said, grateful that he had come to accompany her.

    If he hadn’t come, she wouldn’t have been able to bear it alone.

    Perhaps she would have fainted in the hospital by now, unable to keep vigil properly or send her grandmother off properly.

    She also thanked him for helping her.

    In fact, just looking at him and being with him was enough to make her feel content.

    Time passed by second by second.

    The psychic medium came to knock on the door a little after five.

    The French-style funeral started at six, and rural people generally got up early.

    Rural women brought a few villagers to help, and they worked until eight in the morning.

    At eighteen minutes past eight, the psychic medium led the way, accompanied by a person blowing a horn.

    Although Angelia’s grandmother was buried in their own field not far from home, the psychic medium said that the farther they walked, the better, so they went around the village in a big circle.

    According to their customs, a male family member had to carry the coffin.

    Jerome was the only one who could do it.

    Angelia watched as Jerome helped out in front, and he no longer seemed like a god who was untouchable or approachable.

    He was now a man who could accompany her, share the joys and sorrows of daily life, and be safe and reliable.

    When Angelia’s grandmother was buried, her emotions were still high.

    She knelt on the ground and watched as the yellow soil submerged the urn, crying uncontrollably.

    That was the real separation of yin and yang.

    From now on, the world would be missing a person named Abigail Diana, and the two people she had been waiting for had not returned.She can no longer see her grandmother’s smile, eat her grandmother’s food, or give her grandmother a good life.

    Various emotions surged in her heart.

    The people who helped her set up the tombstone, the psychic medium performed the French ritual, and said she could leave.

    She knelt in front of the tombstone and cried.

    Jerome had been with her all the time, listening to her crying, his heart also aching.

    “Angelia, sorrow only causes pain to loved ones and pleasure to enemies. Your grandmother sees you sad and will not rest in peace. Buddhism emphasizes reincarnation, and Christianity says that death is a completion of redemption. In my opinion, living well is the best comfort to them.”

    Angelia looked at Jerome with red eyes, tears still in her eyes.

    She knew he was right.

    If she cried so much, her grandmother would also feel heartbroken and restless.

    However, the overwhelming feeling of sadness would still come.

    “You know, your grandmother’s wish is for you to live well, so you pretend to live well. In the future, try your best to live well. That is what you should do.”

    Jerome helped her up and Angelia nodded.

    She was a small and obedient child, but also particularly pitiful.

    Jerome rubbed her head with distress, “From today on, make efforts for a better tomorrow, don’t let yourself be wronged, and don’t let others bully you. You were too kind before, too soft, and too forgiving. Some people are not worth forgiving.”

    She did not forgive others easily, but rather did not want to spend time on these people.

    But it seemed that the more she did this, the more she was avoiding.

    “Let’s go, we’re going back.” Jerome held her hand.

    Angelia looked at his hand, did not struggle, looked back at her grandmother, and followed him back.

    When they arrived at her grandmother’s house, the villagers had already taken their seats, and the people on the stage were still performing.

    The villagers were enjoying themselves, and some were cheering and applauding.The departure of loved ones is a sad thing, especially when it’s someone as close as a grandmother.

    However, it doesn’t affect the lives of others.

    This is human nature – after grieving, we need to stand up and live better, which is a comfort to the deceased.

    In the countryside, the women invite Angelia and Jerome to sit down.

    “Do you want to drink?” The village chief asked Jerome, holding a bottle of white wine.

    “He hasn’t slept all night,” Angelia refused tactfully.

    “Oh,” the village chief put away the wine bottle disappointedly.

    In the past, when someone passed away, after the deceased was buried, the family members had to thank the village for their kindness.

    Angelia had no one to help, and the village chief was busy helping her.

    She felt guilty.

    “Village chief, I toast to you.” Angelia poured herself a glass of white wine.

    Jerome took her bowl.

    “You haven’t been feeling well lately. You cried too much today. Eat more. I’ll toast to the village chief.”

    Angelia felt cherished, valued, and appreciated.

    “Then…drink less.” Jerome raised his glass and said to the village chief, “Thank you for helping Angelia. I’ll toast to you.”

    In the past, only others toasted to Jerome, and there weren’t many people he needed to toast to.

    Angelia was touched.

    The village chief was also very happy and said, “We don’t drink this wine. You’re from the city and haven’t tasted our own brewed rice wine. It’s delicious. Wife, go get our hidden wine.”

    “Okay!” The rural woman instructed and went to get the wine.

    Angelia was worried that Jerome couldn’t handle it.

    Suddenly, Jerome held her hand, looked at her, and met her concerned eyes.

    He smiled.

    When Jerome smiled, his facial features softened, and his appearance was stunning, as if the stars in the sky would pale in comparison.

    “Eat more before drinking, or your stomach will not be able to handle it,” Angelia reminded him.


    “Angelia cares about her man,” the village chief joked.

    Angelia’s face turned red instantly.Jerome’s eyes softened a bit, as if they could overflow with water.

    After all, he had been paying attention to her for almost ten years.

    The village chief looked at Jerome and then at Angelia, “When are you two going to have another child?”

    Angelia didn’t know how to answer, after all, Jerome was just pretending to be her husband, not her real husband.

    “We have plans for that,” Jerome said.

    Angelia’s heart skipped a beat.

    “It’s best to have a son, along with Alyssa, this daughter, it would be a perfect combination,” the village chief said with a smile.

    Jerome tightened his grip on Angelia’s hand and said meaningfully, “As long as it’s Angelia’s child, whether it’s a boy or a girl, I will love it.”

    Angelia’s child, not just his child.

    Now Jerome’s eyes were like bathing in colorful light, shining brighter than diamonds.

    Angelia licked her dry lips, not knowing if he was telling the truth or just pretending to answer the village chief’s question.

    “Um, why do you both wear your rings on your little fingers? Shouldn’t rings be worn on the ring finger?” The village chief observed this and asked puzzledly.

    “Uh, well…” Angelia withdrew her hand uncomfortably, put it under the table, and hesitated on how to answer.

    Jerome smiled, “Angelia likes to play around, so I wear my ring on whatever finger she wears hers on.”

    A simple sentence immediately resolved the awkwardness.

    Angelia felt even warmer in her heart, as if after the cold winter, the spring of expecting everything to grow had come.

    Grandma would like to see her happiness, she wanted to run towards the direction of happiness.

    A rural woman brought a large bucket of rice wine.

    The village chief took the bucket and poured a full bowl for Jerome, “Try it, this wine has been made since we had our first child, it’s been twelve years now.”

    “You have the nerve to say that you made a thousand pounds of wine, thinking that you would drink it when your children grew up and got married. But now there are only two barrels left, and I estimate that the wine will be gone before your children come of age.” A rural woman scolded, causing the table to burst into laughter.

    Jerome took a sip.

    “How is it, how is it?” The village chief asked eagerly.

    “It’s pretty good, very fragrant.” Jerome said, following the village chief’s wishes.

    “If it’s good, take a barrel with you when you leave.” The village chief said warmly, lifting his wine bowl. “Angelia’s husband, I toast to you. Diana family is always welcome to come and visit. Although Mrs. Diana senior is no longer with us, as long as you come, you will always have a place to eat at my house.”

    “Thank you.” Jerome also lifted his wine bowl.

    The village chief clinked his bowl with Jerome’s and drank all the wine in one gulp.

    When the mayors toasted him in the past, he only touched his lips, but this time he drank the whole bowl of wine.

    Angelia’s husband…he liked that title.


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