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    “Didn’t you say you were going to take a shower? Your suitcase and bag are still outside,” Spencer reminded her.

    Angelia slapped her forehead. The more flustered she was, the more mistakes she made.

    She opened the door, went out with her head down, didn’t look at anyone, carried her luggage and bag into the room, and locked the door again.

    Spencer puzzledly pointed at Angelia’s door and asked Jerome, “What’s wrong with her? Her face is so red, could she also be allergic to lobsters?”

    Jerome remained tight-lipped and didn’t answer him, finishing his drink instead.

    “Her face is even redder than yours,” Spencer added.

    Jerome glanced at Spencer, seeming to feel much better.

    Spencer seemed to understand something and said, “Wishing you a long and happy life together, I’ll take my leave now.”

    “Spencer,” Jerome called out to him, “She’s shy, don’t bring up this matter in front of her.”

    What matter? He felt as a single man, there was nothing to be happy about.

    If he found a girlfriend in the future, he would also have to show affection in front of Jerome with Alyssa.

    Angelia came out of the shower, still lost in thought from the earlier scene, her face still red.

    She needed to do something else to distract herself.

    Now that Jerome’s trouble was resolved, she should be able to turn on her phone.

    She rummaged through her luggage and turned on her phone.

    The ringing of incoming calls and text messages filled the air.

    There were messages from Walden, Darcey, Sammie, Amanda Charles, Neville, and some unknown numbers.

    She had promised to reply to Walden on Monday, but with the sudden turn of events, she had forgotten.

    She contacted Walden and sent a message back.

    “I’m sorry, Wettiner, I can’t come to work for you. I signed a labor contract.”

    Walden asked, “Did you go to work for Jerome instead?”

    Angelia felt there was nothing to hide and replied, “Yes.”

    “Hmph,” Walden replied with just one word.

    Angelia looked at the word “hmph” and felt uncomfortable.”Do you remember Barbara? The one who followed the Dubai tycoon, entered the company with you, she’s back now, and she’s gotten sick. I thought you were a reliable girl,” Walden said vaguely.

    “I really work in his gaming company. I understand Wettiner’s meaning. Thank you for your guidance, Wettiner. I will keep it in mind,” Angelia replied politely.

    “You are a smart girl. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have trusted you to be Jerome’s room manager. The path is your choice. I hope you can live well. If you want to come back to work, just give me a call. I always welcome you,” Walden said.

    “Okay, thank you, Wettiner. Let’s work hard together,” Angelia sent a picture of her working hard.

    Suddenly, there was a knocking on the door, like knocking on her heart.

    “I’m already asleep,” Angelia said to the door.

    The knocking outside stopped.

    Angelia was worried again. Did Jerome have an accident?

    She got up from the bed and opened the door.

    Jerome stood at her door, looking at her…

    Angelia just glanced at him, and her heart skipped a beat. She lowered her head in embarrassment and asked, “Um, do you… need something?”

    “Turquoise, you forgot to take it,” Jerome handed her the wooden box.

    “Oh,” Angelia took the box from his hand and still kept her head down. “Um, if there’s nothing else, I need to rest.”

    “Don’t overthink it. Rest well. Tomorrow after lunch, I’ll take you out,” Jerome said in a deep voice.

    Angelia looked at him.

    What did he mean by telling her not to overthink it? Did he consider what happened in the bathroom just an accident?Suddenly, there was a sense of inexplicable grievance, but it was difficult to speak out.

    She retreated to her room and closed the door.

    Jerome wanted to say something, but seeing her close the door, he swallowed his words.

    Angelia placed the wooden box on the table and sat cross-legged on the bed, picked up her phone, and continued to send contact information to Darcey.

    “Sorry, I had some things to attend to abroad, so I turned off my phone.”

    Darcey immediately sent a voice message back, “Angelia, you know, Barbara came back. I heard she contracted that disease. That billionaire is simply inhuman, treating her like a slave and making her do things with all sorts of people. She ran back and said she reported it to the police, but I don’t know if the domestic police can handle it, after all, this has already crossed borders.”

    “Hmm,” Angelia replied listlessly.

    “Barbara really lost her mind. I remember that Dubai boss was interested in you at first, or maybe he was impressed by your intelligence, but you rejected him directly.”

    Angelia lowered her eyes.

    It wasn’t that she was intelligent, but she felt that after just a few days of getting to know each other, why was he interested in her?

    What he was interested in was just her appearance.

    Using looks to attract people was not a good foundation for a relationship.

    “It’s better not to have unrealistic dreams,” Angelia said, thinking of Jerome.

    He was actually her dream…

    Her mood suddenly became depressed, she lay on the bed, staring blankly at her phone, wanting to call Mr. Liu, but she had just bothered him, and it was not appropriate to call again now.

    Darcey sent another voice message, “Barbara’s life is over now. She doesn’t even know if she can get married. I heard she’s covered in bumps. It’s really pitiful.””Uh-huh,” Angelia responded with a simple word.

    “By the way, when are you coming back? I handed in my resignation yesterday and will be transitioning my work with Whitmore these few days. I estimate that I will be able to quit next week. You must take me in, otherwise I will be jobless,” Darcey worriedly asked.

    Angelia pressed the voice key, “No worries, I have already talked to Jerome and he agreed. I will contact you after I come back.”

    “Okay, you can go ahead and be busy. I’m going to bed now. Goodnight.”

    “Goodnight,” Angelia hadn’t finished speaking when her phone rang.

    She saw that it was Sammie and picked up the phone while sitting up.

    “Angelia, where are you now… Why… is your phone off?” Sammie slurred his speech, having had too much to drink.

    “I’m on a business trip abroad. I told you when I left,” Angelia answered indifferently.

    “Read and I were… found by the paparazzi… You need to come back and… handle this!” Sammie stuttered to finish his sentence.

    “Did they catch you sleeping with Read or just kissing him?” Angelia coldly asked.

    “It’s not like that… He kept… pestering me and I…”

    Angelia lost patience and interrupted him, “I don’t care what you think. The problem is how others see it. You handle it yourself. It’s late now, I’m going to bed.” Angelia hung up the phone.

    “Why… why are you treating me like this? You used to handle… these kinds of things for me,” Sammie complained.”You also know that in the past, people’s patience had limits.

    When I used to help you, it was at least because we could still get along.

    Although you had many men outside, indulging in luxury and pleasure, you didn’t provoke me. But now, with rape, kidnapping, and defilement, helping you is just being cheap,” said Anglia angrily.

    “That’s all in the past. Don’t bring it up every time we argue,” replied the other person.

    “For you, it’s in the past. But for me, it’s not. Only those with a conscience remember their mistakes and try to change, to feel guilty, to repent, to make amends. What about you?” Anglia asked.

    “I…I’ve changed,” the other person replied.

    “If you hadn’t done something excessive with Read and been caught by the media, would you need crisis management? Don’t tell me this is the result of your change,” Anglia sarcastically said.

    “It was the last time. He said…it was the last time,” the other person explained.

    “I can’t trust your last time. Actually, you don’t need to promise or explain anything to me. We got married by agreement, without any feelings. If possible, let’s end it sooner. It’s also good for you,” Anglia expressed.

    “What are you saying?” the other person, Sammie, became agitated.

    “You’re drunk. I’m still on a business trip abroad. Let’s talk when I come back. I’m hanging up,” Anglia said, without giving Sammie a chance to speak, and ended the call.

    Sammie called again.

    Anglia felt annoyed. There was no point in arguing with a drunk person.

    She temporarily blocked his number and went to bed.

    In the middle of the night, she was awakened by the phone ringing again. It was Amanda Charles, and she hung up. Amanda called again, and Anglia was very angry.Does this family ever stop?

    China is over 6 hours ahead of here.

    It’s already daylight over there, but it’s still late night here.

    She had a headache and decided to hang up the phone and block Amanda Charles’ phone number.

    Three minutes later, the phone rang again.

    She felt like she was going crazy, but she sat up and answered the phone without looking at who was calling.

    “You dirty bitch, stealing men’s watches and daring to block me.

    I bet you’re impatient to live.

    You talked bad about me in front of Sammie.

    I don’t know why you’re so shameless.

    Trying to cause trouble between a mother and son is a sin.

    You’re a cheap, wicked person.”

    Amanda Charles went crazy and cursed.

    Angelia replied, “Please understand the situation before biting people.

    When did I try to cause trouble between you and Sammie or talk bad about you in front of him?”

    “Do you think I don’t know what you’ve done?

    Where’s Sammie?

    Let him answer the phone.” Amanda Charles demanded.

    “You should call his phone number, not mine,” Angelia replied coldly.

    “Do you think I don’t know his phone number?

    You’re the one stopping him from answering the phone.

    Let him answer the phone,” Amanda Charles insisted.

    “I’m on a business trip in Wilmington.

    I don’t know where your son is,” Angelia said.


    Are you kidding me?

    I’m at your house now.

    It’s a mess.

    Things are smashed everywhere.

    Are you still a woman?

    Are you still worthy of being a person?

    You want to move somewhere else, don’t you?

    You think I can’t find you, but I can.

    I’ll buy a hundred phone numbers if you dare block me.

    Alyssa will call you.

    I have money.

    What do you have?

    You’re just a cheap person!”

    Angelia didn’t want to deal with her and hung up the phone.

    Amanda Charles called again with a different phone number.

    Angelia couldn’t take it anymore and stood up from the bed.

    She answered the phone with a sharp look in her eyes, ready for battle.

    “Why did you hang up the phone?

    Are you guilty?

    Do you even know what family education is?

    When an elder speaks, you have to listen.

    What kind of person are you?” Amanda Charles said sharply.

    “Before you talk about someone’s character, please take a look at yourself.

    You’re nothing like a noblewoman.

    You’re just a troublemaker,” Angelia retorted without hesitation.


    How dare you insult me?

    Who are you to insult me?” Amanda Charles became even more agitated and was about to explode.

    “Who am I?

    I’m someone who’s arguing with you.

    Is that okay?

    And who are you to insult me?” Angelia asked back.”

    “I am your mother-in-law, your husband’s mother!”

    “Well, you just need to take care of your own son. You have no right to manage someone else’s daughter. If you treat me well, I will respect you. But have you treated me well in the past five years? No! Acting like an old woman only makes people tired and disgusted.”

    “Sammie, Sammie, are you going to let that slut Angelia talk about your mother like that? Sammie, can you hear me? Are you still asking me to be nicer to her? Who wants to be nice to such shameless woman!” Amanda Charles roared frantically.

    “I’ll say it again, Sammie is not with me. Don’t challenge my bottom line with your ignorance. Buy a hundred cards? Ha, I’ll just change my phone number. I don’t believe you can find me!” Angelia said and hung up the phone.

    Amanda Charles called again.

    Angelia was not planning to sleep. She would answer as many calls and fight back as much as she could!

    “I want Sammie to divorce you, get rid of this slut. You can’t stay in our Sammie’s house. I don’t recognize you as my daughter-in-law. Sammie will definitely divorce you, just wait and see.” Amanda Charles screamed hysterically.

    “Heh.” Angelia just sneered.

    Divorce, she couldn’t ask for more.

    Did Amanda Charles think she could cling to Sammie’s family forever?


    Angelia hung up the phone directly, suddenly feeling that it was not interesting to fight with Amanda Charles who was mentally retarded.

    She turned off her phone, threw it on the pillow, got into bed, and went back to sleep.

    When she woke up, the sunlight was strong and shining through the window.

    She got up and habitually looked at the time on her phone, but remembered that she had turned it off, so she turned it on.

    There were many missed call reminders on her phone, all from unfamiliar numbers.

    She didn’t bother to answer them and went to brush her teeth in the bathroom.

    The phone rang again.After washing up, she came out and saw that it was her grandmother calling, so she quickly answered.

    “You still know how to turn on your phone,” Sammie sneered.

    Upon hearing Sammie’s voice, Angelia’s eyes filled with panic. She looked at the caller ID again and saw that it was her grandmother calling. Realizing that Sammie had gone to see her grandmother, alarm bells rang in her head.

    “Sammie, where is my grandmother?”

    “Now you care about your grandmother? What were you doing when you turned off your phone earlier?” Sammie sarcastically replied.

    “Where is my grandmother? Let her answer the phone,” Angelia demanded.

    “I won’t let her answer. I want you to know what it feels like to be worried!” Sammie replied nastily.

    “Sammie,” Angelia raised her voice, “what do you want? Where were you when I needed you? When I didn’t need you, you were around. Are you really that idle?”

    “It’s because you treated me unfairly first, so don’t blame me for being unjust to you!” Sammie shouted back.

    “How did I treat you unfairly? Is it my fault for rejecting you? Then I can only say that your values are so twisted and your behavior is so disgusting that you’re worse than a stinky bug!” Angelia was so angry that she lost her mind.

    “Are you done talking?” Sammie said unhappily.

    “Where is my grandmother now?” Angelia also shouted anxiously.

    “You think I’ll tell you where she is after you finish cursing at me? Dream on!” Sammie hung up the phone.

    Angelia was really worried. Her grandmother had a heart condition and was not in good health. If Sammie went to see her, the things that she had let Jerome pretend to be would be exposed. She was afraid that her grandmother couldn’t handle it.

    She called Sammie again, but he hung up. She called again, but Sammie added her to his blacklist. Angelia had no choice but to add Sammie’s phone back to her whitelist and send a message, “If anything happens to my grandmother, I swear I won’t let you off the hook!””Will you not let me go? Am I afraid of you? If you don’t let me go, you also have to have the ability!” Sammie arrogantly retorted.

    Angelia felt an urge to smash her phone, her fists clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She tried to control herself and sent a message, “Where’s my grandmother? Let me talk to her.”

    The phone rang, and Angelia saw it was her grandmother’s number, so she immediately answered. “Listen, your grandmother fainted,” Sammie said.

    Angelia’s heart skipped a beat, and she felt like something heavy had hit her soul. Her legs went weak, and she sat down on the bed. Her grandmother had just been saved from the hospital and couldn’t faint again.

    “Is she okay?” Angelia asked, her voice trembling, her mind filled with worries.

    “I’ve already taken her to the best hospital and hired the best team to take care of her. If you want to see her, you must agree to my conditions. One, you can’t divorce. Two, don’t work at Jerome’s place anymore. Three, I don’t want any complications. You can’t tell Jerome about this. If you can’t do it, you’ll never see your grandmother or Alyssa again.”

    Angelia’s eyes turned red, and she glared fiercely ahead, gritting her teeth. The veins on her neck bulged, as if her body had been injected with freezing cold blood.

    She spoke through clenched teeth, “You are the most despicable and shameless person I have ever met.”

    Sammie sneered, “Means don’t matter, only the end result does. You know your grandmother’s situation very well. I used expensive medicine to keep her alive. If I didn’t use it, by the time you came back, all you would see is her corpse. I’ll give you three seconds to think about it. You know, I’m not very patient.”Angelia pursed her lips, her eyelashes trembling, and she remembered the warm look Jerome gave her.

    Unfortunately, she and him had ended before they even began.

    She couldn’t leave her grandmother and Alyssa behind, as they were the two most important people in her life.




    “I promise you,” Angelia said, closing her eyes and forcing down the bitterness in her heart.

    She opened her eyes and continued, “I’m on a business trip in Wilmington. Even if I buy the fastest flight back, it will still take more than ten hours. If something happens to my grandmother, I will kill you.”


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