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    Mars pov

    It’s been almost a month. Melanie has won every Challenge and aced every test. Shes gotten every award. She got a big blanket. Her iPod. And some other things which she has given to someone. Never has she indulged herself with something she’s won.

    Most people are friends with Melanie-well as much of a friend you can be with Melanie. She’s not a very open person- only a few people don’t talk to her. The ones who don’t like that she’s a girl. And the ones everyone else keeps away from her. The guys who are trying to get her in bed. We all are a little protective of her. Which we don’t know why. It’s probably cause she’s so nice to everyone.

    Everyone knows her schedule she’s gone before we wake up. Her bed made as if she was never there in the first place. She’s usually working out. Then she eats. Does whatever we have to then sits in the room that has a tv. Pool tables. And a Basketball court. She usually sits on the couch. Talking to someone or in deep thought. But sometimes shell play basketball or pool. Then she’ll disappear till night and we’ll find her in her bunk reading a book. I’ve never even seen her sleep. She’s always doing something.

    I wake up. And turn to her bunk. Empty of course. I look around. It’s still dark out. Everyone is asleep. I get up quietly and go to the bathroom grabbing my shorts. I’m about to change when I look up and see Melanie in a small white towel. She gasps seeing me her face turns a light shade of pink

    “S-sorry” I say. “I’ll uh. Go in here” I say going into a stall. I change and wait till I know it’s okay to come out.

    “Uh. You can come out Now” she says. I open the stall and see her in gray Nike leggings and a purple shirt. “I’m Sorry I was dressed inappropriately. It won’t happen again.” She says17

    “No no it’s my fault. I’m sorry. Where are you going?” I ask

    “I’m going on my morning run.” She says. I know she doesn’t mean in wolf from since we aren’t allowed to shift.

    “Do you mind if I join?”

    “Not at all.” She answers walking out of the bathroom out side. I follow close behind.

    We start to jog and I’m surprised she begins the conversation.

    “Is my phone working nicely for you?” She asks

    “Oh yeah. It’s almost the same as my actual one. Thanks again.” I say.

    “What kind did you have?” She asks.

    “It’s a five like yours just blue.”

    “Is blue your favorite color?” She asks and I smile at the fact she wants to know something about me.

    “Yes it is. Is green yours?” I ask since her phone is green.

    “Oh no. I traded with one of my pack members.” She tells me.

    “Oh. What did you give her?”

    “My six plus.”

    “Really?” I ask “that’s not a very good deal” I laugh.

    “She was much more invested in the phone than I was. It made no difference to me.”

    “Always so generous.” I laugh. I see her mouth turn up slightly. Making my heart flutter. She never smiles. She always has a neutral face. And even though this is not smile. It’s something that shows a little emotion.

    We finish the long run early. She said she didn’t want to go a full five miles. Which she really just didn’t know if I could go a full five miles. And didn’t want to make me feel bad. We go eat instead. I pile my plate high. Melanie grabs a small amount.

    “Why are you getting so little? You get first pick” I ask.

    “If I eat to much. Someone doesn’t eat”. She says making me feel a pang of guilt. She so damn nice

    We sit and eat having small bits of conversation till some other alphas come and sit with us. Including Lance.

    “Hey guys. Where were you this morning?” He asks.

    “We went running.” Me and Melanie say in unison.

    “Oh is that going to be an every morning thing?” He asks.

    “Possibly” I say smirking towards Melanie. Her lips turn up slightly.

    “Alphas. Come to the track in five minutes.” The intercom says

    We go to the track. And see about five hurdles around it.

    “Three times around. Winner gets a prize.” The guy who checked me In Says. We walk past him. “Alpha” he bows to Melanie.

    “Trevor.” She bows back. Most alphas don’t bow back. But she’s very different than the average alpha.

    We line up on the track and once Trevor says go we take off. Melanie is in front of me but I’m close behind. She jump over the hurdles with ease other alphas fall knocking over the hurdles

    We reach the last lap and we’re coming to the finish line. Melanie still in front of me. But she begins to fall back slowly. I get ahead of her I look back and she winks at. And smirks. I can almost she her teeth.

    I cross the finish line her right behind

    “Why’d you let me win?” I ask.

    “I didn’t. Guess your just better than me.” She says then Trevor comes over his face filled with worry.

    “You let him win?” He asks in a whisper but I still hear. “You know what will happen?”

    “Don’t worry about me Trevor. I’ll be fine.” She says a little worry on her face also.

    “But alpha-“

    “It’ll be fine” she says convencing him and herself.


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