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    I woke up startled after opening my eyes and seeing two pairs of eyes looking at me while both were standing at the end of the bed….Wait, how am I in a bed?

    I immediately sat up and covered myself up with the blanket while wincing at the pain I was feeling from the huge fall last night.

    “Don’t be afraid.” The female warmly smiled at me. She looked to be between my age and twenty-one years old. She had tattoos on her arms and had dark brown medium length straight hair.

    “Where am I?” I asked.

    “You’re at my brother’s place. It’s called Harrison’s Alpha Academy. We found you hurt and passed out at the bottom of a long steep hill. It looked like you tripped and hit your head pretty hard.” She explained.

    “I’m sorry about that.” The male next to her said.

    The guy seemed to be around the same age as her with a buzzed head, a couple of tattoos on his neck and muscular arms with a good tan.

    “What do you mean? I was the clumsy one.” I chuckled a little bit at myself.

    “Well, last night was my fault cause I had scared you and caused you to back up and fall down. I was checking the perimeters in my wolf form and and didn’t see who you were clearly. I thought you might be a rogue.” He says.

    “Oh.” I replied while still feeling confused about why I was here and trying to remember more about last night than I do.

    “So, where do you come from? Are you a rogue?” The girl asks me.

    I had to think of something. I didn’t want to tell her I ran away from my abusive family. That would sound like I’m a rogue…..Wait, am I? Well, if they’re gonna kill me anyways, I guess it doesn’t really matter if I am or not. If I really am at the place they say I am, I’m dead already because everybody knows that Harrison doesn’t show mercy on anyone, in particular, rogues. So I quickly answer after noticing them both looking at me, waiting for me to answer.

    “Yes I am.” I replied as they looked at me bewildered.

    “Interesting.” The girl says.

    They both look at each other then back at me and start to smile.

    “Well then…” The girl says. “My name’s Rachael and I’m the sister of Alpha Harrison as well as the co-owner of this academy. And this guy here,” she says as she points to the guy. “This is Fred. He’s my mate.”

    “I’m also the Beta of Harrison’s pack.” He says proudly.

    “And you are?”Rachael asks me.

    I take in a deep breath and let it out before answering.

    “Avery. Avery Carter.” I tell them avoiding eye contact.

    I hear them both gasp in shock and I start thinking that maybe they know my father. ‘Damnit’ I thought to myself. I’m dead for sure now since he’s everybody’s enemy.

    “So you mean to tell me that you’re the daughter of Roger Carter? The Roger Carter?” She asks.

    “Yes.” I answered again under my breath

    There was silence between us all for a moment before I overheard Fred trying to quietly tell her that the Alpha wasn’t going to like this.

    “Well, he won’t be here until the end of this week. When he’s here I will explain.” She assures him with a quick peck on the cheek.

    I’ve never met Harrison, but have heard stories. Just hearing his name sent chills up my spine.

    I see them both look at me while I pretend I didn’t just hear what they said.

    “Anyways. So, Avery. You are more than welcomed to stay here with us. We have plenty of room and all of this second floor is ours only. All the others stay downstairs sharing rooms sleeping in bunk beds so don’t you worry. And if you want, this can be your room. That is if you decide to stay with us. All that we ask in return is that you help out with the cleaning and cooking around here.” She says.

    “Okay.” I reply with a smile. “I appreciate it and as long as it’s no trouble then I would like to stay.” I answer.

    “Good. We’ll leave and let you get dressed and whenever you’re ready to come downstairs I’ll show you around.” She offers.

    “Thank you.” I tell them both.

    “You’re very welcome.” Rachael winks and smiles at me as they both start to leave.

    I sit in bed thinking about what all has just happened in just one night. This has to be all a dream. Have I really just been asked to stay here at Harrison Shadows’ place where very few are accepted into?5

    I guess now all I have to worry about really is Harrison when he comes back because I know that my family would never dare step onto Harrison’s property, they know better.


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