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    West Indies need 19 more runs from 6 balls.

    That’s not bad. England can do it.

    It’s a six

    Don’t panic it’s not over yet.

    13 from 5 balls…it’s a six

    Calm down. Deep breaths. In and out.

    7 from 4 balls…it’s a six

    No. No. No. Nooooooo

    1 from 3 balls…the ball is delivered by Stokes and…it’s another six…

    I jumped out of my seat pulling at my hair, screaming at the screen from frustration. So close. So blooming close. I was on the verge of tears. They were also tears of frustration.

    “I don’t care whether they lost. They are the real champions for me.” I declared looking at Jerry. I turned around towards the screen once again only to see Stokes sitting on the ground, his head in his hands crying, while his team mates comforted him. You’re a champion Stokes.

    “Come on, they were good” Alex said referring to the WI’s

    “They were amazing, which is why they won. But I still wanted England to win” I replied picking up all the stray Pepsi cans to chuck away. Half of the Pack had gathered in the screening room to watch the World Cup final. Some were happy with the results…some not so much.

    “How about we go see the Alpha?” Jerry recommended pulling at my arm.

    “Sure. Whatever.” I wasn’t in the mood for anything anymore. Alpha Alfred had been calling several Packs to see of they would give let us stay for a while. I’m not sure what reason he gave them because he obviously cannot share my secret with them.

    Jerry knocked on the office door waiting for the signal to enter. Once we heard the ‘come in’ we walked in to find the Alpha along with my Dad and the Luna sitting around the desk.

    “We found you a Pack to stay in” was the first words that escaped the Alpha’s mouth.

    “Which is?” Jerry asked.

    “That’s the difficult bit” my Dad muttered but I had heard him.

    “What’s that supposed to mean” I walked closer to him sitting down on the couch.

    “Well, the pack doesn’t have the cleanest image” the Luna said looking between Jerry and I.

    “As long as its not the Moon Dweller Pack, we’re all good” Jerry laughed.

    “That’s exactly who they are” Dad said.

    “You’re kidding me” I shrieked jumping off the couch.

    “You’re seriously going to send us there. They’re probably more dangerous then whoever’s after Elise” Jerry said backing me up.

    “Which is why I chose them. Whoever’s after Elise won’t dare attack the Moon Dweller Pack in the fear of getting killed.” Alpha said standing from his chair and making his way towards us.

    “I promise you, if anything happens you’ll be out of there the next minute” he reassured me.

    “London’s not too far from Bristol. It only takes two hours or so to reach” the Luna spoke up. I didn’t care whether it was only two hours away. It was still far away from the people I love. I have never stayed away from my family. Ever.

    “I would do anything to keep this pack safe” I said. An attack on me meant an attack on my Pack. I can’t stand that.

    “We’ll go” Jerry agreed. Thank God he’s going with me. I would have been a wreck alone.

    “Great. Pack your bags you’re leaving in an hour.” Dad announced making me choke on air.

    “An hour? This is a short notice, is it not?” Jerry asked voicing my thoughts.

    “Don’t worry the Alpha and I are coming with you, to drop you” Dad confirmed looking at Alpha Alfred, who gave him a nod.

    Jerry and I fled the room and straight to our room’s to pack our bags. I removed all the clothes from my cupboard and shoved them into my bag.  I removed another smaller bag from under my bed and placed my shoes, accessories and make up in it, zipping it up. Thirty minutes later, I was dragging my bags down the stairs towards the living room. Jerry was already there talking to some of his friends. I walked over to them to say my goodbyes and moved towards my Dad.

    “Ready to go?” He asked.

    “Now or never” I said dramatically. He chuckled leaning down to peck my forehead.

    “Lets get on the road” Jerry yelled with fake enthusiasm.

    We walked out the front door turning around to give a goodbye to friends who stood there. I walked around to the back of the car to place my bags in the boot. I sat at the back with Jerry by my side. My dad was driving and Alpha was shotgun.

    I watched the forest fade as we drove onto the motorway. The forest I grew up in. I had no idea how long I would be staying in the Moon Dweller Pack, but no matter how long it would be, I would miss this place more then ever.

    I felt Jerry’s hand enclose mine. I turned towards him giving his hand a small squeeze and a small smile. We all sat in silence for the rest of the journey. As we took the exit towards London I got a glimpse of the forest. No doubt it was larger then the one back home.

    We drove on a deserted road which entered the forest towards the Pack territory. I looked out the window trying to find a spot I could come to with Jerry. Then I saw it. I caught a glimpse of a beautiful lake surrounded by dozens of tree’s. It was perfect.

    I smiled to myself until it was out of sight. We drove for another fifteen minutes before we arrived at the destination. We all piled out the car and pooled around it.

    “This is it. You’ll have to make your own way from here” Alpha spoke up.

    “Stay safe, Poppet. We’ll miss you” Dad leaned down and kissed my temple while Alpha gave me a hug. Jerry thought he was too manly for a kiss so he stuck with hugs.

    “Now remember, you’re here because your were bullied in school and you couldn’t take it, so you’re moving to this school” my Dad explained once again.

    “I still think we could come up with a better excuse” I said shrugging.

    “Anyway Jerry, if asked, you’re here because it is your duty to protect her no matter where she is” Dad said ignoring me turning to Jerry, who just nodded. Dad pecked my forehead once again before turning around and walking back to the car.

    “I love you Dad” I couldn’t help but yell after him. I instantly turned around and a few seconds later I was engulfed in his arms.

    “I love you too. Take care, okay?” He kissed my hair. I just nodded, not having the strength to form words. He turned around again and sat in the car. This time actually leaving.

    “Shall we?” Jerry asked offering me his arm.

    “We shall” I wrapped my arms around his but removed it again realising I couldn’t possibly carry my luggage with my arm like that.

    We walked for fifteen more minutes before we got to the territory line. We were welcomed by five huge guys who stood around the area looking down at us like we were the mud under their feet. Jerks.

    “Name and Pack” one the men growled.

    “That’s enough” another voice ordered before we could answer. All the men instantly looked down as the voiced echoed around the forest.

    A man with chocolate brown hair walked towards us, trying to pull on a shirt at the same time. Damn, this boy was fine. He had chocolate brown eyes which matched his hair along with washboard abs. If this is how all the boys are here, I might even enjoy my stay.

    “Sorry about that. I’m the Beta of the Moon Dweller Pack, you can call me Isaac” he introduced holding out his hand. I took his hand giving it a small shake. He did the same with Jerry.

    “Elizabeth, but I go by Elise” I introduced myself.

    “Jerry, and I also go by Jerry” Jerry said after I finished.

    “Welcome to the Moon Dweller Pack, I hope you enjoy your stay” Isaac said with a little bow. I think I’m gonna be good friends with him.


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