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    “What do you mean you know I’m a werewolf?” I asked, wondering how he got to know this secret. All of my previous anger dissipating. I made sure not to ever reveal my secret; I had been very, very careful through these years.

    Keith looked over my shoulder and then behind himself, making sure no one was overhearing our conversation.

    “Half the school already knows, Amy,” He said under his breath. “Guess why this school is next to the woods? There’s a reason.”

    Everyone knew about werewolves? How? And how many were like me?

    But I didn’t dwell on that thought.

    “You knew?”

    I stared at my best friend with new eyes. So when I told him the moon made me crazy, he knew all this time what it did to me. When I told him my favorite animal was a wolf, he knew exactly why.

    I stared at his face again, trying to see through his façade.

    Who was he really?

    “I did- I mean, I do, but it doesn’t matter-” Keith tried to defend himself but I interrupted him.

    “So the guilt I felt, the pain I felt when I had to keep all this a secret didn’t matter?” I asked, my voice cracking. My temper was on the verge of snapping and I usually had great patience. But not this time.

    “Amy, I couldn’t. I didn’t know who I could trust.” His voice sounded pained, as if it physically hurt him.

    I felt betrayed, like everyone but me was in on some sort of secret. A secret that concerned me but no one, even my best friend didn’t tell me. That’s why I was mad at him.

    I felt guilty for keeping a secret he already knew about.

    Keith wasn’t in art class, the last block of the day. After I left him there in the hall, he didn’t try to talk to me again. Maybe he realized that what he kept from me was wrong, even though I might have overreacted. But he knew all this time.

    When I was back home, Scarlett wasn’t there. I looked on the table and found her usual note that told me if she went somewhere. She was usually hunting in the woods near the school.

    Out in the woods, do homework, the note said and I laughed to myself.

    I turned on the television and started to microwave some popcorn. I walked over to the living room, ready to sit down on the couch and yet not really do my homework.

    “Amy,” I heard a whisper in my ear and I spun around, my heart almost jumping out my chest when I saw Keith standing in my living room.

    “What. . . are you. . . doing here?” I gasped, trying to slow my abnormally fast heart beat. If it beat any faster, I thought it would stop altogether.

    “You almost gave me a heart attack! Why didn’t you knock?” I asked impatiently. He was like a ghost, even with my enhanced hearing I didn’t even hear his footsteps. What else did he see when I didn’t know he was there?

    I felt my heart slow down to it’s almost normal pace and I could finally look at him. He looked the same, except his eyes looked exhausted and his eyes were glazed over.

    “Hey, Amy, I just wanna… make up to you.” Keith said sincerely and I shook my head. I just wanted space to think.

    I walked over to the sink and filled a cup with water. I gulped it down, feeling calm already.

    “If you went home, would you forgive me?”

    I froze, almost dropping the glass I was holding. “What?”

    “I can take you home. I have a car and I know the way.”

    There was a small, shameful part of me that was hopeful. That I could somehow go home without permission from Albert. But another part of me said I couldn’t trust him.

    “How do you know?”

    “Albert is a pretty rare name, even for a strong Alpha like your brother.” Keith shrugged and I widened my eyes.

    He knew about Albert being an Alpha.

    “If you want to go, we have to leave now.” Keith said forcefully, staring into my eyes. He still avoided my burning question.

    I was seriously considering to go with him. I wanted to go home so badly. But I was still doubtful.

    “But Scarlett-“

    “Isn’t here. Besides, you’ve been complaining about going home ever since you met me.” I couldn’t help but agree with him. He knew what I wanted. He knew me so well, like a best friend would.

    “I just have one question,” I said quietly, afraid of the answer, “Are you a werewolf?”

    “No.” He replied and it felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. Of course he wasn’t, I would’ve been able to sense his wolf.8

    And he was still the same person, still the same friend I grew up with.

    A smile made its way onto my face.

    “I hope you like country music.”

    It took a few hours and a lot of food stops later to get back to the castle. During the whole ride, he was trying to switch the stations but country was my favorite so I kept changing the stations after he did. It was a long and tiring ride but we somehow made it.

    Keith drove his car up to the sidewalk down at the bottom of the hill. We walked the rest of the way and since Albert and I explored every inch of this castle when we were younger, I knew exactly how to sneak inside.

    I led us both to the back entrance, around the gate, and luckily, there weren’t any wolves patrolling the area. Come on guys! Just because I’m not here doesn’t mean you can slack off!

    A meadow came into my sight and all of the wolves were talking among themselves.

    I spotted a graceful, young woman with flowers braided in a crown in her red hair. She had sun-kissed skin and was standing with regal authority. A Queen overlooking her people.

    “Harper!” I squealed, engulfing her into the usual bear hug. She laughed and hugged me back, squeezing me tightly.

    “I haven’t seen you in months!”

    “I know, it seems like forever.” I finally let her go. The moment I met her, I knew she would be my brother’s perfect match. She was hard-working and stubborn but also had a pure heart.

    She is a perfect Luna indeed.

    “Who’s this?” Harper asked, studying Keith. I swear, he looked almost sheepish.

    “I’m Keith, Amy’s friend.” He greeted. I elbowed him in the ribs, telling him to bow under my breath.

    He hesitated but quickly corrected himself.

    “I’m Harper, nice to meet you,” She said politely and I looked around for my brother. Luckily, I didn’t see him anywhere.

    “How’s Albert?” I asked curiously, wondering where he was so I could avoid him.

    “He’s good,” She glowed, literally glowed when she replied, “Do you want to talk to him?”

    “No,” I almost said too quickly but she didn’t notice. Thankfully, someone interrupted us before she could ask anymore questions.

    “Luna!” I saw Gino, one of our strongest wolves, wave to get her attention.

    “Coming,” She called and put a hand on my shoulder, smiling once more, “I’m happy you’re back.”

    Harper walked away from us, gathering her long dress in her hands.

    “I can’t believe she was inducted only three months ago.” I sighed.

    “She’s a Pureblood now.” I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Leslie, our pack Beta. He was also one of my closest friends, since he and I were Albert’ most trusted wolves. Even if he sent me away to live in a boring town.

    “She always was.”

    “Does Albert really know you’re here?” Leslie asked suspiciously.

    “What? Of course! Right, Keith?” I elbowed him in the ribs again and he gave me a look, but nonetheless nodded.

    “Yeah, he knows we’re here.”

    “Don’t you lie to me, Amy.” Leslie smirked and I scowled.

    “Don’t say anything.”

    Leslie didn’t say anything and since Albert didn’t find me after a few hours, I guessed that Harper didn’t say anything either.

    I left Keith in the dining room, leaving him in the good hands of Hunk, our hot-headed Gamma. He seemed to be real busy talking to him so I kind of just walked out, not really interested in their conversation. I snuck around the castle, hoping to find Harper so I could tell her to hide me. If my brother found out I was here, he would kill me. But I just wanted to stay a little longer.

    I walked down the stairs onto ground level, ready to give up.

    And then, the most delicious scent hit my nose.

    It smelled of summer and clean air, with a burst of fresh cotton and a hint of watermelon. It was an addictive smell that made me crave more.

    My wolf woke and started to yell directions at me.

    Downstairs. Underground.

    But the only place below the castle was the prisons. The addictive scent was in the prisons?

    Go! My wolf commanded impatiently and I obeyed, eager to know where that scent was coming from.

    I ran down the steps, my feet echoing against the smooth stone.

    Around that corner!

    I sprinted around the corner and came face to face with a man.

    Mate. My wolf howled triumphantly.

    I met his golden eyes. I found my mate.


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