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    “Who the fuck do you think you are!?” Donald Barked as his arms were around me like a lock with chains, making me feel uncomfortable. I heard Frank growled inside his chest. Donald snorted and said “Go away enemy! This is none of your business! She is from my pack and she broke a few rules of mine,” My eyes widen as I looked at Donald, what did I do wrong? Hide Amelia and Apollo?

    Donald tightened his grip around me as he tried to drag me else where, “But she said leave her alone,” Frank growled taking a step forward. I could feel anger and rage coming from Frank and I had a bad feeling that this won’t end well. Donald sighed and hissed “I said this isn’t your business Dog! Now go fetch a stick or something! This girl is gonna receive her punishment,” “What did I do wrong Donald!?” I asked obviously scared. He pulled my face near his and said “You disobeyed me by not hanging out,” suddenly Donald was knocked away from me and he crashed on the wall, hard.

    Donald quickly got up and was about to attack Frank but I stopped him and shouted “Donald! Go home!” but he looked at me furiously. He knew he felt it. The Alpha blood that runs through my family. “I am your Alpha, Vivian! You listen to me, know your place!” he shouted as he pushed me down. Frank then attacked Donald and they started to wrestle each other, violently. My eyes filled with horror as I watched each Alpha fighting, fighting over me. Suddenly a voice boomed through the sky that I knew the other side of the world could hear it,


    We three turned around to see my father standing there, watching us. With Apollo behind him and both of them were holding a grocery bag. Frank quickly got off Donald but then Donald quickly threw a punch at Frank but Frank’s expression showed no hurt or pain. “MASON!” my dad barked again. Everybody still listened to my father since he is the rightful Alpha and in any minute of any day, he could take back the title. “Sorry Toni, I was protecting Vivian,” Donald lied as he wiped the blood coming from his nose. before I would want to run up to Donald to see if he was okay but now I was furious and angry at him.

    “I know what happened Donald, I can feel my daughter’s feelings. We have a bond. Donald, you can go home now,” my father said, as I walked up beside him. Apollo came up to me and asked “Are you okay?” I nodded and showed a weak smile. I was shock that Frank didn’t growled at Apollo for being near me. Donald stomped away and into his car. My father then looked at Frank and said “Thank you for standing up for my daughter,” Frank bowed to my father and said “Just doing the right thing,” he looked at my father then me and whispered “Good night,” And then he ran off into the forest. My father then turned to me and asked “You alright?” I nodded and smiled as he put his arm around me and led me to the car.

            As we got to the house my father said “Vivian… You know I love you right?” I knew that my father knew that Franklin was my mate. I looked down to the ground ashamed. “Yes, I know,” I said without looking up to him. He sighed and said “Don’t be ashamed Vivian, Alpha Frank is a good man even though we are enemies,” I looked up and asked “If he is a good man then why are we enemies with him?” Apollo smirked as he was putting away the grocery. “When I was the Alpha and haven’t met your mother. Me and Frank’s father were good buddies. We didn’t fight, we helped each other. Donald’s father didn’t like it. Frank’s father is strong and powerful. Nobody wanted to mess with him not even me,” my dad said.

    “When Donald’s father became Alpha, he cut every connection we had with the Elite Pack. He claimed that Frank’s father was planning to take over our territory and in the end Donald’s father did the biggest mistake of his life,” my dad said. “What is that?” I asked as I helped Apollo with the groceries. My father sighed and leaned on the counter. “Donald’s father wanted to kill Frank’s mother but ended up killing Frank’s older sister,” Apollo continued on. They do hang out a lot.

    “Oh! That’s evil of Donald’s dad. What did you do dad? Did they get their revenge?” I asked, suddenly felt very sad for Frank. “Frank’s father was very upset but he isn’t the type to get revenge. He just said that all ties are broken from our pack and anybody from our pack tries to go to their territory will be killed. I was upset but sad at the same time. Frank’s father was a very good friend of mine. He saved your mother once and I was in forever debt with him because you were still inside your mother that time,” Dad explained. For some reason my heart felt like it was tightening and tightening as if it was trying to keep the blood from pumping. I clutched my heart making Apollo run to my side and asked “Vivian, are you okay?” My dad quickly looked at me with so much concern in his eyes. “I’m fine. Just tired,” I said. “I’m gonna retire for the night,” As I walked up the stairs. “Vivian!” my father called out, I turned around in the midway of the stairs. “Just be careful, okay?” I smiled and nodded.

    I walked up the stairs and entered my room. I closed the door and locked it behind me and before I could even flicker on the lights. I was pushed to the door with a body. Fear ran through my body but as I felt calm and comfortable in the presence of the person who pushed me, I knew right then and there who it was. Excitement and heat ran through my body as he started kissing my lips roughly but gentle at the same time. Sending shivers down my spine and making me filled with desire and lust.

    Before we could go any further he pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes, making my wolf howl with pleasure. His breath was tickling my lips making me tremble in weakness since he made my knees weak. He brushed my hair behind my ear and whispered “What is your full name?” “Sk… Vivian H… Hills,” I stuttered in a whisper. He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose and whispered “Such a beautiful name for my beautiful Mate,” Making me blush. Even though my head was shouting at me to stay away from him since he was the enemy Alpha and I barely knew him, my heart was telling me to kiss him and let him claim me as his. He was my mate, you can barely find your mate these days. It was really rare and I was lucky enough to find mine.

    “Thank you,” I whispered. He pulled me into a hug and lifted me up and gently lay me on the bed. We both were lying down on our sides staring into each others eyes. “We have to keep this a secret,” I whispered. “Why?” he whispered back. I smiled weakly and said “I want your head to stay on your body,” he chuckled and pulled me closer as he nuzzled in my neck. “I also don’t wanna get you into trouble with that asshole Alpha of yours,” he said as he wrapped his arms around my small body and growled “Mine!” I smiled at this. Maybe it wasn’t too bad to be with my mate even if we had to have nights like this. “Why aren’t you claiming me?” I asked, he pulled away and his eyes went dark. His head turned the other way and stood up.

    My heart fell. Was it something I said? did? He went to the window but before he could jump down I asked “What did I do that was wrong?” he looked at me and in his eyes I saw that he was torn, what was he hiding? “Nothing, this should have never happened and it won’t ever again,” he said, my heart broke with every word passing his mouth. I felt weak and I felt so sad and broken. “Sorry, but this is how things should be,” he said I went up to him and grabbed his arm. “At least tell me your full name,” I said, a tear already escaped my eye. He smiled weakly and wiped the tear away with his thumb making me feel tingly inside and that tingly sensation was me losing my common sense.

    “Franklin Bush,” he said, suddenly he leaned in and captured my lips with one move. Making my body filled again with lust and desire, a feeling I have never felt before, a feeling that never felt so strong but as I bit his lower lip and moaned, he pushed me back and I fell on the floor. I quickly looked up and saw that he was gone and my curtains were blowing towards the inside of my room. Tears started to fill my eyes, what was wrong with me? I barely even know him and here I was crying over him like everything in this world meant nothing to me, because he was my world and him leaving, I felt empty inside. I went to Brazil to get a makeover so when I came back people would want to be with me, would want to be friends with me, would want to love me in a way that they couldn’t live without me and that was how I felt towards Frank. I know it’s wrong for me to feel this way about a guy I just met today but having a mate and being with him isn’t wrong.

    My heart tightened as I curled myself into a small ball on the floor. Trying to ignore the pain that’s spreading through my heart. The feeling of being rejected by your mate was the most painful thing as I have heard from some people but what they have been telling me was wrong, this pain was far beyond the most painful thing. It’s something close to death but not exactly death because death is not more painful than the feeling I felt inside.

    I never wanted anything so much, than to drown in his love and feel his rain, his embrace that would keep me safe and warm at night. His kisses that made me feel loved and wanted. His touch to make me feel that I am alive.

    I started sobbing on the floor as I couldn’t ignore or block the pain from increasing with every thought of him. Especially when his scent was all over my room, all over my bed, all over me.

    Suddenly Apollo broke into my room and saw me lying on the floor broken and teary eyed. “Vivian!” he called out as he came on the floor and picked me up in his arms. He cradled me and asked “What’s wrong?” I just sobbed in his chest. He patted my hair and rubbed my back, “Tell me Vivian,” he whispered calmly.

    “I… I..

    …. I was rejected.”


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