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    We arrived at a large house. Their pack house I would assume. The Amber colored shifted and threw on the shorts that lay at the forest’s edge. The rest of them did the same as I kept my eyes on Daniel. He looked tired and frightened.

    “Shift stranger.” One ordered.

    I snarled and hid Daniel once again.

    “No harm will come to your pup. So long as you do as we say. And as our alpha says.” Another stated.

    Daniel looked at me for what to do and I sighed. I nudged him and nodded.

    ~Do what they say. Shift.~ I told him.

    He did as I said and looked at the men around us. His eyes were wide with fright as they stared me down. Waiting for me to shift as well no doubt. I waited a few moments and shifted as well. Some of them gazed at me with looks of adoration. My mother used to tell me I was blessed with looks of the moon goddess. I took Daniel’s shoulders and put him in front of me. I covered my breasts with my arm. Daniel had been oblivious to the fact that he was on display. After all, he was only a little boy. Opposed to the fact that I am an eighteen year old woman.

    “Odd. They don’t look alike. And she doesn’t seem to have birthed children.” They started to speak as if I weren’t even here. One of them came down the stairs of the large home and came toward us. I bared my small human teeth as if I were still in wolf form. He did not stop and his brothers looked nervously at him. Daniel backed farther into my legs and I held him closer if possible. The dark haired man got too close and I snapped.

    “Get away from my pup!” I growled.

    He stopped his movements and looked me over before moving his gaze to Daniel.

    “Is this your blood pup?” He asked.

    I said nothing. It was easy to tell Daniel and I were not blood. My skin was very tan while Daniel was white as paper like his true mother and father. Daniel’s eyes were blue/green while mine were brown. And Daniel’s hair was blonde opposed to my brown.

    “Did you steal him?” He snarled, taking another step forward.

    I growled.

    “Step away from us. I don’t wish to hurt anyone. But I will protect him.” I stated.

    The statement seemed to stop the man in surprise. Surely, they had never heard a rogue say such a thing. But it was the truth. I didn’t wish any harm but it was my only choice if they threatened Daniel’s safety.

    The man that was closest took slow steps back and soon rejoined his brothers. The man who was an amber colored wolf called me forward. I came into the large porch, keeping Daniel and myself as far from the men as possible.

    “We will take you to our alpha.” One man said.

    Two men walked behind us and two in front of us. I did not like the men being behind me. I felt unsafe, not to mention exposed. We came to two large white double doors. The men in front opened them and led us into what looked like a ballroom without the mirrors, bars, and chairs. Daniel seemed to be clinging to my leg for dear life.

    I did not mind that he clung to me though.

    It reminded me that he was still there and reminded me of what I was protecting. The men around us got on one knee and bowed their heads. Daniel and I stayed standing as the men around us growled. Daniel whimpered and tried to kneel but I would not let him. This man is not our alpha. Daniel’s alpha will always be his father. Alive… Or dead.

    I kept my eyes on Daniel and covering myself as best I could. A shirt was thrown at me and I looked around. A guard was missing a shirt. I slipped the dark shirt over my head and watched it slide over my private parts. Daniel didn’t seem to care that he was on display. I kept my eyes on Daniel as I heard footsteps against the large tiled floor.

    “Rise.” A voice commanded.

    I shivered. I felt the need to look up but refused to give the man the satisfaction.

    “Your name, rogue.” The alpha, who I still had not looked at, commanded.

    I said nothing in response. He growled.

    “I asked your name.” He stated.

    “You did not ask. You command. I do not take orders from a man who is not my alpha.” I said under my breath.

    Of course the man heard. A man behind us grabbed Daniel from beside me. I bared my teeth and swung my body around, my fists swinging as well. I heard a crunch from the man’s nose and quickly picked Daniel up. A small bruise was healing on his shoulder. I backed away from the man.

    “Don’t you touch my pup.” I snarled.

    “Your pup? I don’t think so.” The alpha chuckled.

    I growled and faced this alpha. Once I saw his face, I lost my breath and my words. I heard pounding footsteps behind me but I couldn’t tear my eyes away. A hand wrapped around my chin and head, about to snap my neck but the alpha roared. The man who had my head stopped.

    “Take your hands off her. Now.” He growled, making his way toward me.

    The man immediately removed his hands. He glared at the man as he made his way to me.

    “Marvelous.” He whispered, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

    I sighed, feeling suddenly calm.

    “Leave. All of you.” He demanded.

    For a moment, I thought he meant me as well. I felt rejected and turned to go.

    “Where do you think you’re going?” He chuckled.

    “Oh.. Well you said leave so..” I trailed off as he smirked.

    “I have waited for you for many centuries. You will not leave my sight now.” He said.

    His breath fanned my face and I inhaled deeply. It made me momentarily dizzy until a small voice interrupted.

    “Momma? What’s going on?” Daniel asked innocently.

    “Oh.. It’s alright now, baby. That man won’t hurt you again.” I said.

    My eyes narrowed at the floor as I set Daniel down.

    I looked back up at my mate and his gaze flickered between Daniel and myself.

    “We have much to discuss. I assume your… Pup is exhausted. And you may want a warm bath.” The alpha said.

    I nodded timidly.

    Daniel looked up at the two of us in helpless confusion. He realized we were just being threatened by the men around here and now we were about to be taken care of.

    “Your name?” He smiled.

    “Aubrey.” I whispered as he took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

    “Beautiful.” He whispered.

    “A-And yours?” I whispered.

    “Cliff. Alpha Cliff.” He grinned.

    I blushed under his intense and loving stare.

    “Well Alpha-” I was cut off.

    “No no, my dear. Just Cliff for you.” He smirked.

    I blushed again.

    “Well Cliff. Thank you for offering us a place to stay. But we should-” I was cut off again.

    “Should what? Go back to the woods. No no. I have found you, my beautiful mate. You will stay here now.” He said.

    “What’s a mate?” Daniel asked.

    I looked down at his confused face and couldn’t help but giggle.

    “We’ll talk later. But right now, I think you need to nap.” I told Daniel.


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