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    After driving out of the territory, I let out a shaky breath. My wolf was protesting, wanting to go back to her mate, but me: that is a completely different story.

    I hated him now. More than ever.

    He took my innocence and left me to be. He didn’t even reject me properly, which meant that that our bond wasn’t broken yet.

    I continued driving, tears silently falling down my cheeks, until a pain struck me in my lower abdomen. I bit my lips so that I wouldn’t start screaming out, because the pain was excruciating.

    I parked my car on the side of a quite road before stumbling into the forest nearby. I walked deep into the forest before screaming, with tears running down my cheeks.

    I cried louder as the pain got worse.

    After about half an hour of pain, I got feel myself falling into darkness, but before it got fully engulf me, I heard a voice near next to me, telling me to hold on.

    An hour later…

    “When is she going to wake up?” a deep voice asked.

    “I don’t know. She should’ve woken by now,” a soft voice replied.

    I tried to open my eyes, by my head felt as if someone was hitting it with a hammer. With a groan, my eyes flew open. Taking in the surroundings, I noticed that I was in an unknown place.

    My wolf automatically went into defense mode, just in case someone tried to attack us. Although we weren’t well-trained, we knew the basics.

    I sat up straight and looked around. I was in a cream-coloured bedroom. I noticed that I was sitting on a warm, comfortable king-sized bed, but I wasn’t wearing my clothes, instead a huge comfortable t-shirt.

    Standing in front of me was a tall, handsome man, with brown shaggy hair and bright blue eyes. To say that he was good-looking would be an understatement: he was HOT. He seemed a bit older than me, maybe eighteen, and also he had a powerful aura around him, indicating that he was the Alpha.

    Next to him stood an older looking woman, aged in her mid-thirties. She had beautiful long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes as well. She was probably the guy’s mom as they had the same eyes and had similar facial features.

    “Hey honey, are you alright?” the lady asked in a soft, motherly voice.

    I nodded, “W-where am I?” I was scared as I was a rogue now, so they could kill me for trespassing their land.

    “You’re in The Hallowed Mane’s territory, and I am Alpha Henry Nixon,” the fit guy answered confidently with pride.

    “Okay, why d-did you bring m-me h-here?” I stuttered.

    “You were in pain and you were screaming, then you passed out, so I brought you here,” he replied.

    “Alright. But I-I think I need to go now,” I whispered, trying to stand up even though I was feeling extremely weak.

    The lady shook her head, “No honey, you need to rest.”

    “P-please don’t kill me,” I whispered with tears in eyes already.

    “Why would we want to kill you?” the lady asked, with a confused look on her face.

    “W-why wouldn’t you? I’m a rouge and I crossed into your territory without permission, didn’t I?”

    “Yes, but you don’t seem like a danger to me. Or the pack for that matter. You look so broken,” she whispered the last part.

    “No you don’t. So I would like you to join the pack,” he stated firmly.

    “N-no, I can’t. I don’t want to be a burden on you or anyone,” I sobbed.

    “You’re not a burden. And since you have crossed my land without permission, I get to do whatever I want to do with you and I want you to join the pack,” he said confidently.

    “Y-yes Alpha,” I whispered, looking down at my fingers.

    “Excellent,” he grinned. “And you don’t need to tell me about your past right now, but someday, I need to know and the sooner the better.”

    I nodded again, speechless. Why would he want me to be in his pack? What if he’d start hating me like the other later on? Is he going to abandon me as well?

    “What’s your name sweetheart?” the lady asked.

    “C-Caroline Forest,” I answered in a quite voice.

    “You’re name’s beautiful, just like you. And I’m Stella, Henry’s mom,” she said Henry’s name with great pride. She seemed so warm, and I knew I would grow to love her.

    “T-thanks,” I smiled slightly.

    “OK, so I think that the sooner you become one of the members in our pack, the better. So how about now? Do you agree?” Henry asked, tilting his head as he waited my answer.

    Reluctantly, I nodded, “Yes, I’m ready.”

    I was sure I didn’t want to be in my old pack anymore, because eventually, they could track me down. I knew this was highly unlikely, but after joining Henry’s pack soon, my scent would be altered slightly so that I could break off any ties from them. But I don’t think they would want to find me though. After all, I was just someone they HAD to tolerate in their pack.

    “I, Alpha Henry Nixon, accept you Caroline Forest in The Hallowed Mane Pack, do you accept?” he said so formally.

    “I, Caroline Forest, accept to be part of The Hallowed Mane Pack.”

    He pulled out a small pocket knife and made a cut on his palm. He took mine and repeated the process. We both shook hands, both our blood mixing together.

    I felt my old pack’s bond, which was already very weakened, snap completely. And instead to be replaced by my new pack’s bond.

    “Welcome to the pack,” he said softly.

    I smiled back slightly as his smile was so infectious.

    “Thank you. Thank you so much, but I don’t want to live in the pack house,” I stated with a slight confidence.

    It was true: all my life I never did anything for me, just for me and now I wanted to build my own life and live it for me now that I was free. I knew that it would take long before I got back on my own two feet properly, but I never really did like anyone else’s help.

    “That’s fine, but you have to come to the pack meetings, which is once a month. And until you get well, because you are extremely underweight and weak as well, you will have you stay at the pack house, and that is my order.”

    “Yes, Alpha. Thank you,” I whispered again, but since he had werewolf hearing, he would’ve been able to hear me.

    I wasn’t used to people doing all these things for me, so it was a bit weird to see someone help me so much. I was used to doing work and getting hit and bullied, but I was never once taken care of- because the people who were supposed to love me and be there for me turned their backs on me.

    “OK, I’ll leave you for a shower. Come downstairs when you finish and I’ll have some clothes ready for you,” Stella said, smiling her bright smile.

    I nodded and watched as they left the room. I stood up and walked to a white-painted door, which I guessed was the entrance to the bathroom and entered in.

    I looked around in awe at the shiny, clean and white bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the shower. I re-adjusted the heat to my liking and stepped under the water as it soothed my muscles.

    I think I would be loved and appreciated around here. My life just got way better.


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