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    “I need to call Mason.”

    Scarlett rolled her eyes at the mention of the hairy man. “Your werewolf boyfriend?”

    “He’s not my boyfriend”, Alexa assured her while bringing her cellphone up to her ear. “He only thinks he is.”

    They were still cramped up in the small motel just outside of town. Scarlett didn’t get why they just didn’t compel people out of their homes.
    “Using men is your specialty huh?”

    “Using people is my specialty”, Alexa corrected as she poked Scarlett’s nose. Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head to rid any doubting thoughts.

    Alexa groaned. “He’s not answering.”

    Scarlett sat up from the bed and watched as the doppelgänger quickly packed a bag. “What do you even need him for?”

    “Just forget I said anything.”

    “You do not wanna keep secrets from me”, Scarlett said while walking up to her. She knew threatening Alexa would never work, especially because never in a million years would she ever go through with the actual threat. They both knew that.

    “Says the one who’s keeping secrets”, Alexa laughed but she was far from amused. “I heard you last night when you thought I was asleep. You slipped out. Where’d you go? What were you doing?”

    Scarlett shrugged. “The usual. Terrorizing an old folks home.”

    “You’re not funny.”

    “I was visiting an old friend”, Scarlett informed her. “Now it’s your turn. Explain.”

    “I need the moonstone.”


    Alexa sighed. “Its a bargaining chip. I get to live if I bring it to him.”

    Scarlett grew annoyed at the vagueness. “You’re not being clear. How must I help you if you will not tell me what’s happening.”

    “Because maybe I don’t want your help”, Alexa said, immediately regretting her words. “What I mean is, I just got you back and if I don’t want to lose you again. And Edgar will make sure I do.”

    The brunette raised an eyebrow. “Edgar.”

    “You’ve heard of him”, Alexa assumed. Scarlett leaned against the window, subtly eyeing the outside and making sure there were no lingerers.
    “He’s an Original. Who hasn’t heard him?”

    “How do you know about the Originals?”

    “During my deep and temporary slumber, thanks to you, I ran into someone. The old friend I mentioned.” Scarlett smiled as she recalled the memories. “She showed me the vampire ropes I guess you could say. Although she did somewhat remind me of you in a way.”

    Alexa rolled her eyes and immediately knew exactly who it was. “Please don’t tell me you’re talking about who I think you are.”

    Scarlett smirked. “Take a guess.”

    “Rebekah Mikaelson.”

    “We crossed paths in the spirit world”, The youngest Salvatore said, reminiscing of who she believed to be her best friend at the time. “I learned of her family’s history and of course why she was there in the first place.”

    Alexa nodded. “Apparently Edgar has abandonment issues and whoever tries to leave him gets a stake to the heart.”

    “Precisely. Now…about this moonstone-“

    Alexa smiled at Scarlett’s attempt to change the subject. “No, no. You’re going to tell me where you were exactly.”

    The vampire rolled her eyes. “Edgar must be keeping her, along with the rest of his daggered family in some old warehouse a few miles up from here. In coffins.”

    “And you’re visiting her.” Alexa said. “You do realize how incredibly stupid that is, right? Edgar has no reason not to kill you and once he figures out that you’re a Salvatore, he’ll-“

    Scarlett placed comforting hands on either side of Alexa’s face to calm her. “He and Franklin were friends. Best friends even. I’m sure I’d be the last person on his mind.”

    Alexa cleared her throat and slowly backed away. She didn’t have time for this. “Fine. Whatever. I need the moonstone and the Lockwoods have it.”

    Scarlett ignored Alexa’s struggle against her emotions and shrugged. “We’ll Just deal with that later. Edgar gave you time to get it I’m sure. Now come on. We have a doppelgänger to introduce ourselves to.”


    The pair walked into the and Scarlett nearly gagged. “What is that god awful smell?”

    “Burgers”, A blonde hair blue eyed teenager said with a dopey smile.
    Alexa smirked. Matt.

    “Hey, Judy.” He greeted Alexa who quickly dropped Scarlett’s arm. “Who’s your friend?”

    She shrugged. “Just an old friend.”

    “Did you say burgers?” Scarlett questioned with furrowed eyebrows and Matt stared at her oddly.
    Before he could ask any more questions, Alexa said, “She’s not from here. I’m just showing her around a bit. Would you mind getting us something to drink? Anything, really.”

    Matt smiled again. “Sure thing, Judy”, he said and walked away.

    “That was Judy’s ex boyfriend”, Alexa mentioned in a whisper as they sat down at a table toward the back. “Cute right?”

    “If you find high surfer guys cute, then sure.”

    Alexa rolled her eyes. “Quit being a grouch”, she said clinging onto the woman’s arm. “I’ll meet you back at the motel later.”

    “Woah, where are you going?” Scarlett asked pulling the girl back into her by her jacket sleeve.
    “I can’t be seen in public, Sara.”

    “Well neither can I.”

    “If your brothers walk in, you either hide or handle it.” Alexa shrugged, knowing for a fact her girl had it under control. “You’ll be okay. But for now, I have a moonstone to find.”

    Scarlett huffed as Matt came to her table with two drinks. “Hey where’d Judy go?” He asked in confusion.

    “I’ll take those”, She said downing both cups. Matt looked over to the door just as it jingled and he smiled, quickly walking away from Scarlett’s table.
    “Judy, there you are”, She heard him say.

    “Hey, Matt.”
    Scarlett subtly studied the girl who resembled the love of her life. Sure they looked the same but there obvious differences.

    Judy sat down a couple of feet away from Scarlett and whipped out her phone as it rang. The girl listened intently to Brad’s voice.

    “No, I’m fine.”

    “Where are you?”

    “Nowhere that concerns you, bye Brad.”

    Scarlett smirked as she could feel the tension between the two. Brad and Franklin were still vying for the same girl’s attention. At least their love goggles for Alexa were broken.

    Scarlett stood you from her table and took her time reaching Judy’s. “Excuse me. Can I trouble you for directions to the Salvatore boarding house?”
    Judy looked up and her eyebrows creased. “Oh. W-Why would you need to know that?”

    “Just for any future circumstances.”

    Judy tilted her head. “Who are you exactly?”

    “An old family friend”, Scarlett said but then a reflexive and flirtatious smile crossed her features. “Do I spark your interest?”

    Judy shook her head right away, “Definitely not. I mean, no offense, you’re really beautiful but I’m just not into…”

    Scarlett sat in amusement as the girl trailed off and she nodded. “Right, of course. I understand completely. That’s one of the bigger differences between you and Alexa.”

    Judy did a double take. “Alexa?”
    Scarlett’s eyes travelled down to the girl’s neck and noticed the vervain necklace that mocked her. “Smart boys”, she whispered.

    Judy grabbed her bag and stood from her seat. “I think I should be heading home now.”

    Just as she turned around, she was met with the same hazel eyes. “So soon?”

    “You’re a vampire.”

    “And you aren’t as unintelligent as you look.” Scarlett took a step forward as Judy stumbled back.
    “I’ll scream”, She threatened pathetically.

    “And your throat will be ripped out in seconds. But there’s no need for any violence”, Scarlett said calmly before motioning toward the Mystic Grill customers who conversed lightly. “Everyone in this filthy grease pit was compelled to not move one muscle if I do happen to grow a bit angry.”

    “What’s going on?” Matt asked walking up and Scarlett sharply turned to face him. “Walk away and do not come back”, She told him and he instantly turned around. “Did I say everyone? Almost everyone.”

    “Who are you? What do you want? How do you know Franklin and Brad?” The questions tumbled out of Judy’s mouth like vomit as the sudden rapid beat of her heart filled Scarlett’s ears deliciously.

    “You ask a lot of questions. Maybe I should just show you”, The taller of the two said before gripping Judy’s head in both hands and shutting her eyes.

    “What are you–”, Judy struggled before her eyes also closed. A thousand pictures ran through her mind, Brad and Franklin being in most. Seconds later, Scarlett let the girl go.

    “They had a sister?” Judy whispered to herself in shock and then looked up into Scarlett’s eyes, eyes that more so resembled Brad’s. “No, that’s impossible. They’ve told me so many stories about the past and you were never brought up. Not ever. Franklin…he would’ve told me. I know he would’ve.”

    “It appears that you’ve been lied to Judy”, Scarlett said. “Your boyfriend isn’t as loving as you may think.”

    Judy’s mount opened and closed as her legs grew stiff. “Judy, I need you to deliver them a message for me. And I want you to say these exact words, understand?”

    Judy had no choice but to comply.

    “She’s coming.”


    “Found your moonstone yet?” Scarlett asked from the tiresome and worn out couch as Alexa walked into their motel.

    “Mason’s working on it. How did it go?”

    “Well–”, Scarlett began with a content sigh. “I’ve made it clear to Judy who I am. And now she’s on her way to tell her boyfriends that I am alive more than ever before.”

    Alexa crossed her arms and sat down next to her. “What exactly are you going to do?”

    “Don’t you mean what are we going to do?”
    Alexa smiled.

    “I figure I’d torture them for a few months, emotionally. Maybe even snap Judy’s neck. Just for the fun of it”, Scarlett shrugged and smiled sadistically at the thought of it. “And then, after everyone they know is dead, they’ll be next. And we’ll reign supreme.”
    Alexa nodded. “We will.”

    “What’s wrong?” Scarlett asked, taking notice of the girl’s demeanor. She went to take Alexa’s hand but then hissed as her own hand was burned.
    “Vervain? What happened?”

    “I may have warned your brothers too. In a subtle way of course”, Alexa quickly said. “I went to look for the moonstone myself but then I got a call from Brad. He said he wanted to bargain with me. I was too curious to pass it up so I went to their house.”

    Scarlett’s ears perked up.
    “Tell me everything.”

    Earlier that day

    Alexa stood in front of Brad and Franklin’s shared home and scoffed. She had her arms crossed and an impatient look etched onto her face as she waited to be greeted.
    Seconds later the door swung open, revealing her “other half”, Judy who smiled politely even though their hatred for one another was evident.

    “You again, huh?” Alexa asked and Judy rolled her eyes. “Where are Franklin and Brad.”

    Judy shrugged. “They’re not here.”

    The doppelgänger flared her nostrils. Then what exactly was she called down here for?
    “Brad called me.”

    “Something came up. They went to go look for someone”, Judy told her.

    “Who?” Alexa asked but soon felt something sharp impale her ribcage as she gasped for air.
    “You”, Brad said in victory as her body fell limp into his arms.
    Franklin helped his brother drag the woman inside as Judy quickly cleared way.
    “Now what is it I have to do exactly?” Bonnie asked, exiting the kitchen into the living room where they laid Alexa onto the couch.

    “Work your witchy-magic-shazam and send her back”, Brad grunted out after dusting his hands off as if he just touched an ancient item.

    Bonnie furrowed her eyebrows. “Back where?”

    Brad huffed, “Disneyland. Where do you think? Hell, obviously.”

    “Enough with the jokes, can you help us or not Bonnie?” Franklin asked impatiently.

    The young witch crossed her arms, “From my understanding, we were just placing her body under a permanent rest.”

    “Yes, in hell”, Brad said.

    “What do you care what we do with her, Bon?” Judy asked her best friend with curious eyes.

    “I don’t care. I just – I don’t think we should be tampering with this kind of magic”, Bonnie muttered.
    Judy reached for her friend’s hand but Brad quickly stepped in. “Come on, Bon Bon. A little dark magic here and there won’t hurt anyone. Well at least not any of us.”

    “Speak for yourself. I’ve done this kind of magic before and it almost got me killed”, The brown skinned girl snapped.

    “Almost”, Brad emphasized.

    Judy sighed. “She’s right guys. This was a bad idea. It’s too dangerous. It can backfire.”

    Brad looked to Franklin who locked his jaw. “Well what do we do with her? Let her go? Because if we do, I don’t want anything to do with her. Not anymore.”

    “I know Alexa’s a bitch and all but what did she do to make you guys resent her so much?” Bonnie questioned.

    Brad poured a bottle of bourbon into one of his glass cups as he said, “You sure have a lot of questions for someone who can’t perform one lousy spell for us.”

    “Brad”, Judy warned.

    He walked up to her and smiled, ignoring Franklin’s glare. “Kidding.”

    “Back to your question”, Brad said turning to Bonnie. “Why do we resent her? Well, besides the obvious fact that she ruined our lives and turned us into possibly the worst thing on Earth, no reason at all.”

    Bonnie rolled her eyes at his sarcasm and folded her arms across her chest. “I know she turned you guys but, I don’t know. There seems to be something a lot deeper.”

    “Can’t get much deeper than that”, Judy whispered.

    “We’ll lock her downstairs in the basement, sprinkle some vervain and hold her until we figure out what to do with her”, Brad informed everyone before sending Franklin a look.
    Judy placed a comforting hand on Franklin’s arm before walking over to her best friend. Her phone buzzed as Bonnie studied the two brothers as they silently communicated with each other.
    “Hey”, Judy said, gaining the witch’s attention. “Okay. Bon, Caroline needs our help with something.”

    Bonnie whipped her head around to see Franklin and Brad off in the corner whispering. She squinted her eyes but then quickly turned back to face Judy. “Can you handle it on your own? I think I can try to figure out a loophole to this whole sending evil vamp back to Hell thing.”

    “Yeah sure, I’ll see you in a couple of hours”, Judy said before shouting her goodbyes and running out the door.

    Bonnie walked over to where Franklin was harshly whispering something inaudible to Brad. She leaned against the doorframe and tried her hardest to listen to what was being said.
    “Are we ever going to tell her?” Franklin asked.

    Brad shrugged, “Whats the point, Franklin? She’s gone and she’s never coming back.”


    “Franklin. She’s ancient history alright? Nothing but a fossil rotting down in that tomb”, Brad gritted out due to frustration.

    “Are you sure you’re not just trying to avoid reliving the memories of you stabbing her in the heart? I mean, you completely obliterated her”, Franklin said, obviously trying to get a rise out of his brother.

    Brad gripped his shirt and yanked him closer, “Don’t forget who stood by and watched me obliterate her.”

    Franklin tightened his jaw before looking away. Brad sighed and let him loose. “I think about that moment every day alright? I don’t want to but I do”, The dark haired man mumbled with the saddest eyes Bonnie’s ever seen him wear.

    “I miss her. Don’t think that I don’t.”

    “I know. I miss her too”, Franklin replied. “I wish that day never happened. Do you?”

    Brad scoffed, “Of course. After we woke up as Dracula’s kin, I felt something I actually haven’t felt in a while.”

    “Yeah, what’s that?”

    He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, “Regret.”

    “Doesn’t change the fact that she probably hates us”, Franklin said and Brad shrugged.
    “Can you blame her?”

    Bonnie knitted her eyebrows together. She had no idea who they were talking about, their attempt at not saying any names, working. However, Bonnie knew for a fact that they were talking about a girl.

    The witch quickly and quietly walked back into the living room and sat down in a chair with the spell book placed in her lap.

    As soon as she heard footsteps, she looked up and nodded casually. “So? Are we ready to put her downstairs?”

    Franklin sighed. “Yeah let’s do it.”

    The sound of a large door slamming shut was enough to wake Alexa out of her deep sleep. She lifted her arm so that way her hand could tend to her sore neck but it quickly snapped back down.
    “What?” She whispered in confusion before realizing what happened. Franklin and Brad tricked her. They played mind games just like she had once done to them, shackled her and threw her into their cellar.

    Alexa felt completely weak. Her eyes burned as did her throat due to the clearly not visible vervain in the cave-like room.
    “You’re showing signs of early starvation”, A voice said from the window on the door. Alexa looked up through blurry vision and saw Brad smirking at her.

    “Mm”, She grumbled out. “I-I need something to eat. Or drink.”

    “Know what that gives you?” Brad questioned. He didn’t wait her to answer as he said, “Strength. Know what strength gives me? A knife in my back. Again.”

    “Please don’t start crying. It’s such a drag hearing you pour your heart out over and over again”, Alexa rasped.
    Brad quietly spoke, “I loved you. You wouldn’t be in this position if you would’ve just realized that.”

    Alexa shrugged, “I know you loved me.”

    “But you didn’t care. And you still don’t”, Brad said looking into the girl’s emotionless eyes as a lazy smile spread across her face.

    “My heart was never yours Brad. Or Franklin’s for that matter.” She wondered when he’d get the picture. “We all know who it belonged to.”

    “Yeah”, Brad scoffed, envy still lingering somewhere in the depths of his soul. “It was clear you two were going to be the ones to ride off into the sunset together.”

    “But your jealousy couldn’t let that happen, could it?” Alexa asked, feeling herself begin to grow angry as the memories Scarlett showed her, replayed in her head.

    “I didn’t mean to do it. It was in the heat of the moment”, Brad said but more to himself.
    “Do you want to see her?” Alexa suddenly asked and Brad’s head popped up.
    “What do you mean see her?”

    “What’s going on down here?” A voice suddenly asked as footsteps were heard coming down the stairs and into the cellar.
    Franklin appeared and Brad sighed as Alexa continued, “I can take you to her.”

    Brad furrowed his eyebrows. “Scarlett?”

    “It’s a trick, Brad”, Franklin quickly told him. “Everything with her is.
    He looked directly at Alexa who lied sprawled out on the ground. “How do we make you stop? How do we make you go away?”

    Alexa laughed. “You can’t. Not until I get what I want.”

    “And what’s that?” Brad asked.

    “You. Begging for mercy. Funny how you didn’t even give Sara that chance Brad. She showed me what you did to her”, Alexa mentioned while looking at Brad. She then looked to Franklin, “And what you didn’t do. The two people she cared about most on this planet, — the ones who were supposed to protect her — turned around and murdered her in cold blood. All because they were the jealous type.”

    “This is all your fault”, Brad suddenly growled. “You are the root of all of our problems. You were back then and you are now. It’s about time we send your ass back.”

    “Oh please”, Alexa laughed out. “Soon, I’ll be the least of your problems.”

    “What is that suppose to mea–”, Franklin began but cut himself off as Bonnie walked in. There was a lingering question in the air as all three of them gave each other knowing looks.
    Franklin sighed, “How much did you hear?”

    Bonnie raised her eyebrows. “Enough.”

    Brad began, “I–”

    “You can explain after we send this bitch back to where she belongs”, Bonnie quickly said as she opened the spell book.

    Franklin watched her cautiously. “I thought black magic wasn’t your thing.”

    “I’ll deal with the consequences later”, Bonnie said knowing she was only doing this because Judy wasn’t here to stop her. “I always do.”

    “Is that Bonnie?” Alexa asked in fake excitement.
    “For someone who’s on the verge of starving to death, you sure have lot to say”, Bonnie snapped causing her to laugh dryly.

    Franklin and Brad moved off to the side to allow Bonnie to stand right in front of the door and have perfect view of Alexa who suddenly yanked her chains off.

    Bonnie quickly began chanting the Latin words displayed in the book. Alexa slammed against the door causing her to flinch but never falter as her chants only sped up. Brad watched with hopeful eyes as Alexa backed away from the door and fell to the ground.

    Minutes later, Bonnie was a mess. She slid to the floor as Franklin quickly tended to her.
    Brad slowly opened the large door to an empty room. “She’s gone.”

    “She’s where she needs to be”, Bonnie coughed out. “Hell. Just like you wanted.”

    “Thank you”, Franklin said knowing Brad wouldn’t.

    “As long as we keep this–”, Bonnie said pointing to her bloody nose, “–to ourselves. Judy doesn’t need to know about it. Shouldn’t be that hard keeping a secret from her considering you managed to hide an entire sister.”

    Bonnie stood shakily to her feet as they walked back upstairs. “Maybe you should lie down”, Franklin said to her but Brad shook his head.

    “Maybe she shouldn’t.”

    They both snapped their heads to him but realized what he meant when the book slipped out of Bonnie’s grasp and landed on the floor with a wet thwack. She leaned down and lifted it by its edges and noticed the blood seeping front within the pages.
    “Why’s it doing that?” Franklin asked, taking a cautious step back.

    Bonnie shook her head. “I don’t know.”

    “I can see why this might’ve not been a good idea.” Brad breathed out. “This was obviously way too easy.”

    Bonnie rolled her eyes. “You think?”

    “So what does this mean?” Franklin asked.

    Bonnie sighed before looking up at them. “Something’s wrong.”


    “Well something must’ve gone wrong if you’re here. Her spell didn’t work”, Scarlett said in confusion. “What went wrong?”

    Alexa’s eyes went wide and she stood from the couch as she breathed out, “Everything.”

    Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows before quickly rushing to the bathroom. She flicked on the light switch and slowly walked up to the mirror. Alexa stood in the doorway and watched as Scarlett’s eyes flickered from hazel to a bright yellow.

    “What did you do?” Scarlett asked.

    “I didn’t do anything. Bonnie’s spell must’ve did something”, Alexa said.

    “But why to me?” Scarlett breathed heavily as her fangs bared themselves but then disappeared again. Her eyes were like paths into another universe and surprisingly enough, it frightened her.
    “Sara. We need to get to Mila. Now.”


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