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    Josh’s POV
    “Welcome back.” Father said a smile clearly on his face. I nodded my head in reply and began to climb the stairs.
    I had made it to my room, and I stared at the ruffled bed sheets. I had two thoughts in my mind, and I pondered which had happened? A good nights rest, or was she having a nightmare?

    I took a sharp intake of breath and smelt the air, it smelt beautiful. It was a lavender scent, sort of like laundry detergent. Slowly I found myself in the bathroom- before I spoke to her I needed to wash off the mess I had created.
    We had found a group of rogues just near our territory, and I was for damn sure not letting them try anything. I had threatened them long ago and they deserved it.

    I have had a hatred for the beasts since I have no idea when, and it’s only increased as I have found out what some of them have done to my mate. It pained me to even imagine what she must have gone through.

    Scorching hot water began to steam up the bathroom, and I stepped into the shower. I watched as blood drained off of me and vanished. To say I rushed was an understatement. It was the fastest shower I have taken in forever.

    ‘Isadora, I’m home. Where is she?’ I mind linked my sister, with anticipation in my voice. All I wanted to do was hold the poor girl, to protect her. I couldn’t get her out of my mind.
    ‘I go by Dora.’ She paused with a hiss. ‘Anyways, were in the kitchen, I swear she’s already eaten what? Two sandwiches!’ She giggled

    Questions raced through my mind, like I was some sort of sixteen year old school girl obsessing over some boy I didn’t know. But, I am not a school girl- and I am defiantly not gay. She proves it.
    She isn’t what I expected as a mate.

    Hell, after four years of searching I didn’t really expect one anymore. I sort of just gave up. I mean, I’m 21 and going to be alpha soon, father would have made me marry his favorite girl. I’m just glad that she is female. I’m not into that homosexual stuff.

    I imagined a girl less prettier than the girl that really is my mate. Bleach blond hair, fake boobs- you get the picture. Meet her at some party or something, so I didn’t exactly play the hero.
    She’s more than I expected, and I haven’t even gotten to see her fully. I don’t even know her name and I’m already in love with this….this strange girl.

    After I pulled a pair of sweatpants onto my body, I didn’t bother to fix my hair, only running my fingers through it.
    As I made my way towards the kitchen, I could hear powerful growls erupting from someone. “I’ll kill you!” There was a fit of yells behind tears. It was very noticeable in the voice.
    That voice.

    “Hey! It’s okay!” Dora yelled, I rush in and stand behind two of my men. They’re laughing, and my blood boiles when I figure out who they are laughing at.
    I quickly take one of my men against the wall, my hand presses against his neck. He hisses in pain and stared at me- the cocky smirk on his lips disappeared.

    “Geeze man. What’s your problem?!” Kyle growled, not even attempting to struggle in my grip.
    “You think it’s funny now?”
    “N–no sir. Sorry sir.” His eyes shot towards the girl, who’s shaking and trembling with fear. My eyes softened as I looked at her- I broke away to finish my business.
    “Laugh at her again. I dare you.” I released my grip on him, and shoved him behind me. Beta or not he will never ever disrespect my mate or anyone for that matter.

    ‘Dora, leave.’ I used my alpha tone and glared directly at her, she still had my mates arm held in her grasp keeping her back. I did not like that at all. No one can touch her, look at her, or ugh. She nodded quickly before saying a quick be right back and bolting out the other exit.
    I stood there in silence for moments, before easily breaking it.
    “Did you sleep well?” My arms were crossed and I was still trying to calm myself from my angry wolf. How dare his own beta laugh at our mate?

    She nodded, “yes…it was wonderful. Thank you.” She looked at her feet. Clearly, she was intimidated by me, I mean- I would be too if the first time I met myself and I threatened someone…id shit my pants.
    “I’m Josh, I trust it that Dora has spoken to you about things already?”
    She nodded again, her voice was fragile and broken. “She didn’t go into detail, but she kept talking about you and-“
    I raised a finger and cut her off. “Alright. This is the Frost Bite pack, as you may know lead by my father, Kyle and I will be leading very soon- that is if I am clearly thinking this through. I have quite a few more steps to finish though- and that includes marking you as mine.” I said rather abruptly.

    She staggered backwards. Her mood changed in less than five seconds and a dominant growl escaped her lips, I almost wanted to recoil but it was cute.
    “Funny, haven’t even asked my name and I’m already being claimed.” Her voice was bitter and I stepped forward.
    “You are Janet, right?”

    Janet’s POV
    “You are Janet, right?” The glint in his eye made me withdraw backwards. It reminded me of a familiar look, they my capturer had.
    I wondered how he knew my name, and figured that he might just mind linked Dora and got my name back then. I looked at him in silence. Running up to his inny-outty belly button was a happy trail that wasn’t all that hairy. His chest had muscles defined under his skin, and veins popped as he life’s his arm and ran it through his hair.
    He growled, causing me to bring my attention to his face. His chiseled features made mine look like a clown painted it on. He had long thick eyelashes surrounding his bright blue eyes. His smile made me want to melt.
    But I refused to smile back.

    I do not know what this man- my mate will do. I can’t be exactly sure, and I don’t want to know. I can’t trust him- nor any male. I just can’t bring myself, after what I’ve experienced.
    My wolf had always got the best of me, and I knew eventually she’d win, even if that means she’s happy and I’m not. I’ll just have to take her word on it.

    “Right.” I managed to speak, after staring at Josh in awe for the past five minutes. I sucked on my bottom lip afraid.
    “Lovely.” The single word vibrated out of his chest and I watched his eyes deep in mine. They darted to my lips, and I smiled.
    “You know who I am?” He asked with expectation.
    “Josh…” I don’t know why he asked so, “Dora told me about you.”
    He seemed a bit disappointed.

    I pressed my hands against the counter and leaned towards them. I was completely bored and embarrassed at the awkward moment, and I know there’s more to come. I instantly recoiled at the sudden pain on my wrist.
    Josh must have noticed my concern, and was inches in front of me. Holding my wrist to my chest I breathed, not wanting to look anywhere but my feet.

    “Can I see your wrist?” He blinked when I looked at him blankly. A frown was on his face when his fingers slowly reached up and traced my busted lip. A long sigh escaped his lips, and his fist balled.
    My hands covered my face, so I could block out any harm. “Please don’t…” A single yell streamed down my face, in fear that he was going to beat me- just like everyone else.

    “You think I would……-” he stopped and dropped his hand, taking me suddenly by the chin and lifting my face to his.
    “I would NEVER hit you dear. I am not upset at you- but at who did this to you, and I promise that nothing like that will ever happen- alright?” I nodded and he continued.

    “Now, may I see your wrist?” His warm hands disappeared and I raised my arm, and spread my fingers apart. He carefully twisted my arm the way is usually goes and sighed.

    “It was broken earlier. How did it heal so quickly…?”
    I swallowed, and lifted my eyes towards his. There was a painful look in his eye and he bit the side of his cheek.
    “Well- you see I wasn’t exactly an ‘omega…’ My father was an alpha.” I blinked.
    He scanned my face and nodded like he wanted me to continue.
    “Alpha of Red Wood pack?” He nodded lightly.

    I quickly shut my mouth and lost in memories. Red Wood, a name only exist in the past. Josh just wait there, and brushed a piece of my blond hair behind my ear.

    “I’ll get going, I have to speak to my parents, please go find Dora and meet some people- the pack will love you, I mean…you will be Luna. But if I see any male lay a hand on you-” he growled at the thought and continued.
    “I’ll come find you tonight, I do not want anything happening to you so I’d be comfortable if you slept in my bedroom.”

    I growled lowly, but was silenced by my wolf. Her and her constant bickering.
    “Yeah, sure.” I blankly stated and walked out the door Dora had escaped from.
    My mind was blank, and I wasn’t exactly how to react. Over protective much?
    ‘Oh, and Janet- my shirt looks good on you.’
    Of course I was wearing his shirt.

    Instead of looking for Dora, I decided to explore the huge house. I walked through a few doors into a dimly lit room with an oversized television set against the wall. I guess it was the screening room, and then I looked at what was playing, and then I walked out and down the corridor.

    As I walked further into the hallway, I heard the sound of a baby crying. Seconds later, a blonde woman emerged from the room and stumbled out carrying a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. She looked at me and a smile spread across her face.

    “Oh I’m sorry I was just exploring an-“
    The woman had such a beautiful smile and she shook her head. “No need to apologize, I understand you just got here, how are you?” She rocked the silenced baby in her arms and I ran my fingers over my arm.

    “I’m good, I’m just a little shaken up, from everything…?” That was complete nonsense. I lied right out of my mouth, no I wasn’t afraid- I was terrified. I had a fear of dying. That is one that will never end.
    “Oh. Well,” I glanced at the child in her arms and she smiled brightly. “Would you like to hold him?”
    I glanced up at her and nodded slowly- “may I?”

    Carefully she handed him in my arms, I rocked him silently and my lip puckered out. He was too adorable. “His names Manon.” She smiled, allowing the child to grab ahold of her finger. The little boy smiled, he had a set of beautiful brown eyes.

    “How old is he?” I asked abruptly. He was tiny, and I watched him giggle. She smiled, “four months.”
    “He likes you.” She smiled. The baby continued to giggle and smile. My eyes scanned over his face and I slowly lifted them to meet her.

    “I don’t think I have met you properly? I’m Janet.” I smiled warmly. The blond girl stood there, she was only about my height and looked like she could be twenty.
    “Rena. Nice to meet you, so your the woman Josh can’t keep his mind off of?” Her eyes light up and I nodded.
    “Oh.” I blankly stated.
    “I’m his sister,” she smiled answering my confusion. I would have been pissed if she was someone else.
    “It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled again, the baby began to cry so I handed her back. Rena apologized for the Inconvenience that she had to breast feed the baby and disappeared back into a room.

    So I explored the three floors. The first floor consisted of mostly older people, that I didn’t want to speak to. The two upper floors were mostly bedrooms and showers, two very large rooms ended on each hallway of the top floor, one of which I had woke up in.

    I made my way towards the familiar smelling room. It had to be past eight, and a yawn escaped my mouth. Slowly I dragged myself into the room and sunk down into the fresh comforter. The black silk was cool against my skin and I dug my face into my arms.

    I should really find Josh, and ask him for some new sleepwear. I weighed my options before sitting back up on the bed and leaving the room.

    Walking down the same hallway, I found a dark black door and listened. Josh’s voice, and someone with the same deep tone. I knocked quietly, and as if someone was standing on the other side the door flung open.

    The man who had been laughing at me earlier looked me up and down, then turning his head back to the other two men.

    I fiddled with my fingers, and quietly looked at Josh, who was at this point finished with his discussion staring at me. Everyone was staring at me.

    I growled, and one man looked towards Josh, a smile on his face. “Um, Josh?” I asked, the other two men began talking about something again.

    He stood to his feet and walked towards me. His facial expression was serious but I wasn’t exactly sure. “I-um what time is it?”
    “10:15, are you ready for bed?”
    I nodded quietly, and awkwardly. Josh turned to the other men and spoke. “Father, I’m going to bed- I’ll have Kyle fill me in tomorrow.”

    He smiled, and nodded approving his son. Josh lightly touched his arms on my waist behind me and guided me to the bedroom I had come from.

    I was carefully guided into the room, and I sat at the edge of the bed. Josh hadn’t worn a shirt all day as I know, his muscles strained as he flipped through the drawers of his dresser. He pulled out a long white t-shirt and tossed it towards me.

    “Put that on.” He turned to look at me for a second and I stood and walked towards the bathroom.
    I pulled the black shirt off, and replaced it with the white one. It had the strong scent of pine on it that sort of put me at ease.I ran my fingers through my long blond hair and sighed.

    Exiting the bathroom, Josh was lying on the bed with an arm behind him. The other one had turned on the television and was flipping through the channels. He turned to look at me and smiled, his eyes traveled my body and I felt completely venerable.

    I rolled my eyes and sat on top of the bed. Ignoring the fact I didn’t pull the covers down.

    I pressed my head against the headboard and never once took my eyes off Josh’s.

    “I met your sister.” I blankly stated. “Manon is really adorable.” I smiled, Josh’s eyes traveled my face and his body tensed.

    “Yeah, he is really cute.” He smiled back, still a pained look in his eyes.

    “How old is Rena?” I asked, my mind still pondering the question from earlier. I messed with a piece of hair and sighed.
    “Sixteen.” He had bitten down on his cheek and continued to look at me.
    “Wow.” I stated. She looked so much older.

    “She was um, taken awhile ago. I found her, and a rogue had taken advantage of her. She ended up pregnant and-“
    “Josh, you can’t blame the baby though.” I stated. His eyes met mine and a sigh escaped his lips.

    I imagined Rena struggling, and having a somewhat same scenario with myself. Of course I was never raped, but that never meant they touched me in a bad way. I was close to getting raped.

    “I won’t let them touch you. No one can touch you.” He took his eyes off of me, and turned off the television.
    I nodded silently. I don’t know what to think about this whole thing. I rubbed my eyes and lay down, resting my head on the soft pillow. I felt a little sleepy, but my wolf was still excited.

    I stared at the dark ceiling and blinked. I was thinking way too much over little nothings, and the past.

    I rolled over, facing away from Josh and closed my eyes. I was on the edge of the bed, I didn’t want to get any closer. It’s hard to explain, I trust him, and all at once I don’t. my wolf and I were playing mind games. It’d be awhile before my human self could gain any trust.

    “I’m sorry.” Josh said after a long silence. I had been staring at the wall for the past half hour. I shook my head.
    “It’s not your fault, we can talk tomorrow.” I scooted further away from him and growled, too tired.

    “please at least let me hold you.” He begged, I rolled over to meet his gaze, he was in arms length of me and I stared at him. I shook my head no.

    “Janet please, please just let me protect you- you’ll sleep so much better.” He sighed, and finally I gave in.
    His warm fingers grabbed my hips, and pulled me into his chest. His arm snaked around me and he drew circles in my back with his thumb. I breathed in his thick scent, and closed my eyes, falling asleep almost too quickly.

    “Good night.” Half asleep, I heard him whispering.


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