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    ‘— Abbott’s POV —

    “Well. Just go away.”

    I stood there shocked. What does she me by that? She didn’t care at all?! She must be lying! But when I looked into her eyes, I realize it is true. I saw fury and disdain in her eyes. She meant exactly what she said.

    “Oh My God! What on earth are you doing, Abbott?!” Screamed my wolf inside of me. “Why did you just reject her?” Clearly he could not hold his anger.

    “I rejected her because she is not Luna material. She does not deserve to be a Luna. I am an Alpha and I’m supposed to choose someone who deserves, someone who has high social status just like me, don’t you get it?!” I replied.

    But honestly speaking, I know what I am talking about is just bullsh*t. The real reason why I rejected her this quickly is because I sensed her this morning, and I don’t want to enter a relationship with her right now. Well, I’m still busy playing around with my current girlfriend, Krystal. Why would I bother to mate with my actual mate when I have a beautiful girlfriend already? Yes, you may call me a playboy indeed. But that’s me, the most popular boy in this school.

    “I, Lilian Rodriguez, accept your rejection.” She said emotionlessly. After a few seconds of silence, she said, “Well, I shall see you around.” Then, she simply walked away to the front entrance of the school and out of the door.

    When I saw her walked through the door without looking back, my wolf was sobbing inside me. I was still wondering if she really meant what she said.

    Suddenly, I had an idea that my wolf wasn’t into. He kept telling what to do, but I just blocked him out. I mind-linked my Beta and best friend, Brad. “Hey Brad, Can you do something for me,?”

    “What is it, my mighty Alpha?” He asked me immediately.

    “I want you to spy on Lilian Rodriguez. She went out of the school and she might have walked into the woods. Got it?”

    “Sure, it will be done, my Alpha. But may I ask why you are suddenly interested in this girl?”

    “No, you may not ask this question. Just do as I say.” I growled at him. “And make sure she doesn’t see you, remember?”

    “Yes, Alpha.”

    — Lilian’s POV —

    After the encounter with my mate, Abbott Davis, I went outside to the woods and went behind a tree and shifted into my wolf form. In my wolf form, my right ear had a little bit of black and my tail had a white color at my tail tip.

    I love my wolf very much. I ran for a few minutes. After a while, I just walked slowly and came upon a pond. I drank some water there and put my head on my paws.

    “Why did she reject us?” whimpered my wolf.

    “Who knows. Just forget about him for now. I don’t want him to ruin my entire day. We don’t need him.” I said to her and tried to calm her down.

    “But you know we need him, Lily!”

    I did not answer her this time. After that she just laid down and whimpered quietly. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest, but I tried my best to shrug it off.

    If he doesn’t want me, then just let him go away.


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