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    Lily’s POV.

    “BUT CHASE JUST FARTED ON MY FACE!”, I heard Rayan yell from downstairs.

    “I DID NOT!”, I heard Chase yell as loud as Rayan.

    RIP my ears.

    “CAN YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP! YOU’RE GOING TO WAKE UP MY LITTLE SISTER!”, Mud scolded both of them in an even louder voice.

    Huh, too late for that.

    I groaned and sat up on my bed. I let out a big yawn and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside me. 10 AM, huh.

    I heard a knock on my door. I said a small come in and Alex came in.

    He was wearing black pajamas that said ‘I Love My sTuPiD Twin Sister’. I was wearing the same black pajamas, but mine said ‘I Love My iDiOT Twin Brother’.

    “Good morning stupid”, he took weirdly angled steps towards bed. It seemed like he was pretending to be drunk.

    “Good morning idiot”, I grinned.

    He then did the unexpected. He suddenly jumped on my bed and hugged me tightly.

    “Oww”, I groaned and slapped his head with my hand.

    “Heyyy, don’t mess my hair”, he whined. But his hair were already messed up!

    “Then don’t jump on my bed with that fat butt”, I huffed.

    “I am not fa-“,suddenly he stopped speaking and his face paled. His eyes widened and it looked as if he just saw a ghost.

    “What happened?”, I asked him.

    He pointed his finger at something behind me. I followed his gaze and looked behind me.

    My face turned crimson red.

    “I uh-“, I begin.

    “OH MY GOD! ELIJAH! JULIAN! ROSE IS INJURED! SHE IS BLEEDING!!”, He screamed at the top of his lungs with a terrified expression on his face.

    Then I heard many footsteps.

    “No Alex, I’m not-“, I started but was cut off.

    “OH MY GOD! ROSE! WHO DID IT!”, Baley shouted with panic evident on his face.

    “I shall castrate the bastard who did this!”, Chase growled.

    “What if it’s a girl?”, Rayan said with a bored but fearful expression.

    “Then I will stab her vagina”, Cayden said with a determined look.

    “No it’s not-“, I begin again only to be cut off again.

    “Baby, who hurt you? Is it hurting?”, Julian asked sweetly.

    “Babygirl, shall I call the doctor?”, James asked with an even sweeter voice. As if I was going to break.

    Mud looked like he was about to explode any moment.

    They were all freaking out. Pacing around as if planning a murder.

    “WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!?”, I shouted at them frustrated.

    They all looked shocked. I’ve never raised my voice at them.

    “You don’t love me”, I sniffed. Then I started sobbing.

    They all looked confused and even more freaked out. James came towards me and pat my head and said, “of course we love you. Just tell us who hurt you baby?”

    “No one hurt me”, I sniffed.

    “Then where did all this blood came? Don’t lie to us”, Mud scoffed.

    I looked at my bedsheets and then at them, “It’s uhm, it’s uh”, this is so embarrassing.
    “Hmm?”, Baley asked me.

    “I’m-I’m on my uhm period”, I said awkwardly.

    There eyes widened.

    “The unholy!”, Chase exclaimed.

    “Shut the fuck up dude”, Rayan elbowed him in his stomach. Chase groaned in pain.

    “Uhm oh ok”, Julian awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

    “Do you uh, do you need something?”, Baley asked me.

    “Actually, I-“, Baley cut me to it.

    “Don’t worry Lily, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I’ll send Kristian to you”, he smiled at me.

    “Thank you”, I gave him a small smile.

    Then they all left my room.

    Kristian is the housekeeper. The head maid. She’s in her late 40s. She is very sweet, like a motherly figure….maybe?

    Kristian earlier bought me pads.

    I had to skip breakfast because of my cramps. She bought it for me in my room. Now I think I can easily join my brothers for lunch.

    My cramps are bearable. I’ve heard that many girls have horrible cramps during periods. Some can’t even walk. To be honest, mine are bearable.

    I do get the really bad ones, but they’re only in the mornings when I wake up and at night when I sleep. I don’t get any cramps during the whole day.

    I wore James’s brown hoodie (that I borrowed and never returned) with yellow sweat pants. I tied my hair in a messy bun.

    I went downstairs.

    When I entered the kitchen, all the eyes fixed on me.

    “Am I a ghost?”, I asked with a raised eyebrow. They all looked away.

    “Lily, I bought these chocolates for you. It will help you feel better”, Chase said handing me a red box.

    I giggled, “Thank you”, I said after kissing his cheek.

    He blushed. I laughed. My other brothers were looking at me.

    “Where is my kiss?”, Rayan asked me with a raised eyebrow.

    “But she’s wearing my favourite hoodie. Cmere’ and give your big brother a kissy”, James said with puupy dog eyes.
    “Yeah, but I’m her twin”, Alex said with his arms open.

    “But I’m her favourite brother, aren’t I little Lily?”, Mud asked me with a hopeful look on his face.

    “No that’s not true! I’m her favourite brother!”, Cayden shot at Mud.

    “Come on, don’t fight. It’s pretty obvious that I’m her favourite”, Julian said with a smug expression. Seriously Julian!

    “It doesn’t matter. I get to have more cuddling”, Baley said.

    “Why is that?”, Mud asked him.

    “Because I am the oldest, that means I get to have her the most”, Baley replied in a duh tone.

    “In that case, I get to have her the most”, a deep voice boomed from behind me.



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