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    I woke up and yawned, getting out of bed. I grabbed my jeans and black shirt and got changed, meeting Hellen downstairs.

    Hellen and I were going shopping. Shoppings never been my thing, but she seemed excited about it. Then I realized I had no money. She told me not to worry and Carlos gave us his credit card telling me to buy what I wanted. I felt kind of guilty but he insisted I take it.

    That’s how I ended up in the mall buying everything in sight. Shopping was actually kinda fun.

    “C’mon! I wanna go in this one!” Hellen dragged me into a store. She was a lot more excited than me.

    I decided that I was going to be a new me. I’m not going to let people push me around anymore. I’m going to be a new and improved Hannah.

    “We need to get you a dress!” She yelled as we walked through the mall.

    “Why?” I whined, my hatred for dresses runs deep.

    “We have the ceremony to welcome you into the pack tonight.” She said.

    “Fine.” I groaned.

    She pulled me to the dress store and began to pick out dresses.

    After trying on about 15 dresses I got to the last one, slipping it on.

    It was dark blue with a black bow on the back.

    “Get out here and show me!” Hellen yelled anxiously.

    “Coming!” I yelled back, opening the door.
    “That’s the one.” She smiled.

    I nodded and smiled back at her. After we bought the dress and decided to go home.

    When we got home some boys came out and took them upstairs to our rooms. Carlos was waiting for us and immediately checked me for injuries.

    “Here you go.” I said, giving him his credit card

    “Thank you.” He smiled, going back to his office.

    “He totally has the hots for you.” Hellen said, winking at me.

    “You’re insane.” I laughed, pushing her away and going up to my room. I grabbed my stuff and took a quick shower.
    When I got out I blow dried my hair and put on a robe. I walked to all my bags and took out the curling iron I bought. I curled my hair and did my makeup. Then I put on my dress and black stilettos to match. Hellen texted me saying it was time so I headed down stairs where Carlos had been waiting for me.

    “Come on.” He said, holding his arm out.

    He led me to the back yard and took me up onto a stage.

    “Hello all! Today Hannah Field will be joining our pack. She will be treated like everyone else.” He spoke.
    A chorus of Yes Alpha’s were heard and then we began the ceremony.

    “Do you, Hannah Field, pledge your allegiance to the White Crescent Pack? Do you promise to fight with us, not against us, and be a loyal pack member?” He asked.

    “I do.”

    He then proceeded to take a white, crescent shaped knife and cut his palm then he cut mine. We joined our hands and I could feel myself connecting to the pack.

    Elliot’s POV
    (Time of rejection)

    I was in the cafeteria talking to Piper when I smelt it. It was the most addicting smell.

    Mate! My wolf screamed happily. When I looked over I was met with beautiful blue eyes. As I looked her over I realized who it was. Hannah Field. Why did it have to be the runt?

    I have to reject her. She’ll never be a good Luna. She’s a runt, nothing more.

    I went up and grabbed her by the hair. I took her to the middle of the cafeteria and did what I had to do.

    “I can’t have you as a mate!” I growled. “You’re too ugly and weak to be Luna!” I yelled. She whimpered and looked down.

    “I, Elliot Longman, reject you, Hannah Field, as my mate and Luna. You’ll never be anything but a runt.”

    I let her go and crossed my arms, staring her down. She stood up and wiped the tears off of her face. Then she said the words I will never forget.

    “I, Hannah Field, accept your rejection.” I stared at her, not sure what to say.

    Everyone gasped as she turned and ran out of school.

    I quickly put on a straight face and laughed.

    I went through the rest of the day and mocked her along with everybody else, trying to ignore the pain I was feeling.

    After school my soon to be beta, Hannah’s brother, Austin called, telling me to come quick.

    When I got there he showed me a note and started yelling at me.

    “She ran away because of you!”

    “Don’t disrespect me like that! You were no better to her!” I yelled back. I read the note and my heart broke as I let out a mournful howl. Hannah is gone.


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