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    The sunlight shone directly in my eyes, making me groan in annoyance. I went to roll over but was met by a wave of pain. My eyes fluttered open and I was in an unfamiliar room. Instantly my defenses went up. The unfamiliar room and the smell of pack territory urged me to escape.

    The room was pale blue and white. I was sitting on what looked like a hospital bed with a few empty chairs. A door to my left and a fairly large window to my right showed a beautiful view of a mountain range. I had monitors hooked up to my chest and an IV in my arm. I bet the person here had an alarm that goes off if I removed them, so I only had a few minutes, maybe less, to escape.

    The window looks like the easiest route. I wouldn’t have to try to sneak through a building I’m sure was occupied by people, figuring out how nice and clean it was. All I had to do was open the window, maybe break it, avoid people, and run out of their territory. Without getting caught.

    I liked around the room for security cameras. I’ve never seen one of them, only the older ones, if this was a security camera. I couldn’t really tell but a black circle was hanging on the ceiling by the door. The door had a lock on the inside, meaning I could lock it and try to buy some time.

    I tried to sit up to fast,gasping, I grabbed my ribs, only to be met with more pain. I was in fresh, clean clothes for the first time in years. I was a big,navy blue cotton shirt that went down to my thighs. I lifted it to meet with white bandages wrapped around my torso and ribs. I felt around to assess the damage and groaned. A couple of my ribs were probably broken. I felt that my back had stitches. I ripped off the warm, white blankets and was met with cool air and bandages. My right leg from calf down was wrapped.

    I sat up slowly, my arms were shaking with effort and pain. My muscles felt stiff from not moving in a while. I took of the sticky pads from my chest and from down the hall, I could hear a muffled beeping. I yanked the IV out and tried to stand up. I made it two steps before I fell and grabbed the wall for support. My leg and ribs were screaming at me to sit down.

    My left arm cradling my ribs and my right hand leaning on the wall for support, I hobbled to the the door and turned the lock on the knob.

    I heard two pairs of footsteps heading towards me. One was heavy and the other was light, meaning a male and female. I panicked and turned around to quickly. My hand left the wall and I lost my balance on my leg. I tried to steady myself with my other leg, but it couldn’t take all the weight and I fell to the floor.

    The two sets of footsteps were getting louder, meaning they were closer. I shakily got up and hobbled back to the bed. I grabbed the IV needed and broke it from the hollow tube, grasping it as a weapon. I then limped to the window. I gripped the side of the window and yanked it, it wouldn’t budge. I tried the other side as well and it didn’t move.
    The footsteps stopped outside my door, I could hear their muffled voices and I could see their shadows from the crack at the bottom of the door. Someone tried turning the knob, only for it to jiggle and the door stayed closed.

    “Go get the doctor.” I heard a low voice say, a male, and one of the shadows started back down from where they came, only with a quicker pace. The male kept jiggling the door knob, only harder this time and I furiously tried to open the window.

    “Open the door.” He said again. I ignored him and kept trying to open the window. He started banging on it and slamming his shoulder on it. The wood from the door started cracking, meaning it was breaking.

    My heart started pumping faster and my breath was coming out in pants. I grabbed the chair near the bed and raised it shakily over my head, about to smash the window. The door busted down and a man ran at me from the corner of my eye. Fuck!

    I let out a scream as he pulled the chair from my hands. I tried to stab him with the IV needle but my movements were slower than usual. He easily caught my wrist and pulled the needle from my grasp. I screamed again and tried to fight him off but he was stronger than me. He restrained me gently,trying not to hurt me.

    “Whoa there! Calm down! I’m not going to hurt you.” I shook my arms from his grasp.

    “Don’t touch me.”I growled.


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