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    Blanch’s POV

    Sunday morning

    Wow those flowers are so beautiful. Reaching down to feel the delicate petals in my hand, I suddenly felt someone shaking me vigorously. All I could see around was bright light blinding me. “Am I in heaven,” I suddenly blunted out. “Why are you so dumb Bonnie,” I heard Eros’ voice as my eyes adjusted to the light. “Shut up you dumdum,” I said as I reached for my duvet but I guess Eros pulled it off my bed. Okay now I gotta wake up. “Get up you lazy butt,” he said as he pushed me off the bed and I fell flat on the ground with a loud thud. “Erooooooooooooos,” I groaned as I felt the pain. I heard his footsteps speeding out of my room. “I will hunt you down and eat your brain,” I screamed and I just heard him laugh out loud. Well yeah that’s pretty much how we annoy each other. Finally getting up from the ground, I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up.

    As I was having breakfast with mom and Eros when the landline started ringing. “I’ll get it,” I said as I got up and went to the phone. “Hello,” I said as I picked the phone up. “Hello Blanch, it’s Mr Parker,” he said from the other end of the line. “Good morning Mr Parker,” I greeted him. “So Blanch I am expecting you to come later today we have to discuss about your extra shifts and you have an additional shift today at 3 in the afternoon,” he said. “Okay sir I’ll see you in a few hours,” I said and then hung up.

    I made my way back to the table and mom was looking at me questioningly. “Is there something on my face mom,” I asked mom as I reached to see if I felt anything on my face. “No Bonnie but who was on the phone,” she asked me as she ate a piece of egg. “Oh it was Mr Parker. I have to go to work this afternoon,” I said and she suddenly looked at me in shock. “On Sunday?” she said. “Yeah mom it’s not a big deal,” I said trying not to get her worried. “Okay sweetie if you say so,” she said and we went back to eat.

    Austinimus’ POV

    Looking at my watch for the hundredth time now, I sighed thinking of what is waiting for me. “Sir we will be arriving in a few minutes,” Bill said catching my attention. “Thank you Bill,” I said as I looked answered emails on my phone. After a few minutes, we finally pulled up in the driveway. Bill got out and opened my door. Getting out of the car, I just stared at the mansion. Bill made his way to the front door and opened it waiting for me to come. I exhaled deeply and made my way inside. Let’s do this. As soon as I got in I heard mama’s voice through the hall. “Honey you are finally here,” mama said as she came and hugged the hell out of me. “Mama I can’t breathe,” I cried out as she didn’t let go. After a good five seconds, she finally let go of me. “Can’t your mama show you how much she misses you,” she said as she  frowned at me. “Of course mama,” I said and she led me to the dinning room where I greeted my dad and mama’s friends.

    “Hi Austin how are you,” Megan purred as she slid her finger up my arm. In some cases I might be actually seduced by those moves but at that point I’m just cringing. “Hello Megan. I’m good. How are you,” I said trying to be polite. “I have been calling you yesterday,” she said as she made a sad face. “I was busy,” I said and went to take a seat beside my dad. “Hi dad,” I said as I gave him a brief hug. “How are you son,” he said. We talked for a little while and finally had brunch when my little sister, Aurora finally showed up. “Aurora where have you been and where is the little monster,” I asked her as she took a seat beside me. “Oh big bro I just got some things that needed my attention at the restaurant. Nothing big and talking about my little monster, he is going to join us later with Julio,” she said after greeting me with a kiss on my cheek. Well about me there is one thing that you need to know, my family is the most important part of my life. I must admit that I have always been the overprotective brother but Aurora never seemed to mind. People call me heartless and ruthless but they also know not to mess with my family. My dad has always taught me to cherish and love my family and I have definitely seen him give everything for our family. And I definitely don’t intend to stop what my father has taught me. After a few minutes of catching up with my sister, I noticed that she was continuously glancing towards Megan. “What’s wrong,” I asked her. She sighed and finally looked at me. “Why is Megan here again,” she muttered under her breath. “Well ask mom,” I said as I turned to dad who was calling for my attention.


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