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    So I thought I would make this guide explaining the different species/humans and how things work in this story. It might get confusing later on in the story so I thought I would explain it now.

    So there are many type of species in “True World”. But the most common are these (and remember the species in my book will be different compared to how actual legends and or other books explain them)

    Elves- there are two types of Elves. The light elves who generally have blonde hair or white hair. They’re the ones who are more friendly towards any other species. They get by selling handmade artifacts that can be sold for a very good price. They have light magic and healing magic. They don’t really age (nothing really does in this story) and they tend to be quite beautiful in a pure way. But the downside to them is their rage lol. Never make a light Elf mad they might hurt you. The other type is Dark Elves. So they’re more rare. They tend to have dark hair and dark eyes typically. They hide themselves from everyone and nobody really knows where they are. Tomoyo is a dark elf but he’s only half. Dark elves are seen as gloomy and evil . But they aren’t most of them just don’t know how to communicate. They’re quite beautiful but it’s a devilish kind of way. They have strong powers. They can hypnotize anyone or anything. And if they really want too they can kill literally anything. So you can see why they’re seen as bad news.

    Faeries- So generally the fairies all look different but most are associated with the earth . They tend to have earth related powers and also have healing abilities. The faeries are generally quite nice to outsiders. But they can be very clingy if they really like you. If they don’t like you they will kill you. It’s happened many times. They love to play tricks and they love beautiful humans.

    Merpeople- The merpeople don’t trust anyone lol. They are generally kind of stuck up. Though sometimes one of them (usually a young merman/maid) will spy onto land. However mermaids are seen as tasty by other species and are hunted down. So they hide themselves due to this. They can enchant other creatures but their powers weakened over the generations. They believe themselves to be the most beautiful and most of them are pretty narcissistic lol
    Ani chara- So the chara are basically animals who are half human. They have a mix. Some look more like animals others look more human. They all tend to either group up or be on their own. Most of them are hunters and will kill you if they’re very hungry (like wolves). They also have a true form which is basically they’re animal form but .. scary looking. That only happens if you severely upset or distraught a chara. Their true forms are very scary and they will hunt you down and kill you.

    Strange Humans- Okk these are the “humans” in this world. But they’re pretty messed up. Most of the humans in this world are not good. They’re either extremely manipulative or cannibals. They’re very smart but generally they’re avoided by other species. Female humans run everything and somehow they have dark magic abilities.

    There are other species which I would have to do so many pages on lol. One thing you need to remember is that Women rule over men. Now this has nothing to do with power or money.

    The women are the ones who can impregnate men. Yep. So basically women in this world while on the outside they look like typical women, they may even have breasts. They internally all have male parts. They can replicate a vagina but they don’t have ovaries or anything. A lot of the women are very very beautiful. In each species women are considered very lethal. Because depending on the woman they can either create a harem or just kidnap a man and they’re never seen again.

    The men in this world all wombs. They’re typically born with both parts but some don’t even have penises. Women can literally have a penis and a man can have a vagina. So it’s all messed up in this book lmao. The law of biology doesn’t apply here honestly.

    Cherry is the only woman who is biologically an actual woman. And that’s really bad because she might be kidnapped for this.

    Also! Women in this world are usually feared because most of them have very persuasive beauty and personalities. So if you meet a woman you run lmao.

    The plants in this world are all mixed up too. There is also plants that are highly edible but they might taste like actual shit. There are some plants that are alive and will talk to you.

    Some of the species in this world can make themselves look human. But that’s only if they’re very strong and old usually.

    There are laws laid out in this world. But at the same time there isn’t. It’s kind of just figure out a way to survive.
    There isn’t really a currency, they do have money but it’s something I’d have to really map out for you guys.
    They do have schools and towns. And shops etc. But this can go by different species.

    So I think that’s all I will say here. Going into super depth .. I would have to make another book maybe lol.

    Oh one last thing you will notice! Not just because this a yandere book but.. a lot of the species are very possessive and territorial . It’s more to do with pride. Elves and Anicharas are the worst at this . So watch out for that lol
    If you guys have any questions or comments lemme know. I hope you guys enjoy the story 🥰


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