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    Melanie pov

    I wake up at 4:30. The Time I usually wake up at home. I scan the room everyone is asleep. I jump down off my bed landing the balls of my feet leaving no sound I make my bed. I slowly open the crate and take my towel shampoo conditioner and body wash. Then Nike shorts, Nike sports bra, and a t shirt. Then socks and sneakers.

    I go to the shower room. It has grey tiled floor I put my stuff on the counter and take my towel to the shower. It has two small walls you can see my chest over it. And a thin white  curtain. I hand the towel on the wall then turn on the water. Ice cold water hits my body. But I don’t change the temperature. Im accustomed to cold.

    After my shower it’s 5. I put on my clothes and go out to the track. And see Trevor. He’s a worrier from my pack. He bows to me. I bow back.

    I run five miles. By the time I’m done most of the other alphas have come out side. It’s six twenty. I finish then go to the cafeteria. It has a buffet full of eggs sausage fruit hashbrowns and more breakfast food.

    I grab a plate and go sit in a table towards the back alone. I’m ised to being alone. I don’t need anyone. I have myself. I can count on myself. After eating a few bites a boy sits in front of me. I recognize him. He’s under my bed. His name is Lance.

    “Hey Melanie do mind if I sit here?” He asks Nicely. First time anyone has shown me any kindness here.

    “Not at all.” I answer.

    “Where were you uou this morning? You weren’t in bed this morning.” He says eating some food.

    “I took a shower and went on a run around four thirty” I answer.

    “Oh wow. Your an early bird.” He laughs.

    “Your alpha of Hudson pack. Correct?” I ask. Trying to have a normal conversation.

    “Yeah. How’d you know?”

    “I’ve read about your pack. Your pack house is very beautiful. Must be nice to live in California.” I say.

    “Yeah. Where is your pack house?”

    “Washington. It’s cold often. That why I’m so pale” I say making him laugh softly.

    “It suits you” he smiles “my friend Mars’s pack is in Washington too. You should me him.” He says looking around. “Mars! Come here!” He yells to the very attractive boy that has a bed next to mine.

    “Hi Lance hi Melanie” he greets us sitting down.

    “Teases pack is in Washington like yours.” He says.

    “Oh really?”

    “Yes. Your redstone? Right your mother is margret Rivers and your father is Jimmy Rivers.”

    “Yes. Exactly how’d you know?” He asks a little shocked.

    “I read up on your pack last summer. Your on the other side of Washington. About 5 hours away. Your pack is number two in the ranks? Quite impressive” I say finishing my food.

    “Yeah. What pack are you there’s three in Washington?” He asks

    “Alphas out side. Time to fight!” We hear over the intercom. We get up and go outside. Everyone eager to see who’s strongest. Silly alphas.

    Most go the fights end in about five minuets about five people are left. The boy who got mad last night goes up.

    “Who do you choose to fight?” The bald man who talked to me in the bunk room asks.

    “Her” he says pointing to me. I have a name. I think but keep to myself.

    “That’s not fair. She’s a girl.” He says.

    “I don’t think you know what she’s capable of.” Trevor smiles at me. I nod to him.

    “Fine.” He sighs. “You tap out when you need to.” He say I silently scoff.

    I go up to the Matt where we fight. I look him over. His stance is sloppy. He’ll fall easily me he’s still mad from last night so he’ll let anger over power him in the fight. He looks like he’s waiting for me to punch first. That’s not going to happen.

    “If your gonna start a fight you better not throw the first punch and make it a good one” I tell him some people make the “ooo” sound.

    His anger boils over. He lunged for me I grab him and throw him down making him growl loudly. He jumps up and swings at me I grab his fist and punch in between his eyes theres a small crack her grabs my waist and I grab his shoulders and pull myself out of his grasp I wrap my leg around him and grab his chin since he has no balance so we falls backwards. I twist my self so I’m on top of him his arms are behind his back because before falling he tried to grab me again so now he’s just squirming Under me. Everyone is silent.

    “Now. If you want to survive the night” I say darkly. Fear is evident in his eyes. “Your better say my name like I am your alpha” he nods his head and I stand up. He hold his nose still on the ground. I hold out my hand helping him up then dust off my clothes. I look up then everyone cheers I go over to Lance.

    “Well. I will never doubt a girl again” he laugh pulling me to him and hugging me. I feel awkward. I don’t. Receive affection often. I hear a growl and he pulls away from me. And sees Mars.

    “What’s wrong?” Lance asks him

    “Oh. My throat tickles. I guess.” He says unsure of himself. “That was awesome! I didn’t think you could fight.” I shrug.

    “Alphas. Go to the red line. We have a small course and who ever wins gets to use they’re phone!” The announcement says. They took all phones away at the beginning of camp.

    Mars gets a look of happiness. It’s just a phone.

    “On your mark. Get set. Go!” We take off running I don’t sprint. I don’t wanna use to much energy. I still am in the front with most of the alphas. Ahead of us is barbed wires close to the ground. And mud underneath. When we get to it I Drop to the ground and push my self to the end. I’m at a disadvantage. Since I have breast I have to push my self up higher so I’m not just dragging. I feel air hit my back. And something running down it. I must’ve hit the barbed wire. I don’t feel the pain. Im quite used to it. This is probably just a scratch. I continue.

    Once off the ground I run again. Three alphas ahead of me. Alpha Lance, alpha Mars and I think alpha Ryan. Silver stone pack. We come to a bunch of tires I step though them quickly. Alpha Ryan falls and curses loudly. We continue running.

    I see a rack of long poles ahead of me. And farther in front of that is a wall that has rocks on it. Oh. You have two choices. Alpha Mars looks at Lance. They shrug still running ahead of me. I grab a pole.

    I start to sprint they look at me with surprise when I fling my self over the wall and keep running.  I can no longer see them cause the wall was so tall. I see the finish line  fifty yards away and run as fast as I can. I get there in seconds. People cheer but I just look to the wall. I see alpha Mars come over he see my.

    “How the hell” he mutters under his breath. And in a minute he gets to the finish line. Lance close behind and more alphas coming over the wall

    “How are you so good. At everything?” Mars pats

    “I’m good at nothing. Just more skilled than others.” I tell him. He smirks making my body tingle. I stiffen. What’s wrong with me.

    “You all have the rest of your day to your selfs.”

    “So who are going to call first?” Lance asks me.

    “I wasn’t actually planning on using my phone.” I say holding the green hunk of metal with a apple on the back.

    “Really? I would be calling my mom right now”Mars laughs

    “Mommas boy” Lance laughs.

    “No. I’m a ‘I don’t wanna die boy’ he laughs.

    “Here. It has no use to me” I say handing him my phone which only has a playlist of my favorite music on it. I might be able to live without it.

    “No no. I couldn’t.” He says

    “Really I’d rather you have it.” I say. Putting it his hand closing his other over it. Tingles travel though my body. I know he feels it to cause when I look up to him. He looks back at me with Curiosity I look back at him with the same strange look.

    “Let’s go eat!” Lance yells breaking our trance.

    As we walk Mars steals glances at me.

    I do the same.


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