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    “Elders of the Council, there has been trespassers lately found on our property that pose a threat. The only way we can secure our safety as well as yours, is if you allow me and my pack to take certain measures in order to secure our future.” I tell the elders from the wolf council.

    Today is the day I am trying to convince the Elders to allow us to change some of the laws and bring them up to date we’ll say.

    “These aren’t the same ‘precaution measures’ that you claimed were effective before? Because we all know how that ended.” One councilman said.

    “I understand but…” I started but was stopped by the councilman again.

    “But nothing! I will not grant you that. Now if that is all, then this meeting is over.” He states as he looks at everyone, including my father who is the Alpha King and who I thought had my side but just remains silent.

    I bow my head towards them all before turning around and leaving.

    When I get back to our castle, I hear my father coming up from behind me, trying to talk to me.

    “Son!” I hear him call out.

    “I don’t wan’t to hear it.” I tell him while continuing to walk towards the study to pour myself a drink.

    “You must understand where they are coming from.” My dad says.

    Once I walk into the room, I walk up to the bar and pour myself some Brandy before turning and looking at him.

    “And YOU must understand that I am right and that you should defend me.” I fire at him before taking a drink.

    “It is not that simple.” My dad says.

    “Really? You’re the Alpha King. You can say yes or no to something.” I try and remind him.

    “You still have no idea what it means to be an Alpha King. I must think about what’s right for our kind. I can’t just go against the laws that we have had for centuries all because you want to have an excuse to fight against one of our strongest enemies there is out there and possibly create a war.” He snaps at me.

    “And what do you call what’s happening right now?” I ask him. “You and the council are so blind that you can’t see that times have changed and we need to take more serious and drastic measures.”

    “There hasn’t been a war for centuries since these laws were put in place.” He tries to explain.

    “But dad….” I try to explain while holding in my frustration I have towards him and his stubborness.

    “No buts.” He says. “Now go upstairs and get your bags. You’re plane leaves in an hour.” He says while starting to leave.

    I feel like I’m on the verge of exploding so I start storming up to my room to get my bags and start heading back towards the academy where I’ve left my sister in charge with, along with my Beta.

    I arrive the next day at the academy and head straight towards my bedroom to take a shower and get dressed to greet all the new wolves that have come to train.

    When I get done taking a shower and before putting my shirt on, I look at the mirror and stare at the huge scars from the claw marks I had gotten a few years ago when I was meant to protect my mother and sister but only could save my sister. We got attacked out of nowhere by one of our biggest enemies and though I can’t remember much of the attack except for when I was clawed deeply by the biggest werewolf I had ever seen. After he attacked me, my mother jumped onto him and that’s when the other wolves jumped on her and ripped her from limb to limb while I laid on the ground defenseless, bleeding from my deep wounds.

    So when I look at these scars, they are a reminder of that night and motivate me into becoming the strongest and most feared Alpha there is.

    I am snapped into the present when I hear a loud knock on the door.

    “Yeah?” I yell out as I put my shirt on and my pants.

    “Don’t yeah me, brother.” I hear my sister, Rachael tell me.

    I roll my eyes and walk over towards the door to open it up.

    “Hey Rachael.” I greet her sarcastically.

    “Really? I haven’t seen you in almost a year and you don’t even mind-link with me or return my calls an that’s how you greet me?” She asks with her arms crossed.

    “What do you want me to say?” I asked her while not being in the mood for her.

    “Look, I know it was a huge surprise to know that your Beta and I were mates, but we can’t argue with the Moon Goddess. Not to mention the fact that you didn’t have to act like a baby and ignore me.”

    We both glare at each other for a moment until we both couldn’t take it anymore and started cracking up while hugging each other.

    “I’m sorry.” I start to tell her.

    “It’s okay. I know how over dramatic you can be.” She jokes.

    “Shut up.” I chuckle.

    It feels great to be back here and to see my sister and pack again. Although I haven’t kept in touch with her, I have with my Beta. This feels like home to me and makes me always feel good to help other wolves grow the confidence and strength they need.

    “Oh, by the way.” She says before turning around to head downstairs.

    “What?” I asked.

    “I want you to meet someone. She’s new here and I think you might like her.” She smiles and winks at me before walking down the stairs. What did she mean? What is she even talking about? Ugh, whoever this wolf is she wants me to meet, she better be a good listener and easy to train.


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