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    My hands were tingling with excitement as I made my way towards Ken’s car. Besides the fact that it was graduation today, it was also my birthday. The nerves were so overwhelming, I hardly slept last night but my excitement overruled the nerves. If my mate was in this pack, it was inevitable that we would meet today, I would look up on the stage stare into his brown- no blue- no green- whatever colour eyes he had and faint.

    “You’re all good. Your mate is not going to reject you…” Ken reassured. He’d been doing that a lot lately. He would spontaneously mention this and oddly, it helped. I had overcome the fear of rejection.

    Who would be stupid enough to reject their mate?…

    …Hopefully not mine.

    “We’re picking up Riley on the way over, okay?” I nodded smiling happily. Riley, his mate, was in our year also which made their relationship more convenient plus, I loved Riley. She’s always really bubbly and never scowling.

    “All good.” I responded jumping into his black car. I loved his car but I am not an expert at knowing what they are. All I know is that I would really like a black mini.

    He jumped in moments after me and soon started up the car. I turned my head towards the window. It was oddly quite cloudy today but I wasn’t let that break my spirit. I was happy and no one could take that from me.

    Swiftly, we pulled up in front of Riley’s house. You could hear her perky squeal from a mile away as she started to sprint towards her mate. By now, Ken had left the car and had outstretched arms for his mate. Unfortunately – for him – she ran straight past to him and towards my window. A frown appeared in his face as she threw his a grinning smirk.

    I rolled down my window. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” She screeched. I would’ve winced but I had gotten used to the extent of the volume. I laughed at her as she pushed my present through the window. “It’s not just from me, it’s from Ken as well and also our future child when we decide to have her.”

    “Him.” Ken corrected and Riley gave him a glare.

    “Look Ken, I get to choose the gender since she comes out of my vagina. I don’t see you getting a child pulled out of you.” Ken rolled his eyes leaving a kiss on her forehead.

    “Whatever you say sweetheart.” Ken spoke gently. Riley grumbled mumbling something about mother’s intuition and that she would get a daughter over a son.

    “Anyway…” Riley started. “… I’m not pregnant yet and it’s your birthday!” She continues. “So open the gift.” She encourages as Ken wraps his arms around her waist. I rolled my eyes letting out a ‘tch’ sound.

    I opened the wrapping like a monkey opens a banana after not eating for ten days. Inside sat a laptop. My face instantly brightened at this as I reached out the window to give them a hug. It probably looked quite weird for Ken and Riley as it looks like they are hugging the car.

    “It’s so that when we are away at the Golden Moon pack, you’ll be able to Skype us.” Riley perked. “Gosh, I’m so excited.”

    Ken’s application had gone through with the Alpha and everything seemed set to go. I was offered to go along with them but I decided to hold the fort due to the fact that I hated moving and didn’t want to leave my best friend behind.

    “Okay then, that’s all good. Get in the backseat nerd.” I stuck my tongue out at him but obliged whilst carefully moving the laptop with me.

    Once we were all ready to go, we started our short journey towards the school grounds. We were jamming to some tunes and laughing to some jokes. I would miss this. I would always miss this.

    Arriving to the school, I noticed the lack of cars in the usual car park. “They’ve opened up the yard for people to park because there’s going to be a lot of cars in about an hour or so.” Ken explained. I nodded placing my laptop in the boot to avoid anyone smashing the window open to steal it.

    I kind of felt awkward standing there in my graduation outfit similarly to my brother and friend. It was kind of embarrassing but I better I’ll laugh about how lame I looked in last life but for now, live in the moment and embrace my lame, awkward self.

    “We’ve got an assembly in twenty. Riley and I are going to head to the field to check out the venue. Want to go?” I shook my head.

    “I’ll find Lucy.” I told him and he nodded.

    Lucy had always been my best friend. I was closer to her than Riley. She and always been there for me. We’d met when our parents dropped us off at the pack daycare. We’d kind of been forced to meet each other since we were both pretty much being antisocial as hell.

    I was walking through the hallway noticing some last minute pranks. They all seemed much more inferior to previous years, but some were a little funny.

    Suddenly, I was encompassed within a smell that was so attractive. My mind went into a frenzy and my body started to move without my command. The smell was indescribable. I could smell it. Taste it. I didn’t want to let it go. I wanted it to last.

    I should get a candle with this smell.

    Abruptly, I was in front of a classroom door. Immediately, I slammed it open desperate to get to that smell. I looked forward to see a back of a boy who was stiff as could be. It seemed as if he was fighting against his wolf.

    It clicked. “Mate?” I whispered quietly. He could hear. His ears perked up in acknowledgement.

    He slowly turned towards me, those brown eyes burning into my own. His rugged locks seemed to perfectly flow along with a beautiful jawline to complete the look. His face looked determined and unsure at the same time along with feelings of happiness and regret. His expressions confused me.

    I stood there frozen. Unsure of what to think of the man in front of me. He seemed to grip onto each and every table on the way towards me like he was trying to keep control of his wolf.

    “Megan.” His voice cold yet soft all at once. His eyes cloudy and seemed to be on a never-ending change in black and brown.

    My thoughts had gathered slightly as I stared ahead. This was Ace. Ace was the youngest of the Alpha family… the one that was in a three year committed relationship with someone who wasn’t their mate.

    The regret.

    The coldness.

    The internal battle between wolf and human.

    He was going to reject me.

    “No.” I screamed out. “No please. Please Ace. Don’t do this.” Tears were undeniably falling. His face kept a certain posture but his eyes were holding back emotions and I noticed water welling up slightly.

    “I’m sorry Megan.” He said to me. “I can’t just breakup with Maddie because of you. You’re my mate but she’s my love.” My heart broken. The physical pieces dropping. I felt faint. My mind couldn’t rest. The pain was caused me to grip onto my body. “You’re a great girl, you’ll find someone better. I-I-I’m sorry I disappointed you.” A year ran down his cheek as a waterfall fell down mine. Our eyes met. A battle commencing in our heads.

    “No. You can’t do this. You can’t just defy the Moon Goddess. She matched us for a reason.” I protested. I had fallen to the ground at this point. My legs couldn’t bare the pain being transferred into them.

    “I’m sorry.” He softly spoke.

    “You knew I was your mate. For eight months, you’ve known!” I gasped. “You’ve just tried to hold onto your wolf for as long as you could.”

    “My wolf isn’t going to leave me.” He denied. “Look, Megan, you’re a beautiful girl with lots of potential and I’m so sorry about this but I reject you, Megan Anders, as my mate.”

    My body erupted in pain. The bones were being smashed by an invisible force. I’d heard of pain like this but they’d never say the extent of it. Knives were thrown into my neck leaving a burning sensation my mouth dry and my legs numb as I laid there in shook.

    “You’ve got to accept it now.” Ace explained unfazed by my pain. “It’s the only way to make the pain go away.”

    Don’t accept. A voice spoke in my head. My wolf?

    “But I don’t want to accept rejection. I won’t accept your rejection.”


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